Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Sounds good. Gah, not happy to have this sheep in my town, but she is a close friend, so I'll deal with it. XD

<3 You're a good friend.

ETA: Gate is open.
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Yes there's a lot of cute villagers, it's a shame none moved to my town, they all moved into my mums and she won't let any of them move out lol
Okay. Pietro's adopted. I just adopted Zell. This brings my "keep" list up to 3 -- Chevre, Gruff and Zell so far. The other 7 are still cycling! (Including Flurry. I like chevre better.)
At the minute, a bit of slow cycling, but I'll have to take a break soon to fix supper for persons who cannot subsist on poptarts and Nintendo 3DS XL screens. >.>

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VICTORIA has moved in.
This has gone so well that I've decided that once I get my dream team in Serenity, I'm going to cycle my main town. You guys are awesome.
Cycling on for a bit.

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Gruff asked to move. No, my little zombie goat. You're my boo. ^_~
I don't have my 2nd copy yet, so can't start cycling officially yet, but I wanted to see if anyone here wanted Rhonda from my main town. She will be in boxes shortly. (note that in the future, I'll only post villagers if they move in/in boxes/voided. Just making an exception this time. :3)

Rhonda the Normal Rhino
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