Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

I love when they don't have to fall into the void. make sure to pick up a gyroid at the station, too! ^_^
Forgot I need to TT ahead a day to get her into boxes. *duh* THEN I'll open my gates. (I'm usually more on form than this)
The squirrel is in boxes, the gates are open and the gyroids are at the gate! ^_^

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Her house is where eastern Texas would be on a US map.
Omg. I am so glad I was eating. I would have been time traveling my @$$ off to keep the cute super hero from being voided!!' She's just go cute. Ok now I'm going to go work on Fauna. Wish me luck guys. I want to get her to twilight as soon as I can. I may have to come pick up random villagers if nibbles pings first cuz my Caleb's been waiting patiently for her.
Quick poll guys: If I rehome Rhonda for a bit, does she have a better chance of being adopted when she pings me?
Rhonda's adorable. I think she'd have a good chance but that's jmo. Yay! I got nibbles to Caleb and Monty to moo. That just leaves fauna!!! I'm all the sudden having great luck game wise. Sure glad my hubby's occupied w/ gta5 cuz I'm on a roll.
I'm bringing her in; I love the normal personality and I get attached to them, so I figure a second shot isn't too much to ask. ^_^ Anyway, I'll be cycling a bit more tonight. DaCoSim, if Deli decides to move soon will you have a spot for him? (When I bring in a 10th, I nearly always have a ping the next day.) I got his picture twice when I crossed April Fool's so he comes with his photo. ^_^
Thanks TARDIS again for giving her a foster home! <3 Like I said over PM, even if you ended up voiding her in the end, I do appreciate you at least giving her a longer chance to find a new home. :3
Rhonda put her house where Marshal's was. The normals are always so considerate. ^_^

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I need to make a banner, I guess. I haven't practiced drawing in the ACNL style; it'd probably be good for me to draw something outside my comfort zone. ^_^

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I've updated my sig and I'm about to update the thread title. I'll be cycling for a bit but I probably won't update till I have a move in/move out.