Giveaway Schwarzi's Villager Cycling ~ Agnes

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If she doesn't reply could I have her?:3
So.. I've got her? Yay:D
As an FYI she was to be getting Beau on another thread and went quiet so I guess something happened?
Freya you caused quite a palaver!
Hope it's nothing serious, and yeah indeed! I'm so sorry to disappoint you other guys, I don't like doing that
maybe you will have more luck next time

Gate is open ~
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I feel bad for taking Freya away from bluebirds:/

I don't see your town.


Quillson the smug duck is moving out

Hazel moved in

I'll leave Quillson up for a while since I'm taking a break for some hours (I may not reply instantly for that reason)

Curly the jock pig is moving, keeping him for 5 minutes or so then moving on

Skye moved in but she's on hold (I think I fell in love with her a little bit)
Oh, another cycling thread! I'll be keeping an eye here too! :) Thank you so much for doing this! I can only imagine how much work it is.

Also, is that a one piece reference I see on your town name?
It is! Shirley is also from One Piece, I'm happy you noticed

Giveaway like this can be timeconsuming, my worry is to accidentally move out villagers while I'm sleeping or out home though
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It is! Shirley is also from One Piece, I'm happy you noticed

Giveaway like this can be timeconsuming, my worry is to accidentally move out villagers while I'm sleeping or out home though

Oooooh! Madam Shirley! <3
Kudos on having great taste, nma! :3 Too bad there isn't a hamster villager name Tyrannosaurus, haha!

Egbert the lazy chicken is moving out, post if you want him!

nmaa, I would have been happy with just a white cub named Bepo to be honest

Sorry, Egbert
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Beeeeepo! :D I love everyone from the heart pirates!
And I just noticed that your main town is called Niflheim. <3 Norse mythology ftw.

Haha, sorry for flooding your cycling thread with fandom stuff! xD
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