RP - ⚔ Daughter of Evil ♕

(Can we just forget the drama ever happened? It's just a forum RP as Ahri said, we're just here to enjoy roleplaying)


I wake up from where I was sleeping in the dry grass. I see someone in the meadow, with pink hair. 'I should say hi!' I think, and jog over to greet her. I stop behind her and catch my breath. "H-hi!" I pant.


"Oh, uh, hi!" said Luka, surprised to find that a random girl had seemingly materialised behind her. "I'm Luka. Who are you? I don't think I've seen you around before." Luka gestured for the girl to sit beside her.
(ok honestly, can i seriously talk to Byakuran for once without someone interrupting. he's coming to find me to talk. it's growing old now.)
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I grin and sit beside her. "I'm Miku. I live in the forest, and I don't come to the kingdom area much. Usually I'm pretty alone, unless someone comes and sits in the meadow. Nice to meet you," I say, trying to control my burst of excitement.
Fortis noticed that she was giving me a funny look. Casual. He holds up a finger as a gesture for her to hold on, and write, "I can't talk. Mute from birth."
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(Can we just forget the drama ever happened? It's just a forum RP as Ahri said, we're just here to enjoy roleplaying)


"Oh, uh, hi!" said Luka, surprised to find that a random girl had seemingly materialised behind her. "I'm Luka. Who are you? I don't think I've seen you around before." Luka gestured for the girl to sit beside her.

[I thought we did, you're the only one talking about it now. :U]

Rio ran through the city streets, knocking over anything in his path.
Byakuran paused as he heard a voice behind him, and he turned around to spot Angel.
"Oh, greetings." He said, giving a glance back to the forest where Ahri was. Then, he noticed her bloody arms. "...Are you alright? You're... bleeding."
"It's just blood. Do you know how to make rose water? Kinda important that I get some..." I said, glancing at my arms.
Silver stared at the sky when they had finally exited the forest. It looked like it had just gotten dark again. He then realized how dark the forest was. He expected a forest to be dark, blocking out all the light, but it had been light for a while, so he was incredibly surprised to see how the forest blocked out all the light even in the brightest time of day. He smiled, surprised they survived that beast of a lion.

I grin and sit beside her. "I'm Miku. I live in the forest, and I don't come to the kingdom area much. Usually I'm pretty alone, unless someone comes and sits in the meadow. Nice to meet you," I say, trying to control my burst of excitement.

Luka smiled as Miku tried to contain her excitement, but didn't do a very good job. "Wow, you must get pretty lonely in there" Luka said, gazing at the dense trees. "You know, that area is mostly unexplored for us in the kingdom. It's full of dark magic and who-knows-what. Do you live by yourself?"

Luka then thought back to her conversation with Xavier yesterday. They had briefly discussed exploring the woods, but they had never acted upon it. Luka looked up at the excited blue-haired girl beside her. I wonder...
(Nah aiyoko was otp)
"Nice to meet you too," Misa smiled. He seemed alright, unlike a lot of people who lived in the kingdom.
Ahri continued to consume the energy, feeling better and having her killer instinct die down a bit. She observed his lifeless face, still warm but not working. Rest in peace. She thought to herself, always feeling some remorse once she was no longer hungry.
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Luka smiled as Miku tried to contain her excitement, but didn't do a very good job. "Wow, you must get pretty lonely in there" Luka said, gazing at the dense trees. "You know, that area is mostly unexplored for us in the kingdom. It's full of dark magic and who-knows-what. Do you live by yourself?"

Luka then thought back to her conversation with Xavier yesterday. They had briefly discussed exploring the woods, but they had never acted upon it. Luka looked up at the excited blue-haired girl beside her. I wonder...

I frowned. "Yeah...But I have the animals to talk to, and the babbling brook..." My voice trailed off, and I mumbled, "And I have the flowers..." I shook my head, no one should know about that.

"Yeah, I've found some pretty weird stuff in there. Lots of weird rocks and different coloured gems. The gems are nice to use for jewelry."

"Yes, I live by myself. I was brought up by dwarfs or something, I can't remember because a year ago something happened that broke my memory, and I can't remember much since then. All I know is that I'm somehow here. I have no clue where I came from, or even if I'm human. I could be some fairy-type thing. But I digress. Do you live in the kingdom?" I finish, and scoot a little closer to her. I look across the meadow and see a patch of flowers, and my mind goes wild. I try to stop my mind from controlling the flowers, but they twist and turn, creating a spiral shape. 'Crap,' I think. 'She'll surely see that, if she didn't already hear my mumbling...'
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"Of course." Byakuran murmured, although he wasn't so sure she was really okay.
"I've made it a couple times in the past," he stated, plucking a paper and pen out of his back pocket and quickly jutting down some simple instructions. When he finished, he held the paper out to her. "This should be all you need to know."

- - - - KAGARI
Kagari sighed in relief as they had finally exited the dense forest. It seemed rather late in the day again, although she didn't mind.
"...Next time, I'm preparing myself... before going in there." Kagari commented bitterly, although she giggled afterwards.
Maybe with a flashlight, or more weaponry. Anything that would help.
"Thanks!" I gladly took the paper, scanning it. "Now I can work on my sacrifices..." I murmured to myself. "Well I gotta go make this, so uh bye!" With that, I flew away, flying towards the church.
I frowned. "Yeah...But I have the animals to talk to, and the babbling brook..." My voice trailed off, and I mumbled, "And I have the flowers..." I shook my head, no one should know about that.

"Yeah, I've found some pretty weird stuff in there. Lots of weird rocks and different coloured gems. The gems are nice to use for jewelry."

"Yes, I live by myself. I was brought up by dwarfs or something, I can't remember because a year ago something happened that broke my memory, and I can't remember much since then. All I know is that I'm somehow here. I have no clue where I came from, or even if I'm human. I could be some fairy-type thing. But I digress. Do you live in the kingdom?" I finish, and scoot a little closer to her. I look across the meadow and see a patch of flowers, and my mind goes wild. I try to stop my mind from controlling the flowers, but they twist and turn, creating a spiral shape. 'Crap,' I think. 'She'll surely see that, if she didn't already hear my mumbling...'

Luka listened intently to Miku, but was distracted as Miku seemed to be concentrating on something. She followed her eye line and saw a patch of flowers grow out of control.

'Did you do that?!" Luka gasped. She quickly shook it off; she might seem rude if she ignored Miku's question. "Oh, and yes, I live in the kingdom. Unfortunately I can't afford to live in a fancy house or anything. The area I live in is quite run-down... but it's home."

"Hey, I was wondering - do you think you could maybe take me into the woods? I kind of want to go in there but I'm scared to enter alone." Luka hoped she hadn't come across as too eager. Although, judging by how lively Miku was, Luka certainly wasn't going to come across the excitable one of the duo.