RP - ⚔ Daughter of Evil ♕

Guy in the middle. Ignore the swords behind him :lemon:
Name: Fortis
Age: 19
Gender: M
Royal or Insurgent?*: Insurgent
Personality: Reserved and shy. Willing to use violence, but only when threatened, which is why he stands up to the cause: he feels threatened
Shifting Animal (optional): None
Weapon (only if you do not shift): A poison-injected blade, wielded with two hands
Talents: Good at art, actually with his hands in general, and can act under pressure
Flaws: Mute. Can hear, but doesn't talk due to being born with a disorder that makes it impossible for him to form words. Carries a notebook to express feelings. A little clumsy due to the disorder as well.
Other: I promise I'm not trolling, despite how the "mute" part might be an issue, I feel like it'll add something.

I assume I'll have to wait until Leela or Ahri gets back online...right?


let me add it to the member list. I'll crop the picture for you.

also, wanna RP with luka once I've added it?)
Silver said nothing, staring at the lion. The light flame and dark flame flickered, switching between their colours to black to white, and white to black. "Yes." He laughed, letting the fires mix. The whole thing flared up, becoming a strange ball of fire, fighting to create or destroy the light. In an instant, the flame disappeared. After a few seconds of silence, it began to storm. But it didn't storm water... it stormed fire. A rainbow coloured jet of fire shot down at the lion, other flames dancing around the inferno. It was a very small storm, not enough to do serious damage... which, unfortunately for the lion, didn't apply.
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Silver said nothing, staring at the lion. The light flame and dark flame flickered, switching between their colours to black to white, and white to black. "Yes." He laughed, letting the fires mix. The whole thing flared up, becoming a strange ball of fire, fighting to create or destroy the light. In an instant, the flame disappeared. After a few seconds of silence, it began to storm. But it didn't storm water... it stormed fire. A rainbow coloured jet of fire shot down at the lion, other flames dancing around the inferno. It was a very small storm, not enough to do serious damage... which, unfortunately for the lion, didn't apply.

- - - - KAGARI
Kagari watched in silence, feeling stunned and dumbfounded by how beautiful she felt the flames were.
Such bright and vivid colors; this was a perfect example of the work done by a talented mage.
It was so mesmerizing, the purple-haired girl felt almost like touching it with her hand. But she knew better, she knew to keep her distance. Beautiful things could be dangerous; like a rose. A soft and delicate flower, with sharp thorns that could cause damage if contact was made.
Kagari shook her head, clearing her thoughts. She tossed five shuriken into the fire blindly, hoping for a hit. If the lion was being harmed by the flames, then this may be the perfect time to try and hit it; provided that her shuriken wouldn't burn up in the process.
Misa saw two people coming in from the outskirts as she was heading out. One was definitely a Royal, though she'd never seen the other around, and he didn't seem to have a seal on his clothing. She looked down at the ground as she walked, not looking at them since she doubted the Royal would be as friendly as Sina. As she passed the pair, she tripped over a raised stone along the path, and fell to the ground, right next to them. Oh God, how awkward...
The flames engulfed the lion, the lion getting hit by the shurikens. As the Lion roared and ran around, clearly in horrible pain, it let out one last whimper, like a small puppy, and collapsed to the floor, the dark and light barely illuminating the corpse without having it be bright or dark, the shurikens covered in blood. As blood dripped out of the creature, Silver stared at it, the storm of fire stopping. "I think it's dead...?" Silver said, staring at the corpse, barely recognizable as a lion, the white fur matted red with blood.
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- - - Post Merge - - -

(I must have missed your sign up form, do you remember what page it was on? :))

(in case anyone hasn't noticed yet, these are the seals:


(Page 62)
Ken jumped. "Huh?" He looked down to find a girl on the ground. He reached out his hand and smiled.
Name: Roxie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Royal or Insurgent?* (optional): Insurgent
Place of Residence (setting): Insurgent district
Personality: load and hate the royals always hunting for food and likes to spy on people
Powers (no shifters, max 2 powers): invisible and mind control
Talents: can hide in small place easy
Flaws: is to load at times
(appearance) :
"Allemantheia huh?" Ken continued to follow Ahri. "These people don't look too happy, what's wrong?" Just looking at their gloomy faces made him want to cry.

Ahri looked at him as he seemed to grow upset.
"Well, lots of them are poverty ridden as this is the housing for people who don't agree, also known as insurgents." She showed him all the people who didn't even have homes, some sat in makeshift houses from scraps and the food carts had barely anything on them.
Ken jumped. "Huh?" He looked down to find a girl on the ground. He reached out his hand and smiled.

Misa looked up, as saw the unknown man holding out a hand to her. She hesitantly took it, using it to get up. "Th-Thanks..." She said quietly, not knowing whether he was actually friendly or not.
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"No problem." He smiled. Ahri showed Ken all of the homeless and their conditions. "Ugh. I can't look." He turned the other way. "I think I'm about done here. Wait a minute, I still don't even have a place to stay. Have a spare cardboard box?" He chuckled, then realizing what he did, he sighed.
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The flames engulfed the lion, the lion getting hit by the shurikens. As the Lion roared and ran around, clearly in horrible pain, it let out one last whimper, like a small puppy, and collapsed to the floor, the dark and light barely illuminating the corpse without having it be bright or dark, the shurikens covered in blood. As blood dripped out of the creature, Silver stared at it, the storm of fire stopping. "I think it's dead...?" Silver said, staring at the corpse, barely recognizable as a lion, the white fur matted red with blood.

- - - - KAGARI
Kagari held her breath and watched as the lion ran around, before dropping dead to the ground.
"Yeah." she agreed, as she felt a shiver run up her spine. They could have died.
But what ever happened to the man who helped them out? Either way, the lion was gone now, just a sad lifeless body that stained the mysterious forest. Slowly and carefully she made her way over to the corpse, plucking her shuriken from it and rubbing them as clean as she could on her skirt. "...I'm.. sorry for.. getting.. you into this." Kagari said, after she had finished collecting them all and had returned back to his side.
Ahri looked around, and then back to him.
"Yeah.. I don't know what to do though. You don't have to live here, just choose your side wisely. This is just the worst, the houses are... 'Decent.'"

let me add it to the member list. I'll crop the picture for you.

also, wanna RP with luka once I've added it?)
(If you mean take control of that character, then yes.)


Fortis headed into the meadows, and sat on a stump. Looking to his left, he saw the city walls and maybe one or two people going in and out, and a rabbit, which disappeared into the woods. Suddenly, a roar came to the presence of him, in that same direction. One could only presume that the rabbit suffered a terrible fate. Shame, shame. He picked off a tulip and began drawing the lines and curves of the tulip and its stem.
"It's fine. That was fun!" He laughed, staring at the corpse of the lion, which already had small creatures getting ready to eat the dead lion, and there was nothing the lion could do about it. Small bits of gore came out from the cuts that the shuriken created. The fire stopped burning as the flames in his hands disappeared, causing his left eye to glow white, and his right eye to glow black briefly, before retaining his pale blue eyes, causing the symbol on his hoodie to glow in the same way as his eyes.
Misa stepped a few steps away from the person who had helped her up, watching him and the Royal converse. She suspected they were talking about the insurgent district, from little bits she'd picked up.
"Well I have no where to go." He put his hands on his hips. "Can we just get this ID and seal thing over with?"
"It's fine. That was fun!" He laughed, staring at the corpse of the lion, which already had small creatures getting ready to eat the dead lion, and there was nothing the lion could do about it. Small bits of gore came out from the cuts that the shuriken created. The fire stopped burning as the flames in his hands disappeared, causing his left eye to glow white, and his right eye to glow black briefly, before retaining his pale blue eyes, causing the symbol on his hoodie to glow in the same way as his eyes.

- - - - KAGARI
Kagari watched Silver for a moment longer before speaking. "...You.. were really.. amazing back there."
She was relieved that he hadn't blamed her for what had happened. Although the lavender-haired girl wouldn't have used the word 'fun' to explain the experience herself, if he enjoyed it, then she guessed it didn't really matter. She tucked the multiple shuriken into her pocket, along with her dagger, then straightened her posture.
"Oh! ...I haven't.. even learned.. your name, after all... of this," Kagari opened her lavender eyes wider, and extended out her hand to him warmly. "...I'm Kagari."
"Thanks! You were amazing too!" He said happily. "Silver." He smiled, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you, Kagari." He said, occasionally glancing back at the corpse of the lion, watching it be eaten by animals. Most of them were hidden behind the corpse, like rats, mice, and even insects.
"Well I have no where to go." He put his hands on his hips. "Can we just get this ID and seal thing over with?"

"Come with me then. I'll show you to the registration office." Ahri said, beginning to walk towards the hall in the royals section of the town. As the town transitioned to the upper class, it was visually obvious how the others were treated.