Ruin a Movie!

Turns out, the college is located in Punxsutawney, PA. That's why serial killers have a hard time keeping their victims dead.

Bad Boys (1995)
That old lady is completely oblivious to what her tenant does full-time. Bank heists are performed without the lady questioning her tenant or his gang's behaviors whatsoever. The movie ends in a huge musical number on why you should not trick elderly people.

Pretty in Pink
You thought this was going to be a romantic film about a girl in high school dating someone outside their social sphere that's also kind of fun? Well think again, Pretty in Pink is a film about how Spongebob Squarepants woke up one day with pink shorts on instead of his usual. Everyone in Bikini Bottom thought he looked pretty, thus the movie title. However, Patrick didn't seem to like it for some reason...

Uh, Terminator: Dark Fate
Turns out, robots can age! The T-801 is regulated to a walker, and the whole movie is about Sarah Connor nursing him in the psychiatric ward. The Dark Fate? I'll leave that to your imagination...

A Hard Day's Night
The Beatles have had a hard day's night. They get tired of these restless nights and decide to blow up the Earth. The end.

San Andreas
Alice from The Brady Bunch suddenly gets transported to Manhattan 2024 and doesn't know wtf is going on.

The Watchers
A mom becomes obsessed with serial numbers. No, really. She needs these numbers to be very specific, otherwise the products she buys will “harm” her baby.

Donnie Darko gets a job at a law firm, but no one takes him seriously for how often he wants the defendants dead.

48 Hrs.
A social experiment of two kids wearing their clothes inside out for a week and seeing if anyone notices.

Unlike what you would think it would be, it's actually just a five-hour-long documentary about a red vase and its historical origins.

Moana 2
Oh why do I have to do Moana I know nothing about it
Islanders Learn Good Manners: The Movie

Liar Liar
Just take out Jim Carrey and the movie is 10x worse.

The Joker (2019)
It's an arthouse film about a depressed clown dancing to news talk radio. This somehow motivates him to rob banks.

Police Academy