Cycling Serenity Cycling Online: Back in business.

I hope my main 3 I REALLY want appears. I know Stitches is taken from some person who helped someone get a Dreamie.
Indeed. XP

Congrats serenderpity!! <3

I can totally add him to your current villagers on your banner. Except... you have 10 villagers in your town, unless I'm missing something here... ^^;;; At least according to the info ya gave me for your banner.

That would be amazing if you could. <3 You can remove Egbert :3
I may cycle a bit more. The endorphins did me some good and it'll be a bit before my pain meds make me sleepy again.

Please chatter about the ones you are looking for. I don't want to have to make another call like that. :/

Ok, STITCHES (I know that a person is getting it), Coco , Ribbot!
Stitches hasn't been through this thread, Isaac.
Stitches or Ankha, whichever comes through first. But neither have been through at all. But whichever comes through first will go to Bobville.
Cherry is currently in my town and no longer reserved. Punchy was rehomed, but may still cycle through in a bit and Twi is cycling now, too.

I know I need to update my sig. I beg your patience with that as too many screens will increase likelihood of a mistake today, so I'll do it when I sign of. <3 Thanks so much for understanding.
Oh, then how do I got Cherry from you? :D I still need to get someone to move out first, though... Better do that now!
Isaac, you can read about personality types on or here, if you click on the villager you're interested in. If you have an iPod/iPhone or iPad, you can download the app. Just search Animal Crossing New Leaf in the app store. It's free and full of information you'll find useful. How long have you been playing?
If cherry moves and if you're the first to ask, that's how it works. This was a rare case of someone who'd never expressed any interest in Marshal having the advantage of a forum glitch to preempt someone who'd been looking for him for at least as long as I can remember on the forum. In cases like that or the already mentioned case of Bobville, I will not hesitate to step in. But generally, the others have worked well as first-come/first-served. Thanks!