Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

I can pick her up with my cycling town if nobody wants her.

I'll give her her 15 more minutes (ish) and if nobody takes her, we might do that. She's one that several people wrote to ask me if they could reserve. And since I don't do reservations, I mentioned that they'd need to watch the thread. But it's 1:32a where I am, so no idea how many people are on.
Can I adopt when I have someone in boxes?
I guess it wouldn't work - I might lose the one in boxes and he's spoken for. :(
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Whoever claims first will get her. But I need someone to have room to pick her up tonight. I don't mind waiting a bit, but I can't wait days. :/
Is Flurry available. I'm confused.

You were the first to express interest: do you want Flurry? And do you have room to get her?

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I'm going in order from the first expressed interest on. Please be patient I sort it out. <3
Flurry's name was in thread. Is Flurry available?

You are next in line with room. If I don't hear back from the first claim in the next few minutes, it will pass to you. <3
Guys, please remember the forum is as glitchy as an adolescent poltergeist trying to express a coherent thought to a corporeal being. Be patient. Flurry isn't gonna fall into the void. <3

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just in case what FC do I use?

The one beneath my profile pic. It's the only one I use.
I'm also a Whovian if that helps. Going to a con in a couple of weeks!

Well, it doesn't change the response order, but I'm glad you're a Whovian. ^_^ However, since I haven't heard back from Superfowl, FLURRY is yours! I'll add you and open my gates.
Gate is open. Take a few deep breaths and come get your hamster. ^_^