RuPaul's Drag Race

Ugh, I'll just wait to watch season 8, so I can find it in high quality without commercials. Binge-watching is much more fun. Of course, with my sister and friend who watch the show around, spoilers are a given, but the fine details will be nice when I can watch the season.

someone hasn't found good sites ;)

why do you have a harvest moon avatar
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Now sissy that walk



Has anyone else seen the makeover challenge leak?

Reddit spoiled like the first half of this season for me. The lip syncs so far haven't been amazing but I expect that to change soon once it gets down to the nitty gritty. I wanna see Chi Chi, Bob, and Derrick lip sync just because I know they will eat a stage.

I like a lot of the queens this season and to keep this spoiler free, I've been rooting for Thorgy, Bob, Kim, Chi Chi, and Cynthia after watching episode 1. I want Acid Betty to stay around for as long as possible because even though I don't want her to win she's a ****-starter and slays the runway every episode.

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I see a lot of people comparing Betty to Phi Phi, and I'm pretty iffy on it. Phi Phi was just an awful *****

Phi Phi is fierce now. Check out her 365 days of drag.

KIMMY JONG UN. KIM CHI OH MY GOD I JUST KEPT REPEATING "nooo noo noo" she's amazing but we didn't get nearly enough of it

Bob won snatch game yaaaasss

"Derrick Barry you are safe" ughhhhhhh

Acid Betty is such a **** "I did bad at snatch game but snatch gamer sucks" ***** please

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KIMMY JONG UN. KIM CHI OH MY GOD I JUST KEPT REPEATING "nooo noo noo" she's amazing but we didn't get nearly enough of it

Bob won snatch game yaaaasss

"Derrick Barry you are safe" ughhhhhhh

Acid Betty is such a **** "I did bad at snatch game but snatch gamer sucks" ***** please
I just wanted to share that the other night I had a dream that my coworker, me and HILLARY CLINTON, we on a new Ru Paul show called Ru Paul's Drag Camp and it was like Drag University mixed with like Survivor? Cause there were a bunch of challenges and I remember me and the other girls were in the big pool collecting these things for points and Ru Paul and a panel of drag queens were narrating and stuff and it was funny, and after the competition was over we had to dress up and do out make-up and stuff and go out for judging and Hillary had done her make-up really bad and it was red GREEN and blue, and I was like, "What did you run out of white or something?" And she smiled and was like "I just wanna look good for those girly boys." or something and I was like wtf. it was a wild ride from start to finish and I need that show to be real now OK?
So snatch game….
-Made me fall in love with Thorgy even more, which I didnt think was possible.
-Bob doing Crazy Eyes was everything!
-Acid really let me down, I totally thought she could pull off Nancy. Even though she was a *****, Im kinda sad she's gone because she was in the top every challenge.
-I thought Chi Chi deserved to be in the top.
I forced all my friends to watch Ru Paul's Drag Race on my 17th birthday ahahaha. I am proud to say they love Adore and Bianca just as much as I do c:
Derrick is like Willam, minus everything that made Willam likable.

Naomi looked so good though! Same with Thorgy, and Kim Chi.
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Derrick and Kim frustrate me so much!
Kim should've lip-synced in the 2nd episode where her lips weren't in sync and her dance moves sucked, thank god she looks ****ing amazing. Derrick...(lol no)
Derrick and Kim frustrate me so much!
Kim should've lip-synced in the 2nd episode where her lips weren't in sync and her dance moves sucked, thank god she looks ****ing amazing. Derrick...(lol no)

That's the thing about Kim, her looks are FOR THE GODS.

Next episode is the ball, where they design 3 looks, and I know either her or Naomi is gonna slay that.

Bob Kim Naomi (or Chi[sup]2[/sup]) for the crown