This final three has me very whelmed.
This one has me underwhelmed lmao
This final three has me very whelmed.
This final three has me very whelmed.
The producers know that this year's winner will not be as big as the past few winners and they're okay with that.
About the multiple winner tapings, they do that every year. During Season 6, they even taped all four of the Top 4 being eliminated and sashaying away. Nobody knew if they were in the Top 3 until the show actually aired and it was Darienne who ended up getting the boot.
All three have a chance of winning, all that's been said is that none of them will likely be as popular as past winners (such as Bianca Del Rio).So does that mean Pearl and Violet have a chance of winning and Ginger doesnt?
It must suck because waiting that long to find out if you've made it is too much.
All three have a chance of winning, all that's been said is that none of them will likely be as popular as past winners (such as Bianca Del Rio).
And I know that the waiting gave Courtney Act a lot of anxiety.
Check out what Bianca will be wearing during the reunion/finale crowning:
I would've like Ginger but her attitude is bad. I understand it's a competition and all but honestly ever since the last untucked you saw her true color. We don't need a fake backstabbing queen to win. The editing shouldn't be an excuse anymore.
I give Ginger a bit of credit for feeling bad about it, and trying to apologize (even though she didn't apologize so much as justify). Some people are like that, they push you under the bus to save themselves. SMH. I wouldn't be able to like myself if I did that.
I agree about Kennedy being more deserving. She surprised me a few times. She had high highs and low lows though, so IDK if I could support her winning overall. It was sad to see her go though, she tried really hard.
And as for Violet, her confidence came off as *****iness and as if she felt she was superior to everyone, so I had a hard time at first with her too. But now I really want to learn from her confidence. I like how she said "no one else was going to believe in me, so I had to do it myself"...good for her for that, I wish I'd thought that way when I was her age.
At this point I see it between Violet and Pearl who wins. Violet has more to offer plus she already came out with some new item. Rumor has it her and Pearl will be releasing music.