RP - ⚔ Daughter of Evil ♕

(Should I controll the guards right now...)

(Yes, if you need to :))

"Anything without blood, your majesty." I replied, doing a small bow to her.

♛ The Princess~
in the Palace Courtyard

'A reasonable request'. The princess glanced over at a display of silverware. 'You could start by cleaning the silver. Some more tea would be excellent, too. Just make sure you don't spill any. I can't have a clumsy girl working in my palace'.
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Xavier was walking out of the courtyard, disgusted by the princess.
"Raunchy *****." He whispered to himself.
The guards weren't fooled by Jaxon's flimsy disguise. They took her up to meet with the princess.
(Thanks :))

I sit on a high up roof gazing over the city and the castle that towers over me. I think about the turmoil that lies in every nook and cranny of the place, not that it bothers me. This city has never really cared about me but I don't need it too.
♛ The Princess~
in the Palace

More guards came into the room.

'Can one not get any peace tonight?!' the princess yelled. 'What is it you need now?' The guard explained that another traitor had been captured.

'Just throw her in the cell with the other one!' she ordered. 'Now get out of here. And you, new girl, can feed the horses when you're finished with that polishing'.

(I have to go now)
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(Bye Leela!)

Dustin watched as the person who had helped him was escorted down to the dungeon too."We aren't going to die. We just need to think of a way out. Even if it means begging, doing whatever she wants and says, and acting nice to the girl,"he says.
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I jump of the building and turn into a hawk mid fall. I follow the curves of the streets and land then turn back into my human form. I watch the crowds, I notice someone crying and think of a story that explains their emotions, although I'm not really interested but it keeps away the boredom.
Ahri frowned.
"What do you mean? That person tried to begin an uprising. As long as we don't disturb the princess she is extremely nice to us. Is it too much to ask for? I don't think so, especially for what she does for us." She said, looking as if he was stupid.

- - - - BYAKURAN
"Of course not." Byakuran shook his head quickly.
"I just mean the crowd was rather... wild. Everyone screaming, running." he shrugged with this, glancing around.
"Now we just need to get the offer to the princess before our execution..."He says. "Do you think you can grab the attention of the guards?"Dustin asks.
"Well they just don't agree." Ahri smiled at him, he was extremely alluring without much effort.
"Do you expect them to? People just don't learn."

(Can you bump into Xavier)
"Hmp, do you?" I roar and growl as loud as possible.
"Sometimes being a polar bear comes in handy." I smirked, showing my giant canines.
(I just added Emery to the character list by the way. If anyone wants to make a second or third character when I'm gone, you don't have to wait until I accept it to start using it. If a new person wishes to join, I guess Chrome Dokuro or Ahri can accept them if I'm not here (I've known them the longest, so they get to do it lol)

I turn away and head into the crowd, maybe something interesting will happen. Maybe it won't, probably the latter.

(I can roleplay but I'm not sure how to meet anyone)