[RP] [Action] [Comedy] The Rise of Bangali Baba, Inc. (We Need 12 People for This)

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Captain Crazy Chicken

The bad guys are pirates?
Dec 14, 2014
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
The Plot:

Here's a touching story.

Life was relatively ordinary in the rather questionably named town of Hoboken, New Jersey; the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the local crazy cat lady had used her army of feline weaponry to shoo out the pet dog of the incredibly hot guy who lives next door to her house once again.

Until, one day, the news anchor man had told the Hobokeners [SUB]or whatever they're called[/SUB] that a new company specializing in-- and I swear, what the anchor man said is totally true-- "apparently advice for love, and also voodoo, for some reason" named Bangali Baba was new in town.

Anchor Man of Hoboken said:
This new Bangali Baba company has a phone number of (968)-085-3049, which is odd, considering most phone numbers for companies have an area code of 1-800 or 1-888, and they apparently have a website, too.

The anchor man immediately cut to a commercial for the stuff. Some people loved the hilarious Indian stereotypes like tigers, guys in turbans, and families with a LOT of children, other people were interested in taking love advice from Bangali Baba, and the weird corner of town liked the voodoo lessons.

But a team of six people hadn't expressed interest in any of this. In fact, they looked confused, and were looking into this "Bangali Baba" thing a bit more, and found some things about the strange company.

Like the company wanted to use black magic and subliminal messaging to seduce everyone into making a love potion or love spell so they could ingest it or cast it on themselves to make themselves fall in love with one random member of the company, up to and including the chairman!

And now, it's up to these six friends who have known each other since elementary school (and are now high school age) to put a stop to this madness!

The Rules:

  1. You can't be a Mary Sue who gets to save the day and not give anyone else credit for it on the SECOND POST!!
  2. You can't be a God Modder (controlling someone else) either.
  3. You need to choose which side you're on. We need 12 people. Six for the Heroes side, Six for the Bangali Baba side. You can't decide? Well, tough luck! Flip a coin!
  4. If you're trying to join and there are already 12 people? TOUGH LUCK!! Time to play as a Pedestrian or a Mook!
  5. For Heroes, one of you must be the leader. For members of Bangali Baba, one of you must be the Chairman of the Board.

The Hero Form (Copy the HTML code text):

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Appearance Inspired By (post image!):
Other Info:

The Bangali Baba Form (Copy the HTML code text):

Other Info:

Rated PG-13
By Popular Demand
Contains mild violence
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Tl;Dr, Six longtime friends put a stop to an evil black-magic-voodoo-love-potion/spell company.

So, my form is...

(I'm a hero, by the way.)

Name: Kim Anders
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Brown with slight red streaks
Eye Color: Green, owns red color contacts to look scary
Personality: Kind and bubbly, but during her mood swings, in like a lion, out like a lamb
Likes: Sushi (it's one of her favorite foods!), reality TV, campy old televised superhero shows like AdamWest!Batman, astronomy
Dislikes: Getting stung by hornets, being forced to make stupid decisions, racist/specist/prejudiced jokes
Appearance Inspired By (post image!):
(Only instead of blond streaks, my character has red streaks that are smaller, and instead of blue eyes, green)
Other Info: Has a pet cat named Mars, and lives with a roommate due to having her drivers license and a monthly mantenance wavier at the Bank of America
wait wut?

The plot is, six longtime teen buddies stop a black-magic-using Megacorp from using their evil voodoo to seduce everyone to cast a love spell on themselves.

- - - Post Merge - - -

If this idea takes off, I will probably be lurking and reading all the posts xD

Then which side are you on? Heroes? Or the nefarious Bangali Baba?
A Paraphrased version.

Life was relatively ordinary in Hoboken, New Jersey. Until, one day, apparently a love advice company with a specialty in voodoo named Bangali Baba had shown up. Six teenagers who had been friends since elementary school immediately noticed some sort of subliminal messaging in the advertising, and set out on an adventure to stop this menace.
Nah, this isn't dark enough for me. I like murdery stuffs.

[OOC: you know you still have a School Sucks character, right? Can I kill her?]
[actually no, she's just in the cupboard]
Am I not allowed to lurk?
You can, but you're not in this.

She was outside the cupboard, and she was waiting for someone's character to wake up while also being stabbed a lot. So she's dead.
maybe some ppl dont know about the spam thing tht happened in the ACNL forum
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