Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Rhonda put her house where Marshal's was. The normals are always so considerate. ^_^

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I need to make a banner, I guess. I haven't practiced drawing in the ACNL style; it'd probably be good for me to draw something outside my comfort zone. ^_^

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I've updated my sig and I'm about to update the thread title. I'll be cycling for a bit but I probably won't update till I have a move in/move out.

Aww, that's nice of her. :)

Random 2-cents, do ya think we need a banner for the cycling group as a whole? Be more than happy to make one at some point. :3 Just need a theme to work with... and a group name... XD We got time to figure that out though. :)
Aww, that's nice of her. :)

Random 2-cents, do ya think we need a banner for the cycling group as a whole? Be more than happy to make one at some point. :3 Just need a theme to work with... and a group name... XD We got time to figure that out though. :)

That would be awesome!
You guys might be happy to know that Rhonda has a home as soon as she pings me. <3 A local friend actually has her as a dreamy and it's working out well. ^_^
Whoo who~!!! :D YAY!!! <3 So happy my rhino will have a loving forever home~ :3 I will miss you Rhonda!! T.T I had so many good memories!!
My friend Kit has a spot in her town and loves the normals like I do. She said, "OF COURSE I'll adopt a rhino! Are you kidding me? YES."
Still cycling for a while. The only ones who've asked to move are Zell and Gruff (two I'm keeping) so I'm cycling more.
If you come across Gayle would you let me know? I've been searching for her and have been at work for every posting :c
We don't do reservations/PM notifications so far -- at least Twi and I haven't been. I don't know if the other two will. But if she's shows up, she'll be announced here just like all the others. I hope you find her!
Liebenswert: I won't take reservations (except for close friends IRL), but I can keep an eye out for her. :3 Gayle's adorable!! I was thinking of getting her in my 2nd town at some point, but I wanna meet her first. XD

I'm on the fence about the PM notifications, but it's something for me to think about in the meantime (among other things) since I don't have my 2nd copy yet.
Whaddaya think about "Critter Roulette" or "Critters Incorporated" as a group name? It's got the random aspect and they, um, critter aspect. (I like the word critter; I think it's cute.) Or do you have other suggestions?

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VICTORIA is moving.
VICTORIA is moving. She's adorable and deserves a good home, but I haven't seen many looking for her, so I'm not gonna give her very much longer. :/
No love for Victoria. Into the void. Alas, peppy horse, you were a cutiepie.
furkids incorporated

Critters inc

Dreamboat critters

Just thinking out loud : )

Goodnight all. I'd luv to join when I get MY second copy.

I like Critters, Inc. ^_^

Victoria has hit the void.
Who are you looking for? (I have an open plot, so I'm also scoping the campground for new recruits. ^_~)

awh, my open spot will be taken up by shari <3

and im mainly looking for marina or julian as of now c:
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