Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Zell sounds better with serenity, though. HMMM... thinking I may not do my once upon a time themed town. I may do a bird town cuz I LUV so many of the feathered guys. Flora, Phil, Queenie, Blanche, Sprinkle, Hopper, Keaton, Sterling, Jitters, Pate.... Hmmm... decisions. I may get my 2nd copy this weekend. then I can CYCLE!!!! YAY!!!
How many times do YOU lot invite a camper to move in before you decide they're pixelated punks?

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Zell sounds better with serenity, though. HMMM... thinking I may not do my once upon a time themed town. I may do a bird town cuz I LUV so many of the feathered guys. Flora, Phil, Queenie, Blanche, Sprinkle, Hopper, Keaton, Sterling, Jitters, Pate.... Hmmm... decisions. I may get my 2nd copy this weekend. then I can CYCLE!!!! YAY!!!

The only problem with Zell is that whenever I can't find him, I find myself composing iambic pentameter couplets centered around the phrase "where the hell is Zell?!" Sometimes limericks. He lends himself well to poetic musing on his damnable location.
About 10 times :p

Also TARDIS , Ya might wanna PM me whatever you wanted to by tonight since I may be going to sleep in few hours. Don't wanna make my cycle buddy wait <3
About 10 times :p

Also TARDIS , Ya might wanna PM me whatever you wanted to by tonight since I may be going to sleep in few hours. Don't wanna make my cycle buddy wait <3

Oh, it's not something that needs attention tonight. Go on to bed whenever you need to. <3

DOTTY has moved in.
How many times do YOU lot invite a camper to move in before you decide they're pixelated punks?

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The only problem with Zell is that whenever I can't find him, I find myself composing iambic pentameter couplets centered around the phrase "where the hell is Zell?!" Sometimes limericks. He lends himself well to poetic musing on his damnable location.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!! I was saying that about Twi's Fauna repeatedly!!! And THEN when I would find her and be so ready for the ping to leave, she'd just look at me wit those sweet little doe eyes waiting for ME to engage in conversation.
I <3 Zell. As much as I adore and missed Hippeux, Zell's my favorite smug. And Pietro... GAH. He's something else. >.< Working on TTing him out since I heard back from my friend and she does indeed have space for him. Whoo!! Please don't be a pain in the ass about moving like Carmen and Kid Cat... T.T

Also, THANK YOU AGAIN TWILIGHT FOR LETTING ME HAVE STITCHES!!! <3<3<3 You don't understand how much I appreciate it!! Of course, now I have 3 lazies... XD Pfft, oh well! :D I will get Hopper yet! :p Well, whenever I start winding down with cycling and go for my 2nd dream town.
I <3 Zell. As much as I adore and missed Hippeux, Zell's my favorite smug. And Pietro... GAH. He's something else. >.< Working on TTing him out since I heard back from my friend and she does indeed have space for him. Whoo!! Please don't be a pain in the ass about moving like Carmen and Kid Cat... T.T

Also, THANK YOU AGAIN TWILIGHT FOR LETTING ME HAVE STITCHES!!! <3<3<3 You don't understand how much I appreciate it!! Of course, now I have 3 lazies... XD Pfft, oh well! :D I will get Hopper yet! :p Well, whenever I start winding down with cycling and go for my 2nd dream town.

Three lazies? Hmm. I have 4 normals.... >.> (I only invited one in, I swear!) So there will be some sweet characters cycling through soon AND YOU'D BETTER ADOPT THEM. Seriously.
I'm still cycling. I've got 10 and nobody's budging. :/
Wow. :( That's annoying and yeah, I'll definitely take some in my 2nd town (given if I have space of course) to give them a 2nd chance. This reminds me that the 4 of us need to set some guidelines eventually regarding stuff like that, but I guess we can maybe start do that this weekend or something?
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Wow. :( That's annoying and yeah, I'll definitely take some in my 2nd town (given if I have space of course) to give them a 2nd chance. This reminds me that the 4 of us need to set some guidelines eventually regarding stuff like that, but I guess we can maybe start do that this weekend or something?

We have time. Really, until you get your second copy, we'll probably keep going the way we are. I like the idea that while there are a couple of overarching rules (don't be a jerk and don't claim in order to sell/trade/profit), each cycler can determine the specifics for herself (whether to take reservations, etc. I think we need a degree of autonomy anyhow, so that it can be clear that while we're cycling as a group, each cycler is response for completing adoptions herself; it's not the responsibility of the group to babysit each other. Make sense? I think if we set up stringent "must abide" commandments, things will be a lot less fun and a lot less friendly.

ETA: we should also make sure we know who exactly intends to cycle with us and when since I've seen several people wanting to join in, but only a few are actually acquiring a second copy and have asked if it's cool to join (which, as long as we don't hit eleventy kajillion, I think is probably fine.)

I know DaCoSim hopes to cycle with us and I'm all for it, while Twi seems to have a lot going on and I don't know if cycling is going to remain in the realm of things she can balance right now.
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LILY is moving!


Very sweet frog. Normal personality type. Plants her house thoughtfully. ^_~
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Okay. I'll open my gates when you tell me. <3
Oh, you've GOT to be kidding...
As soon as I TT Miranda out, Opal moves in. I knew I shouldn't have TT'ed back... Well, I've gotta do this for a while until someone leaves. Sorry, TARDIS. :(