there is a buggish thing when i go to the shop tab, not sure if anyone else is having this issue or if its just me
It happened to me as well but then I refreshed and it was gone.
there is a buggish thing when i go to the shop tab, not sure if anyone else is having this issue or if its just me
It happened to me as well but then I refreshed and it was gone.
sorry i should have said it happens to me on the abd page
sorry i should have said it happens to me on the abd page
The search engine is bugged and broken. I've refreshed and still is broken.
sorry i should have said it happens to me on the abd page
Warning: Declaration of vBForum_Item_SocialGroupMessage::getLoadQuery() should be compatible with that of vB_Model::getLoadQuery() in ..../packages/vbforum/item/socialgroupmessage.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of vBForum_Item_SocialGroupDiscussion::getLoadQuery() should be compatible with that of vB_Model::getLoadQuery() in ..../packages/vbforum/item/socialgroupdiscussion.php on line 0
ABD is working perfectly fine for me.Same here. On abd page.
there is a buggish thing when i go to the shop tab, not sure if anyone else is having this issue or if its just me
I don't have it either
idk what's up with some members getting it and others not
maybe its if you have bells deposited? (I have none)