Metal Scorpion
Senior Member
While I know I'm either pan or ace, which I use interchangeably, recently I'm having a bit of an identity confusion.
Ah if it helps you feel any better I can understand this perfectly.While I know I'm either pan or ace, which I use interchangeably, recently I'm having a bit of an identity confusion.
tbh i feel the same way about girlsoh gosh i hope my mom doesn't see this, she's on this forum lmao i'm not out yet
so i'm still kinda wondering if i'm bisexual or a lesbian? i definitely like girls, no question! but i'm unsure about the boys part. i do find a lot of boys cute/handsome but i would never want to have anything romantic/sexual with them. when i picture my future, i always picture myself with a wife. but when i was younger, i had a lot of crushes on boys. and i do find some boys attractive but only the ones that are unavailable to me (celebrities, gay, in a relationship) so i don't know if i just feel obligated to like boys and henceforth choose the unavailable boys..
okay sorry for my identity crisis right here i'm gonna click send now
This thread makes my heart so happy! I am a bisexual woman and I have been with my girlfriend for almost four years now! I am not out to my parents due to being from a VERY conservative religious desi background, but this can be very difficult at times because me and my girlfriend have been talking about getting married recently, but she is also from a super conservative religious family and it makes it difficult for both of us. Both of our sets of parents have been thinking that we are “just roommates” (how CJ and Flick of us, amiright) for all these years, but we take everything one step at a time. This community has been such a pleasure to be a part of and I just love the love and passion of this thread.
oh gosh i hope my mom doesn't see this, she's on this forum lmao i'm not out yet
so i'm still kinda wondering if i'm bisexual or a lesbian? i definitely like girls, no question! but i'm unsure about the boys part. i do find a lot of boys cute/handsome but i would never want to have anything romantic/sexual with them. when i picture my future, i always picture myself with a wife. but when i was younger, i had a lot of crushes on boys. and i do find some boys attractive but only the ones that are unavailable to me (celebrities, gay, in a relationship) so i don't know if i just feel obligated to like boys and henceforth choose the unavailable boys..
okay sorry for my identity crisis right here i'm gonna click send now
Stuff like this is why I'm so afraid to go into a relationship with someone because I feel like that's expected. I've mentioned here before but I'm ace so if I ever started dating someone then they wouldn't get anything like that from me. I haven't yet met anyone who legitimately wants to be w me and I'm slightly scared that I'll just be alone forever lol T___TI’m an asexual cis woman married to a demisexual cis man. Possible TMI, but we pretty much have no s** life because neither of us are really interested in it. As a result, people our age (and even some family members) have given us advice on how to ‘fix it’. Some people act shocked and even accuse me of ‘depriving’ him. It really bugs us, because we have a really happy relationship and we genuinely love each other, but apparently none of that matters because there’s no s**. Ugh. >_>
Update: It turns out I'm not just a crossdresser after all! I'm a trans woman and I feel more comfortable with talking about this now. I've been thinking it for awhile, even back when I made the crossdressing comment but I never felt comfortable with talking about it. Question: should I come out to my mom about this? I know my dad wouldn't be very accepting, but I was wanting to know if it's worth trying to talk to my mom about it. I used to think she was very transphobic but after recent interactions with her, I'm not so sure what she thinks and feels. Is there anything I can do to determine if I should talk to her about this?I'm bisexual, which is something I've discovered about myself recently. For the longest time, I convinced myself I was simply straight cause I had more of a preference towards women anyway, but I've found myself being attracted to dudes a lot more easily recently. I also really enjoy crossdressing, which isn't just an LGBT thing as I've seen straight people do it too but I know there's a large amount of crossdressers in the LGBT community so I sorta wanted to mention that as this seems like a fairly appropriate place to do so, being a haven/safe space for LGBT people.
Mar 27 2020:
Plenty of new users have joined The Bell Tree lately and among them I've already interacted with many members of the LGBT+ community so giving this thread a formal bump.
A support thread that lacks support is simply sad. Love is love. Let's celebrate it and encourage one another; not tear each other down. In the words of the iconic RuPaul Charles: "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?"
This thread will operate on a no aggression policy.
That means:
- No insulting, swearing at, or otherwise talking down to other users. This is meant to be a supportive environment. People should not be scared to post for fear of being outcast. I'm sure we've all faced enough of that in our lives. We don't need it here too.
- Understand that the LGBT+ community in different areas of the world, and of different age groups, may use different terminology. What may seem like a slur to someone may be completely harmless in another user's local LGBT+ community. Unless the person is quite obviously using a word as an insult, try to keep discussion about word choice polite.
- Do not discriminate against or make negative generalisations about particular groups of people regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. Think: do you like it when people do that about you?
- Respect that if a staff member asks you to cease posting certain content to then immediately stop doing so. Take up any disagreements you may have with us via the Contact The Staff board or via PM, thank you.
- And finally, yes, all users are welcome to post in this thread regardless of how you identify.
If you don't feel you can abide by these terms then please do not post. Disagreements are not a reason to instigate WW3. This is meant to be a supportive environment, so let's keep it so. In some cases it is wiser to agree to disagree. If you feel yourself getting angry I strongly advise you to take a break from your computer for an hour or so before replying - or simply to not respond at all. Users who repeatedly try to disturb the peace will be dealt with. Please use the Report Button rather than directly engaging obvious trolls or aggressive users yourself.
Well, I don't know if I have much advice to give, but I think the most important thing is making sure you're safe before you do anything. If you know that you can be safe even if your mom ends up being unsupportive, then maybe instead of coming out all of a sudden, you could try to bring up the subject a few times first? I do realize it's easier said than done, but if you could know a bit more about her opinion on trans people it'd help you decide whether you want to come out to her.Question: should I come out to my mom about this? I know my dad wouldn't be very accepting, but I was wanting to know if it's worth trying to talk to my mom about it. I used to think she was very transphobic but after recent interactions with her, I'm not so sure what she thinks and feels. Is there anything I can do to determine if I should talk to her about this?
Well, miraculously I got an answer out of my mom despite only asking an LGBT-related question once. She said she would never kick any of her children out over something like that, and she thinks it's ultimately harmless despite not really understanding it. So I've pretty much got my answer. Thank you! I'm gonna try to come out to her as soon as I feel ready.Well, I don't know if I have much advice to give, but I think the most important thing is making sure you're safe before you do anything. If you know that you can be safe even if your mom ends up being unsupportive, then maybe instead of coming out all of a sudden, you could try to bring up the subject a few times first? I do realize it's easier said than done, but if you could know a bit more about her opinion on trans people, and it'd help you decide whether you want to come out to her.
Eep, I wish I could magically change my parents' minds about, well, almost everything so I could just come out and not worry about being outed.
Also, since I can't really bebishrekual
irl, I like to reference that I am a lot online, but sometimes I feel like I'm forcing it onto other people.