Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Not yet. It's okay. We've got plenty of time. At the moment, Twi's offline, I'm about to be, Mscheysser won't be cycling till the weekend and you said it'd be a week or more before you had a second copy. ^_^
Gruff asked to leave. I nixed that. That's MY green zombie smug goat with pretty eyes and gothy eyeliner. <3<3
It's continuing for a few more minutes. It'll resume early afternoon tomorrow, between 1p and 2:30 p. my time (Central US).
Gruff asked you to leave? Lucky. Hes been in my town for a couple of months now, I haven't even said a word to him D:
I love him. He's adorable.

Okay, guys. I'm going offline as far as cycling. I'll lurk on the forums for a while longer, though. Closing the 3DS, though. <3 Feel free to mention your fav characters and who you're looking for and keep a lookout closer to the weekend for the new and improved cycling conglomerate thread! ^_^ I'll be cycling more tomorrow afternoon (2ish p Central US) and the others will be in and out as schedules allow (Twi, mostly; I think others are a bit away from schedule availability/second DS copy).
Omg I just read the part about Tank's leaf hat on the first post.
Poor Tank! His leaf hat really is the cutest.
He wore it like no other rhino dared. ^_^

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Drago is randomly in boxes. Since it was an unannounced cycle and I know people are looking for him, I'll hold him till I officially start cycling Tuesday afternoon (Central US). But if anyone wants him tonight, that would be FABULOUS.
He wore it like no other rhino dared. ^_^

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Drago is randomly in boxes. Since it was an unannounced cycle and I know people are looking for him, I'll hold him till I officially start cycling Tuesday afternoon (Central US). But if anyone wants him tonight, that would be FABULOUS.
I can take him tonight and give him away tomorrow. If you want.
If you'd like, that'd be awesome. (I don't like Drago but a lot of people do so I don't want him to fall into the void.)
Totally fine. Just let me know as soon as you're ready and I'll open my gates then. <3 My FC in under my avatar.
pietro the demon AHAHAH

aw pietro was cute, but then he became really creepy, and i got rid of him straight away
I read everything he says as an implied threat. "I'll have to memorize your house...." >.> Pretty sure he's gonna murder me in my sleep. (My best friend is a coulrophobe. Even if I really loved him -- instead of being pretty much indifferent -- I'd have to rehome him if I ever wanted my BFF to visit my town again. ^_^ And I love her more than pixels. ^_^)

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I am as well. Thank you for your offer, though!