Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

HAX. The TARDIS is blue! I even have the hex code saved to make sure I use the RIGHT blue! Mess ye not with my fandom! ^_^

Oh yeah, I saw this picture on iFunny, just got reminded of it. It's kind of like that "soft kitty, warm kitty" thing.

Soft Dalek,
Warm Dalek,
Little ball of hate
Happy Dalek,
Sleepy Dalek,
Oh yeah, I saw this picture on iFunny, just got reminded of it. It's kind of like that "soft kitty, warm kitty" thing.

Soft Dalek,
Warm Dalek,
Little ball of hate
Happy Dalek,
Sleepy Dalek,

Sheldon: Actually, your race is descended from a humanoid lifeform from the earth-like planet Kaled. It's logical to assume that you sleep....
Dalek Kahn: EX-TER-MI-NAAAAT!!

(SORRY. You inspired double fandom interaction in my brainpan. >.>)
Yep. :) That's a good idea. Why didn't I think about marking it? Makes perfect sense. XD I also don't wanna have a chance of messing up my main town with all the TTing in the 2nd one.

I have all my kids' names (and Mine) written on the back of our games in sharpie. I'm still debating. I looked on ebay for a used copy just a bit ago.

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Omg!!! My husband has a bunch if gamefly credits. I'm ordering my 2nd copy tomorrow for $18!!!

Squeee!!! Woo hoo!!!
I have all my kids' names (and Mine) written on the back of our games in sharpie. I'm still debating. I looked on ebay for a used copy just a bit ago.

Any good prices on eBay or are they all close to retail price? Gonna get mine off Amazon (part of the reason why I don't have it now... XD As I could as easily gone to Best Buy, GameStop, etc to buy it).
Not sure if you ladies are up for joining your group but I'd like to if you guys want another cycler : )
I'm still cycling, but I've stopped in April. Anybody want me to do a random villager pic giveaway? (I'll make a new thread so I'm not cluttering it up unless you guys want it here.)

Also, DaCoSim: YAY! Fantastic price! ^_^

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Not sure if you ladies are up for joining your group but I'd like to if you guys want another cycler : )

*thumbs up* All for it! ^_^
All the close to end prices are like 28-32 f?r the reasonable ones. The copy I'm getting from gamefly is used but I don't care.
Ditto. :)

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Not sure if you ladies are up for joining your group but I'd like to if you guys want another cycler : )

Ditto. :)

All the close to end prices are like 28-32 f?r the reasonable ones. The copy I'm getting from gamefly is used but I don't care.

Thought that's a rental site, so you're not actually owning the game, unless I'm mistaken...?
(If I give away random villager pics in a new thread, it would have to be in a different subforum -- Re-tail, in fact -- because that's not what the plaza is for.)
(If I give away random villager pics in a new thread, it would have to be in a different subforum -- Re-tail, in fact -- because that's not what the plaza is for.)

Yep. Pretty much. I've auctioned off my extras, but it's been a while since I've done one and I have a bunch of extras... XD

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Omg!!! My husband has a bunch if gamefly credits. I'm ordering my 2nd copy tomorrow for $18!!!

Squeee!!! Woo hoo!!!

Awesome!! :D
Ohh, I didn't know that. :) Hm, that's giving me an idea though... :p

GWEN is moving. She's a snooty penguin, but I would call her a "soft snooty," as she's actually pretty friendly pretty quickly.

I'm going to give it a few minutes and then I'll probably send her to the void.

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The snoots aren't all that popular, with a few notable exceptions, so I'll hurry on and cycle past her. Farewell, Gwen! You were a purple penguin and that is certainly a thing you were.
I love snootys! So many are too cute. I don't love when the mean ones say things like my house looks like a storage closet however...

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*cough* Soleil *cough*
Only snooty I really like is Willow, my fluffy, yellow sheep. :3 Annalise was okay, but didn't like her too too much.
This threads name is the most beautiful cycling thread name I've seen in awhile, tbh.
I felt a strong need to point that out
Only snooty I really like is Willow, my fluffy, yellow sheep. :3 Annalise was okay, but didn't like her too too much.

I like Willow :) I think Opal has probably been the nicest to me of my snootys so far. Timbra was a %$%#. And I have cute snootys on my wish-list that I think would be awesome even if they were rude once in awhile.
I like the snoots. My 3 fav types are normal, cranky, ucchi/snooty <--tied. >.> Maybe I'm a mental massochist.

Then again, I put the game away yesterday after a cranky managed to hurt my feelings. I'M 34 YEARS OLD. PIXELS SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO DO THAT. Gruff told me I was being snotty when I wouldn't let him buy Mr. Flamingo for 64 bells. :(

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This threads name is the most beautiful cycling thread name I've seen in awhile, tbh.
I felt a strong need to point that out

Aww, thanks! Even though I made the flag of Serenity the logo of the Firefly-related movie, I really named it that because, well, it was that or Sanctuary. ^_^ <3
I like the snoots. My 3 fav types are normal, cranky, ucchi/snooty <--tied. >.> Maybe I'm a mental massochist.

Then again, I put the game away yesterday after a cranky managed to hurt my feelings. I'M 34 YEARS OLD. PIXELS SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO DO THAT. Gruff told me I was being snotty when I wouldn't let him buy Mr. Flamingo for 64 bells. :(

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Aww, thanks! Even though I made the flag of Serenity the logo of the Firefly-related movie, I really named it that because, well, it was that or Sanctuary. ^_^ <3

awww <3

I hated crankys at first mostly because I got stuck with T-Bone and he had my whole town saying "moocher" (I reported him to Isabelle and kicked him out asap lol) but so many of them are so awesome! Not gonna lie, when Apple didn't give me medicine for my bee sting my feelings were hurt too. I AM AN ADULT I SWEAR.