[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I sigh at their banter.
"This is for killing Lance." I send out a small jolt.
"This is for working for the opposite side." I send out a medium jolt.
"This is for being such a ****ing flirt." I send out another medium jolt.
"This is for making me fall hopelessly in love with you, even though you'll only ever love Holly." I choose not to send out anything.

I let go of Blaze's hand. "I...... needed that."
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I sigh at their banter.
"This is for killing Lance." I send out a small jolt.
"This is for working for the opposite side." I send out a medium jolt.
"This is for being such a ****ing flirt." I send out another medium jolt.
"This is for making me fall hopelessly in love with you, even though you'll only ever love Holly." I choose not I send out anything.

I let go of Blaze's hand. "I...... needed that."
I kick him in the face hard. "AND THIS IS FOR CALLING ME A CLEAN FREAK!"
I crumble to the ground with all the added pain. Once again, reality abandons me and I am left in pain's cold embrace... All I feel is pain... my eyes, unable to take anymore, slowly close and I'm gone...
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"JEAN." I walk into Sage's apartment, leaving the two of them outside.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I pause as I hear a thump, "Did Blaze just faint?"
Was it something I said? I stupidly wonder. I look at the passed out Blaze and roll my eyes. "I guess if she loves you, I might as well try and make you less of a jerk." I drag him to his room, throw him onto the sofa and run out to chase after Sai.
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(( okay))

I nod, "I don't exactly want to stick around for his replies to my statements. Especially not the last one. Well, as long as I'm anywhere but here, I doubt Blaze will find me."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Well, I might as well sleep while both my characters are knocked out. Night!)

(( night ))
My hand tightens around my car keys, "Jean, you and I both know that Orion is very precious to me. That'll never change. However, I've realized something recently. The way I love Orion is how I would love a brother, a friend. I love Blaze romantically." I shrug, "Trust me Jean, I know that Orion is the better option, believe me. It's not like Blaze would like me back anyway, he still only thinks about Holly."

I flash a weak smile at Jean, "Of everyone to fall for, I fall for the one who's crazy."

I hang my head, "At least tell me that you aren't going to kill me."
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My hand tightens around my car keys, "Jean, you and I both know that Orion is very precious to me. That'll never change. However, I've realized something recently. The way I love Orion is how I would love a brother, a friend. I love Blaze romantically." I shrug, "Trust me Jean, I know that Orion is the better option, believe me. It's not like Blaze would like me back anyway, he still only thinks about Holly."

I flash a weak smile at Jean, "Of everyone to fall for, I fall for the one who's crazy."

I hang my head, "At least tell me that you aren't going to kill me."

I listen to the story and nod, understanding. "I won't set you on fire, Sai." I smile back and give a wink. "I'm sure everything will work out alright! You could be a great couple! When you get together, you will have to invite me on a double date! But I refuse to go to anywhere that isn't clean! You got that, I don't want food poisoning again." I start to ramble on.