Schools Sucks: Horror - RP (Now ACCEPTING)

"Yes, I can..." I murmured, finally looking up at her. 'This doesn't seem right... I was just in this room, but I was somewhere else when Lucifer attacked me... Then I wound-up back here... Was it a dream, perhaps? I know that miss Eli would have healed me completely... Was it Akuma? It must have been!'
"Ah, no... Nothing is wrong..." I answered. 'She mentioned a nightmare project... It must have been a dream she cast on me! She's trying to break me, and this is her way... Ha! Then I'll just have to play along! Snake Eyes certainly do have their pros and cons set out for them...
he dropped down and thought to himself.
"I must go" he spoke. "I will be back in 50 days, I must talk with the brotherhood" in a puff of dark smoke he disappeared
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"Even more pathetic. Now, Maidusa, are you going to sign the legal agreement to change ownership?"Akame held out a long scroll.
"Clever, yes? Eli, would you like to try a nightmare? I have a feeling that you would enjoy it." She asked.
Eli laughed. "Thanks, but no thanks." She smiled. "I'm fairly sure that afterwards, I would end up attacking random people, so if you still want people to rule over, then I suggest that you don't."
"Oh yeah, about that. Wanna be the prime minister?" She laughed.
"Let me guess.....HPIP?" She laughed at her own joke.

[hpip= hellish plains independence party, ukip joke lol]
1"Well then, I think you would be suitable as a Grammar Nazi then" She laughed, beggining to splutter.

"Eh?? You don't have it? Hmmmmm maybe we should.....hmmmm,no.....oh, what" She was shocked, and then began mumbling.
"How does one even claim the fourth dimension?" She pondered, reverting slightly to her Science Teacher mode.
"well, currently it is guarded by a variety of guardians that I can never identify. They prevent my from doing the fun things in life. You know, like rewriting time for single entities and rewriting time for everything and so forth." she pouted grumpily. "God, they're annoying. All we have to do is destroy them somehow and then, tadah! We gots me my dimension!"
"Well then, minister, should we go there after my ownership has been delayed?"
"sure." she smiled. "but make sure that your throne is firmly planted before we leave otherwise someone-" she looked pointedly at Medusa. "-might try to take it."