I can pick her up with my cycling town if nobody wants her.
Whoever claims first will get her. But I need someone to have room to pick her up tonight. I don't mind waiting a bit, but I can't wait days. :/
Is Flurry available. I'm confused.
I can get Flurry right now.
Flurry's name was in thread. Is Flurry available?
You are next in line with room. If I don't hear back from the first claim in the next few minutes, it will pass to you. <3
just in case what FC do I use?
just in case what FC do I use?
I'll be soooo sad if I can't get? Crying :0(
I'll be soooo sad if I can't get? Crying :0(
I'm also a Whovian if that helps. Going to a con in a couple of weeks!