Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

Ok then, but I'm keeping my eye out for the ones I really want still :D They probably need Marshal more then me anyway.
I've got to go with Serenderpity. Besides, she typed 5 extra letters in her request. If she'd post ME like everybody else, she'd have been first. ^_~

Sorry if that seems fickle, but I'm not fond of cherry-picking. I started cycling to match people with the ones they've been searching for, not the ones they stumbled on.
But yes. Serenderpity, I'm adding you. Come claim your adorable squirrel boy. ^_^
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Congrats, Serender!
Hopefully within the next few resets, Punchy will appear for me...
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I've got to go with Serenderpity. Besides, she typed 5 extra letters in her request. If she'd post ME like everybody else, she'd have been first. ^_~

Sorry if that seems fickle, but I'm not fond of cherry-picking. I started cycling to match people with the ones they've been searching for, not the ones they stumbled on.

OMG ahhhasdkjbksadjb, thank you so much <3 Let me go get my game xD
Marshal's okay, but he's not dreamy worthy, in the slightest.. I just don't see the appeal in him.. Phil & Eugene are much better Smugs
I've got to go with Serenderpity. Besides, she typed 5 extra letters in her request. If she'd post ME like everybody else, she'd have been first. ^_~

Sorry if that seems fickle, but I'm not fond of cherry-picking. I started cycling to match people with the ones they've been searching for, not the ones they stumbled on.

OMG ahhhasdkjbksadjb, thank you so much <3 Let me go get my game xD
Btw, serenderpity you have 10 villagers in your town, unless I'm missing something here... ^^;;; At least according to the info ya gave me for your banner.