Twilight Sparkle
carboard box????
Oh no did you void someone? , I might not get Fauna if she moves :C
Hello c: Just wondering what everyone thinks of the town name Saudade*it has a meaning -- on Wikipedia
I'm thinking of resetting to get a better map and all that you see o.o xD
I really wanna get a new town layout mine is crappa dappa but I an't leave my animals
I've always loved that word. It seems appropriate for ACNL where we often bring our nostalgia from earlier games and our hopes for a village that somehow reflects us. It seems very appropriate.
Serenderpity. I exercised executive veto power and passed the first claim from someone who'd lurked but never mentioned Marshal as anything other than "saw him on the wiki and he looked cool." Which isn't really the point of the thread.
Yes she did <3