Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Lurking for Ruby!! :)

Thank you sorrynotsorry and twilight for pming me!
Now i can do a stitches giveaway instead of waiting for a trade.
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I am loving your new banner! Pengutango did a great job.
And I see Marshall on the list, great job ;)
Thanks! :3 I tried something new with hers since I've never done a double scallop edge before. Also, gave me an excuse to try out the new Photoshop I got, which I'm LOVING!!! Having a much easier time making dashed borders in particular. :D

To TARDIS & Twilight: Hey! Just wanted to let ya know if you guys are in need of a third cycler, I'm definitely in!! It's official!! I'm getting the 2nd copy!! :D Only thing is that I won't have my 2nd copy for another week or so, if that's okay. ^^; Have to sort out some things before I get it.

TARDIS: Also PMed this to you since I wasn't sure if you'd see it, like if a bunch of people start posting on here, it could get buried.
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Okay guys i'm having NO LUCK whatsoever getting Fauna to move . Any ideas?

Sometimes, there's always that one villager which takes forever to ping.. and that one villager who pings ALL the dam time.
My method is just to move out other people and move in new ones and they eventually ping faster or maybe it just feels faster?
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Thats what ive been trying to do , I speak and speak to her and she wont PING >>

Story of my life with Carmen. >.< I don't have any advice than to just keep on cycling until she wants to move. Since it's your cycling town, should be a lil quicker than if it were your main town since you have ones you wanna keep.

She eventually pinged, but not Kid Cat, NO matter HOW MANY times I reloaded my file or messed with the time (not day) on the clock.
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So everyone in your cycling town is allowed to move then?
Because the fact that you talked to Fauna might be the problem.
Ahh that might be it , Should I just walk past her but not speak then?.

The talking method has been working with my other villagers though

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Ahh that might be it , Should I just walk past her but not speak then?.

The talking method has been working with my other villagers though

I think you should make a new character and start using them until Fauna has moved.
Don't talk to anyone just TT day by day and do not wait for pings.
Just wait for Isabelle to tell you someone is in boxes.

That is only if you aren't trying to keep anyone from moving.