Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

What's your technique?

2 days forward, 2 days back?

More like "never more than 2 days forward, but usually a day at a time because I'm just like that." ^_~ Backward, you can jump a month and as long as you do it in a single setting, the game sees it as one day. No idea why.
I need to cycle a kajillion more critters because DRAGO IS BEFOULING MY MAIN STREET.
I'm about to buy out any Princess stuff Gracie has in the boutique today and then go to sleep. IT'S NEARLY 6a. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?? I BLAME ALL OF YOU.
Almost an hour later -- Gigi is out. Maple, Muffy, and Timbra is in.
It's a sheeptastic day.
Maple waple you needa message puffifish shes loves her to death and has been lookingfor her

Sorry Twilight noones moved twopeople went to move but then they wherre like i'll stay
Oh well I needa put Ipad on charge then gonnaplay for it and sleep then on Saturday COSENTINO!!!!
So bai
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hoping I'll find pekoe or something or francine ; _ ; Just finished cycling 16 villagers.. UHH never again.
Aww that would make my day if I could find pekoe since I just lost my dear Felicity.
But I'll get her someday I'm sure!
Honestly I kinda wanna cycle out 16 villagers to get felicity again... but its tough work when you like almost everyone in your town.
Pekoe is such a cutie though ;w;