Ruin a Movie!

Same thing. It’s the crappy Dingo Pictures version instead.

Star Wars Episode II?
It’s a tutorial showing you how to get them to sit, stay, roll over etc.

Ewoks: The Battle For Endor
Just like in Episode VI, Stormtroopers show up, but the Ewoks beat them like it was nothing. And just like in Return of the Jedi, I don’t think most people watching would like that.

Speaking of which, Star Wars Episode VI?
Stormtroopers actually hit and kill all the Ewoks; imprison Luke, Yoda and the gang; and the empire rises again into a new dark age.


Movie over. Guess Vader & Palpatine taught the generals amazing combat tactics after all!
By the way, episodes VII to IX were shoehorned in 'cause balt didney wanted more STORY!!!1

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Replace Indiana Jones with the lead singer of Nickelback. Instead of a whip he has his signature photograph frame.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Homer doesn't do anything stupid. Springfield doesn't get zoned off by the EPA. There's no pitchforks, death threats to the Simpson family, or Spider-Pig subplot. The only thing remotely wrong that we see in the film is the scene I cannot explain where Bart skateboards across town. He gets put into detention, which sets his mind straight, and the rest of the film is a PSA about the dangers of committing indecent exposure. Lesson learned: no shirt, no shoes, and especially no pants will lead to no service.

Beverly Hills Cop
It's about a cop who lives in Beverly Hills and forgets his job because of how many donut shops there are. The end.

Why should the movie be normal and about a superhero? The music finder app also called Shazam is way cooler, so that’s what this movie is going to be about now. The life of the music app Shazam.

Back to the Future I
When Marty goes back to the future, he overshoots the date and ends up in March 2020. He tries to find Doc, but Doc is now in a retirement home and Marty can’t see him due to Covid protocols.

The elephant is actually dumb. He can’t fly because he doesn’t know how to. It was an acceptable film back in 1940, but definitely wouldn’t be accepted by moral rights groups today.

Saturday Night Fever
John Travolta gets a fever on a Saturday night and just lays in bed, watching TV.

Water for Elephants
Instead of having any actual humans in it, it's just a nature documentary about elephants in the near-Savannah wetlands and how their water sources are drying up.

Inside Out
It's just a movie about a dark, empty museum at night with security guards roaming around. Nothing interesting happens; it's another plain old ordinary shift for the guards.

I'll ruin it myself because I love this thread
Turns out, Annie faked having a "hard knock life" by pulling off the biggest donation scam of all time. She was found guilty and sentenced to 50 years in prison. Now that's the real way to live a "hard knock life"!

Jurassic Park
The dinosaurs decide to make friends with the humans and they learn human speech, and everyone sings kumbaya and dances into the sunset.

Kingsman: The Secret Service