Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Dang, a bit sad to see Deli has been adopted D: Oh well, hopefully he'll pop up again some time.

DaCoSim had claimed him in another thread, but didn't have room. I had an extra spot, so I put him in "foster care." I don't do reservations, but he'd already been claimed; he just needed a temporary spot to stay. <3
While I'm paused in cycling, I've been doodling. This is my first go at the ACNL style. >.> It needs a lot of work, but it's headed the right way, I think....

Green haired mayor.jpg
Ok, I got rid of Mac. Twi, Fauna is being stubborn, but I'll get her out to you today if its the last thing i do. Tardis, I can pick up Deli now : ) I'll add u.

She's gotta be close. I swear everyone in his town has pinged twice and she hasn't pinged even once. GEEZ!! I had a villager in my town DO THIS before. Stubborn one she is.
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She will be close <3 , She likes you! <3

I have a spot open till Mothership comes online for me to pick up Stitches but I can TT someone out <3
Deli has moved out of foster care and is headed to his home in Gotham (which has the best dressed mayor in history, I think).
She will be close <3 , She likes you! <3

I have a spot open till Mothership comes online for me to pick up Stitches but I can TT someone out <3

Oh yeah, Mothership mentioned you were the next one after it fell through with Issac. If it fell through with ya, I'm next, but looks like you're gonna get him. :p (if you didn't see my post on your profile, I didn't get Stitches. :( It fell through since they took another offer.)
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HA!!! Thx so much!!! That was Moo's HW costume as well! Except he was wearing camo pants instead of the pants he's wearing in the game.

Oh, and yes, my littlest kiddo's nickname is Moo. His dad started calling him Moopy when he was 3 months old, and then it went to Moo Moo but now EVERYONE just calls him Moo. Church, neighborhood, pool, my work. All except school where he says his name is Jacob Dane Moo Simmons. LOL!!!!!!!!!!
HA!!! Thx so much!!! That was Moo's HW costume as well! Except he was wearing camo pants instead of the pants he's wearing in the game.

Oh, and yes, my littlest kiddo's nickname is Moo. His dad started calling him Moopy when he was 3 months old, and then it went to Moo Moo but now EVERYONE just calls him Moo. Church, neighborhood, pool, my work. All except school where he says his name is Jacob Dane Moo Simmons. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

I completely understand that. My brother is Duck to everyone he knows and he's in his 30s. ^_^ My godson is 7 and we call him Bug. And I have an uncle called Button. Nicknames are awesome. ^_^
No she's wearing that orange design, from ables shop. Grr. She came to me that way.
Aww no fair :c , If my stitches moves then I know who i'll find!. Now please go to that HOPPER AUCTION <3

Yeah, I was a lil sad/upset when I found out. They said they felt bad too since if they had known earlier that I was looking for Stitches, they would have held him. Oh well. :( Yay!! <3 (will probably send a friendly nudge your way every so often as a friendly reminder~ <3)

Ooh! I'll check it out! Dunno if I'll bid since I dunno if I can Pietro out before it ends. I feel bad having someone else hold him for me (even if they offer), so I may just hold out. Thank you though!! <3
I bet one of us can Foster either one for you if needed, Pengutango!

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ITS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come get her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll add you now!!!! and open my gates!

BTW, my son's town is a MESS!!!
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