Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

I'm 5 hours behind ya, Twi. Think both DaCoSim and TARDIS are an hour behind me (GMT -6) and mszcheysser... not sure what time zone she's in. If I remember correctly, she's in Guam, so I dunno if that's behind or ahead the rest of us.

I think she's 4 hours behind me, so 3 behind you? I need to look at the time zone converter thing.

I would chat but I'm doing town maintenance at the moment and debating sleeping normal human hours tonight. :/
Yup. I'm on Central, yes. I wish to goodness we could do away with the antiquated DST, though. :/ In a global community, it only adds complications, especially since there are several places that have *already* done away with it.
hey! :)
what did I miss?

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omg you want cranston out asap??? why??? I would LOVEEE him does he secretly have the plague or somethign

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Here's the one I use for my auctions and giveaways:

You're on CST right, TARDIS? I'm on EST so, she'd be 5 hours behind me, I think if I calculated that right and you are indeed on CST.

I'm on your timezone if you care :) (probably not since I'm new and you don't know me but just thought I would let you know!)
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I'm staying up to watch greys and scandal and then bed. I'm going out of town tomorrow to take my grandmother her bird and to go visit my dad so I'll only be on here sparadically until sat night. Hopefully my game will come in sat though and I can get started : )
Mine definitely won't be here 'til next week, but I can at least make all the info and stuff... already made the master sheet for ALL the villagers. XD If any of you guys want, I can send it to you/make it into a google doc, and you can figure out who you wanna announce/auto-void.
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aww are you guys done for tonight this is probably one of my favourite threads

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my fault I came late
hey! :)
what did I miss?

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omg you want cranston out asap??? why??? I would LOVEEE him does he secretly have the plague or somethign

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I'm on your timezone if you care :) (probably not since I'm new and you don't know me but just thought I would let you know!)

I just don't like the lazy ones. ^_^ When he moves, he's getting quickly cycled out.
Mine definitely won't be here 'til next week, but I can at least make all the info and stuff... already made the master sheet for ALL the villagers. XD If any of you guys want, I can send it to you/make it into a google doc, and you can figure out who you wanna announce/auto-void.

I love google docs personally. Clean and easily shared. <3

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I'm not entirely done.

But I probably won't be cycling much Saturday. I need to visit a friend in hospital and that takes precedence over pixelated critters. :/ But I'll probably be back that evening. <3
I'd luv that!!! Great idea!!! Chrono, I'm not technically on here yet since my 2nd copy hasn't come in yet. Not sure about everyone else.
I aint done , Havent even started yet , I dont cycle till 9am

woohoo! I'm creeping your villagers jsyk lol

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I'd luv that!!! Great idea!!! Chrono, I'm not technically on here yet since my 2nd copy hasn't come in yet. Not sure about everyone else.

Yea I read that :) But you'll have it soon and you seem so excited!

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I love google docs personally. Clean and easily shared. <3

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I'm not entirely done.

But I probably won't be cycling much Saturday. I need to visit a friend in hospital and that takes precedence over pixelated critters. :/ But I'll probably be back that evening. <3

I hope your friend is ok <3

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I just don't like the lazy ones. ^_^ When he moves, he's getting quickly cycled out.

Ok, just wondering. Hope I don't miss him. I love the ostriches. Well, "ostriches" lol since most of them aren't really...
Ha! I luv the "ostriches" too! If I end up doing a bird town, I'd want almost all of them, lol!!! I have flora and Blanche. I adore them. Esp flora!!! And yes, I am super excited to get my 2nd copy so I can start cycling!
I'm still cycling quietly, just not as chatty.

My friend isn't okay, but I'm glad to be able to see her. She is in pretty bad shape and she's been in the hospital for nearly 2 months. I'm thinking of getting her addicted to ACNL because it's an animated antidepressant. I also drew her some goofy pictures and wrote her a silly story. Thanks for asking. <3
I'm still cycling quietly, just not as chatty.

My friend isn't okay, but I'm glad to be able to see her. She is in pretty bad shape and she's been in the hospital for nearly 2 months. I'm thinking of getting her addicted to ACNL because it's an animated antidepressant. I also drew her some goofy pictures and wrote her a silly story. Thanks for asking. <3

I'm really sorry to hear that :(
But yea games like ACNL really do work as good distractions as much as anything I can imagine could. I've been in the hospital a few times and didn't play animal crossing back then but have no idea what I would have done without my friends/family OR my DS to distract me the rest of the time. You're a good friend going to visit her.

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Ha! I luv the "ostriches" too! If I end up doing a bird town, I'd want almost all of them, lol!!! I have flora and Blanche. I adore them. Esp flora!!! And yes, I am super excited to get my 2nd copy so I can start cycling!

aw :) I have flora, phil, phoebe and just got blanche. blanche seem adorable but I haven't gotten to know her yet.

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seriously, what is phil though? is he a peacock? I know Flora is a flamingo and Phoebe is a pheonix but I wasn't 100% on Phil, just that ostriches don't look like that lol
I've had some genuinely hilarious moments in ACNL lately. First, Bill and Flurry were having a convo and Bill gave Flurry a riddle:

"What follows you all day, except at noon and never at night except for full moons?" Correct answer is a shadow, of course. Flurry's answer? " werewolves?"

And, less specifically, Gruff the green goat with fabulous mascara, left his makeup case at Olivia's house. I LOVE ACNL.
I've had some genuinely hilarious moments in ACNL lately. First, Bill and Flurry were having a convo and Bill gave Flurry a riddle:

"What follows you all day, except at noon and never at night except for full moons?" Correct answer is a shadow, of course. Flurry's answer? " werewolves?"

And, less specifically, Gruff the green goat with fabulous mascara, left his makeup case at Olivia's house. I LOVE ACNL.

LOL awesome. This makes me like Flurry a little more. Half of my villagers are hilarious to me even though they probably say a lot of the same things to everyone. Axel honestly makes me laugh nearly every time I talk to him and I have no idea why. Maybe just because it threw me off so much the first time he called me "ladybro". Also I am 99.999999% sure Muffy is on drugs. I have been gathering evidence for months lol