Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

I haven't voided anyone since Peggy. That was a while ago, though. Did she try to move to your town?? I posted it here on the thread just for documentation. :/
Hello c: Just wondering what everyone thinks of the town name Saudade :eek: *it has a meaning -- on Wikipedia :D*
I'm thinking of resetting to get a better map and all that you see o.o xD
Hello c: Just wondering what everyone thinks of the town name Saudade :eek: *it has a meaning -- on Wikipedia :D*
I'm thinking of resetting to get a better map and all that you see o.o xD

I really wanna get a new town layout mine is crappa dappa but I an't leave my animals
I've always loved that word. It seems appropriate for ACNL where we often bring our nostalgia from earlier games and our hopes for a village that somehow reflects us. It seems very appropriate.
I really wanna get a new town layout mine is crappa dappa but I an't leave my animals

Lol o.o I'm probably planning to reset mine, going to use all of those camper reset tricks and all of those to get good villagers o.o

I've always loved that word. It seems appropriate for ACNL where we often bring our nostalgia from earlier games and our hopes for a village that somehow reflects us. It seems very appropriate.

:D Exactly what I was thinking lol ^_^
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If you need a spot for Fauna, we'll put her in Serenity and she'll be reserved for you till you have a spot in the town she's meant to be in. :/

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I really have to go to sleep now. Sprinklecake, if you need to pause on Fauna and have me temporarily home her in Serenity (and then ignore her till you're ready), I will. <3 I'll be back on in a bit. I haven't slept well or much since Friday, so I really need to give it a few hours and then work a bit and then I'll be back to cycle like a madwoman. <3

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(Also, there are 2 other copies of this game in this house. I don't know if any of them need a villager, but I can attempt to streetpass any voided villagers to them by, I dunno, waving the DSes together? >.> Dancing? Sacrificing every instance of Pecan? >.>
oh, i think i sholee wants ruby?

psst, whats your dream address? c:
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let me get it <3 , i did a lot of work so updattee

ah ill contact sholee!

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its 7200-2352-1501 :>
Did Serenderpity get Marshal in the end? I'm so happy for her :3
Yes she did <3

Serenderpity. I exercised executive veto power and passed the first claim from someone who'd lurked but never mentioned Marshal as anything other than "saw him on the wiki and he looked cool." Which isn't really the point of the thread.