RP - ⚔ Daughter of Evil ♕

What is Sina doing here? I sigh, realising I have the worst luck in the world. I pretend tend to busy myself and mentally prepare a introduction should the old man find me
(Oops.xD Let's just say the roommate went inside and Sina stopped when she saw Misa outside,will edit it.:3)

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know where you lived was so bad. Princess Rin must not have been informed, I wll talk to her tomorrow about the Insurgent's living conditions. But besides that, I brought you wine, berries, amd bread... Sadly the wine bottle cracked, the berries rolled away, and most of the bread was stolen. But I still have three loaves, here you go..."Sina says, handing her the loaves of bread.
Ahri sighed and head back to her mansion. All of the royals had such huge mansion homes, however it wasn't difficult to tell which belonged to who. When she walked inside her house, she immediately walked to her food cabinet and decided to make some salad and steak. The high technology of the housewares enhanced food preparation times. Within 5 minutes, Ahri's meal was perfectly cooked.

Sitting down at the table, she watched out the window as people walked around outside even at 1 o'clock in the morning. Quietly chewing a bite of steak, she began to feel lonely.
Misa took the loaves of bread, and stared down at them in her hands. Bread was expensive, and couldn't be made from the stuff she was able to gather, so she'd never really had any before. "...Thank you Sina...." She said quietly. Maybe she isn't so bad after all? None of the other Royals ever give any of us food...
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"I'm sure you could negotiate with the princess for a home..." Byakuran turned around, starting to walk off. He cast a glance back at Angel, signaling that she could follow if she wanted to.
"That, or you could find a roommate. There's a lot of friendly people around here."

- - - - KAGARI
"I did." Kagari whispered. The woods were dangerous, maybe even more so at nightfall.
Now that they were inside, she couldn't tell whether it was evening or night anymore.
She began questioning herself whether to ask if they should leave and come back a different time; in daylight, or not.
"So, your Misa's friend?"The roommate asks the girl inside the house, pretending he cares, even though his tone says otherwise.
"You are the only Royal that's ever really been nice to me, so I guess you're good," Misa smiled at Sina. "Want to come inside? It's not much of a house, but it's the best I have to offer, so..."
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Finishing up her dinner, Ahri got into her Dauntless outfit. She decided that she wanted to go to the bar and get a few drinks, since she had the money for basically anything she wanted. Perhaps someone would even talk to her. She walked out the door and locked her house, and then she remembered that she forgot her Allemantheia ID, that showed she was of upper class. Fixing the seal on her clothing, she made her way to the bar.
"Okay, may I join you for dinner? Of course I won't take any of your food, but talking over the dinner table would be nice,"she chuckles.
"I don't see why not, come in," Misa said, opening the door and holding it open for Sina. I guess refilling the water can wait a while...
"I'm sure if you made a nice friend, they'd offer at some point."
Byakuran looked up at the sky. He guessed now it was pretty late at night.
"Seems pretty late. We should probably split up now." he suggested. Today had been a long day, with the trials of the princess.
"Thank you,"she says, entering the house. "This is a nice-house...I'll talk to Princess Rin about this too,"she nods.
"...You do realise that people have tried to talk to her about this before, right? Most ended up being executed..."
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"Yeah... Well I'll be seeing you" I then flew off to the church, landing right as the bell rang.
"God dammit!" I yelled, my voice echoing.
Silver watched the trees for some sort of creature, curious of what made that noise. A black flame began to flicker in his hand, which, instead of a normal fire, seemed to drain away the light. Attempting to keep it hidden, he stared into the dark, attempting to see the creature. He growled to himself. It's probably just a little, weak creature... why am I so bothered by it?
"I'm sure those are just rumours,"Sina laughs. "If not i'l see you at my execution,"Sina says jokingly.