Schools Sucks: Horror - RP (Now ACCEPTING)

I showed no emotion as I was cut, instead, I simply just stared down at the blood dripping through the chains. "Snakes don't sweat, idiot." I smirked, resting my head on the ground as I watched her. "They shed, but they don't sweat. Don't you know anything about reptiles?"
"I know"
She moved towards her, dipped her finger in the 'Special! Super Duper Ultimate Heat!' sauce that the cooks maid, and rubbed it along the wound.
"That these chains do not allow you to do magic, which is how you change form. So you are simply a human at the moment!"
She laughed manicly, enjoying the torture that she was feeling.
I winced as the hot sauce seeped into my wounds, tears budding at the corner of my eyes. I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming out in pain as my body shook from the stinging.
She laughed.
"Nothing you can do now except starve yourself so your wrists thin! Or should I slice you more.....stuff you like a chicken~"
"Hmm..." Gisei had just recharged so much dark energy, he had to stop. "What do you want me to do, I have as much dark magic as I can recharge"
"Hm......Medusa must still have memories in her time as Lulu, right? Well then, lets go kill everything she loves."
I stared up at them, a small chuckle rising up in my throat. "Go ahead and try to stuff me. It's much worse than starving me. The chains will only get tighter and tighter..." I muttered, not seeming to care what they did to me anymore. "Though if you really want to destroy everything I love, you'll have to kill the reaper. Along with yourself, Akuma. Heh... I think I started to develop Stalkholm Syndrome for you when I was your puppet..."
"Aww how delightful! You must want to stay with me and my beloved knives for longer! But first, how about I force you to drink the compound made from when i kill your snakes, take their blood and mix it witha ph14 alkali?"
"Ph14 alkali...? What's that? And if you were to kill my snakes, you would kill me. They are my blood. I am made of snakes. Teeny, tiny, little snakes. And you can't force me to do anything!" I growled, my blue eyes starting to slowly turn red as I tried to use my magic again.
"No, I'll just kill your pets! And ph14 is the strongest alkali, and it burns even more!"
"Pets? I don't keep my snakes as pets. They are a part of me... Keeping something as a pet is one of the crewelest things... Why would I torture them like that?"
"Oh yes, and endless stream of fun!"
She held a large wine glass over her wounds, and allowed the blood to fill the cup. She put a little chemical in, and stirred.
"Drink up, dearie!"
"Drink up, or I will have to pour it in your ear~ Straight to your brain~ Burn Burn Burn~"
"how can I enjoy watching this.... hmmm...." Eli frowned thoughtfully. "Well, i'm a psycho and this is like watching tv, only better. Although, drinking blood seems a bit boring. I mean, what's having a drink going to do? I say let her go, capture her, torture her, repeat."