Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

I'm cycling. Should have a mover any time now.
PIETRO is moving.

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I worked up a rainbow woven plaid for Abel sisters and he got it the day after he moved in. SO HE COMES WITH EXTRA RAINBOW.
He is categorically NOT allowed to go into the void as that would make almost certain my best friend receives him via streetpass....
For all my joking around, he's actually a good smug. I have no problem with clowns; my best friend is a coulrophobe, though, and hates them with the burning passion of a thousand exploding suns.

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My friend would LOVE him!! Hang on!!


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Waiting to hear back....
Damn! >.< I tried to call and text her (since I know her IRL), but haven't heard anything from her yet. Gah!
For all my joking around, he's actually a good smug. I have no problem with clowns; my best friend is a coulrophobe, though, and hates them with the burning passion of a thousand exploding suns.

This. Is. Hilarious.
I'm going to mess around with the april fool's festivities for a bit before moving on. I really don't want my best friend to have to worry that a random rainbow clow sheep is gonna invade her town. >.>
Aww I'd take him if I didn't have him already.. To save your friend the potential void move-in scare :c
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I really don't mind him. I could even one day become fond of him. But we kind of have a BFF deal. I won't make her see clowns and she won't make me see whatever I'm afraid of if I ever figure it out. ^_~
TARDIS: Dunno if ya saw my last message but I tried to call and text her, but no luck. T.T I can take him as a last resort.

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Not ideal, but I'll deal with TTing... again to make room for Marina.
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If you want to hold him for her, we can do that. Whatever works. <3