RP - ⚔ Daughter of Evil ♕

Ahri looked at her hair once more and then changed back to her usual outfit, the red and white dress.
"Shall we get out of here? Air is sort of chilly." She said, gesturing for him to follow her to the outskirts and walk there.
"Ever wonder what's up in those mountains?"
(That's PPP4.)

He walks into the house, and began making himself some pasta. While he waited for the stove to heat up, he prepared the sauce and got myself some fruit juice. When it was ready, he finished making the meal and ate it. Satisfied, he walked up to my room, where his prized sword lay. He pulled out the journal that was kept inside a safebox, put a date on it, and wrote about his day. I made a drawing of a tulip today, albeit I wish that I had some of those colored pencils with me...no, those must stay here, too valuable. I met someone new today. Her name is Misa. She seemed friendly enough, and claimed to have a roommate named Sam. Tells me two things. 1 - For starters, it shows how much taxes the damn royals make us plebians pay, and 2 - Sam sounds like a small guy. I just don't know what's leading me to that conclusion though...oh well. Time will tell. He puts it away, and walks over to his bed, and reads a novel.
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"She randomly jumped on my head. I don't know anything else." He said, staring at the houses, which were easily visible from the wall.
Byakuran walked after her, nodding his head in agreement.
"Too chilly for comfort."
He straightened his posture, tucking his hands into his pockets as they made their way out of the forest.
It was getting rather late, soon enough the kingdom would be settling down for bed.
"To be honest, I have. I'd guess nobody's been there, yet."

- - - - KAGARI
"...Oh, I see." She would have expected they knew each other, with the familiarity she had shown him.
On a different note, Kagari realized something she had been unaware of this entire time; she didn't know whether Silver was Royal or Insurgent. Surely, the symbol would be noticeable on his clothes somewhere.
Although, Kagari found it rude to check him for it, so she simply decided to ask. "...Where.. do you live?"
I could hear two people walking towards me. I quietly folded up my wings, my eyes still closed. 'Probably Byakuran and his friend' I thought to myself.
"Yeah, I figured. Anyways, want to come back to my place? We can eat or something." Ahri offered as they approached the Kingdom walls, the guards eyeing their seals. She hoped he didn't think her offer was weird. He seemed to like her, and she thought he was extremely fun and interesting, also charming for what she's seen of him so far.
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Expecting Sam to return some time soon, Misa started to preparing food for him and herself. Evidently he had been hunting earlier in the day, as there was a recently slain rabbit on the table, which she prepared to cook. What's with meeting new people recently? Fortunes seems friendly, and I recently met Sina and Emery too, no one around here that I'd met before ever seemed this nice... She thought.

Luka excitedly looked at the forest. "Yes, let's go now!" she said quickly. Luka then turned to Miku and noticed her looking down at the ground. "Are you okay, Miku? Is something wrong?"


I look up to meet Luka's gaze. "Oh! Sorry, I must have um...what's the word? Ah! Spaced out. Yes. We can go now!" I say, my cheeks flushing redder.

I look up to meet Luka's gaze. "Oh! Sorry, I must have um...what's the word? Ah! Spaced out. Yes. We can go now!" I say, my cheeks flushing redder.

"Great!" Luka began walking briskly towards the woods, dragging Miku behind her.

"Oh, maybe on second thoughts, you should lead the way." Luka said embarrassed, drawing back so Miku could show her where to go.

- - - Post Merge - - -

[sure, want to run into Len?]

(they're both servants of the princess (well angel kind of is anyway) so that could be fun :3)
(Insurgents, we have a spill in Aisle 4.)

Suddenly, Fortis heard a ruckus from the street. People were shouting, which shouldn't be happening this late at night. It could only mean one thing: looters. They were smashing windows just a block down, taking everything they could find from us. He acted quickly, grabbing his sword, extinguishing the lights and hiding near the front door.
"Great!" Luka began walking briskly towards the woods, dragging Miku behind her.

"Oh, maybe on second thoughts, you should lead the way." Luka said embarrassed, drawing back so Miku could show her where to go.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(they're both servants of the princess (well angel kind of is anyway) so that could be fun :3)
I chuckle. "Yeah...That might be best." I wink, and we walk side by side. (that isn't god-modding is it?)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(How about Len finds Angel in the field?)


I walk around the field, and lie down on my back. "Mmm..." I breathe in, relaxing in the soft, dry grass.
(Insurgents, we have a spill in Aisle 4.)

Suddenly, Fortis heard a ruckus from the street. People were shouting, which shouldn't be happening this late at night. It could only mean one thing: looters. They were smashing windows just a block down, taking everything they could find from us. He acted quickly, grabbing his sword, extinguishing the lights and hiding near the front door.

(>was going to go off soon
>not anymore!)

Misa heard shouting from outside, seemingly a few streets away. Curious about what all the commotion was, she summoned her staff and headed outside to have a look. Oh great, we have looters again... She thought. She went to the second floor, where she slept, and from there climbed up onto the flat roof for a better view of what was happening.
Hearing something next to me, I slowly sit up, turning around. Seeing a person, I quickly fold my wings. 'Who the heck is this person...? I wonder if he's dead!' I think to myself.
Hearing something next to me, I slowly sit up, turning around. Seeing a person, I quickly fold my wings. 'Who the heck is this person...? I wonder if he's dead!' I think to myself.

I hear rustling and turn over. A few feet away, I can see a red-haired girl with feathered wings. 'Beautiful,' I breathe. I stand up and go over to her. "Hey. I'm Len. What's your name?" I ask, grinning.
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After napping for quite some time as he usually did, Ken woke up and realized what time it was. "It's already dark?! I guess she's out somewhere." He got up, stretched his muscles and left the porch, dropping his key. As he walked he notice tears and rips on his shirt. "Sure hope there's a tailor around here.
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