Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Welcome back!! :D Hope everything's been okay since it's been a few days since we've heard from ya! <3 I can totally start tomorrow, though because I literally just started, I don't have a remotely full town and I don't have the campsite. XD Should we all try and figure out what we wanna do 'bout the group rules as a whole (naturally, any rules that differ will be on our own post)?

I'm fine with that. If you want to open your gates or drop by TARDIS, I'll give you the bells for your campsite. Do you need tools? Let me know. My DS is charging right now, but I can leave it plugged in and open the game. ^_^
Maybe we can talk it over in the chat room tomorrow, or PM, not sure which would be better. And add the info onto the docs. Btw, if you want me to make a black and white version of the announce/auto-void list so it's easier for you to read, be more than happy to do it.

I'm about to go to bed, so I can come by at some point tomorrow. :) Tools, I should be fine. Aww, really? Thanks!! :D I can easily pay you back from my main town. :3 (the woes of having two copies... but only 1 3DS. XD)
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Maybe we can talk it over in the chat room tomorrow, or PM, not sure which would be better. And add the info onto the docs. Btw, if you want me to make a black and white version of the announce/auto-void list so it's easier for you to read, be more than happy to do it.

I'm about to go to bed, so I can come by at some point tomorrow. :) Tools, I should be fine. Aww, really? Thanks!! :D I can easily pay you back from my main town. :3 (the woes of having two copies... but only 1 3DS. XD)

<3 It'll be tomorrow evening before I'm on as a cycling human, like I said, because I'm gonna go take a copy of ACNL and a 2DS to my friend, but after I get her settled (and we're planning to set her up with a throne and a crown because WHY NOT?) I'll be online. <3
The SAME! Tired, and needing this day to be over, But I really need to try and get some more of these held villagers out of my kids's towns so I can for real give them back their full access. I know they are constantly tired of hearing NO you can't TT! You're holding______ for _____. LOL!
The SAME! Tired, and needing this day to be over, But I really need to try and get some more of these held villagers out of my kids's towns so I can for real give them back their full access. I know they are constantly tired of hearing NO you can't TT! You're holding______ for _____. LOL!

HA. Well, it's for a good cause? ^_^

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Since last I was here, I moved Lucha and Pippy out (they weren't requests and I wasn't near my laptop) and Graham moved in.
Yeah. Paris now has control of her town. Gavin has a VERY stubborn Freya holding for Nymeri, Caleb has Apple holding for EdIwan3052 and Moo has Flurry holding for Kurolli and Sprinkle for me.

My holding town has Phoebe holding for my main town, Kody holding for Charris114, Puck and Roald holding for Gavin, Maple holding for WHOEVER, Naomi holding for WHOEVER, Penelope holding for WHOEVER, Aurora, who I haven't decided whether to keep or not, and Bunnie (staying).

Freya needs to hurry her butt up, too. She is being a pain in the @$$. I think because there are ALL penguins in his town except her. My cycling town SHOULD be in tomorrow. YAY!!!
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I <3 Bunnie. Also thinking I need to find another normal or cranky to move in before the town tosses me another lazy.... And I need a different smug from Graham. He's cute but he's also in my best friend's town so it's weird to have him in mine as well.

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I'm still cycling. Nobody has wanted to move just yet. :/
I know kurolli is looking for hamsters. Not sure if he has graham but if he goes into boxes I can grab him for him if he's not online and if no one else wants him. I'll let ya know who all I get in the new town sometime hopefully tomorrow. I do have aurora in my holding town if you want a normal.

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But as it's almost 2am where I'm at I gotta go to bed! I'll talk to ya in the morning : )
I haven't cycled through enough villagers to have Aurora again yet. Thanks, though. <3
As soon as Bobville comes to claim Ankha, I'm going to bed. <3 You guys are awesome.
DOTTY is moving. Anybody want an adorable peppy bunny?

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I'm going to give Dotty 15 minutes and then she hits the void. This is some random cycling before I leave to go see my friend. It's a 3 hour round trip and I have no idea how long I'll be there today, so we'll see what time I get back to cycling tonight. <3