Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

oh my gosh, another marshal giveaway??? ahahah people are going to be so happy!!

RUBY! you better move your butt next!
OK, I had to make sure I had a spot open. If this whole thing doesn't blow up in a few minutes, I'd luv to add him to my youngest son's town. My monkey collector has stactic, but my daughter wants to steal him, so I'm thinking they could trade, if she gives him the cute little white squirrel.
i was pm'd about marshalll ;o; what's going on?
okay guys


This will last for 1 hour , You tell ME why you want MARSHAL then i'll use a random number generator
OK! FUN!!! My youngest has static, and my daughter wants to steal him for her pink and purple town, so I am thinking Marshall would be a good trade as he is so darn cute!
That's what I was saying?! :O Seriously, I could have grabbed him if I actually wanted him!! Before Twi changed it to a raffle.
I think you might just had bad timing with the cycling... since there are SOOO many people that want him, but they aren't online. :(
I think it's because they don't know.. maybe make a new thread stating marshal raffle?
moved to another thread.

- - - Post Merge - - -

If I moved this post to the raffle would that be considered a double entry?
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