Mafia Shadowrun: Dragonfall Mafia - Town Wins!

Sorry, haven't checked forum since this morning. So I'll answer the random questions?

How often do you intend to post each day? I check the forum every couple hours or so? So I'll probably post whenever im on.
Gun to your head, you had to Lynch 1 player off the nonexistent content so far, who do you Lynch? Not sure.
There is a red button, a green button and a yellow button, which to click? Red???
What's your avatar? fork
How much previous forum mafia experience do you have? Played a few games, but i like to observe games w/o actually being in obs or anything.

Nothing much here.

I have a few questions, along with a few reads.

1. Pillow bunny, is there a reason you think that dolby is bussing? Sure, that post was bait, according to others?

2. Dolby, what are your reads for this game?

Question time over. Ashtot seems townie-ish to me, thats what i view it imo. Sorry i havent posted much, im gonna be busy until a bit unless im gonna play on my phone.

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Meant in a bit, sorry. So is everyone going on the dolby wagon now? So a few more thoughts, Crys is trying to get Endless of of barely nothing? Thats like fos'ing me because of my question answers. I've seen their posts this game, and nothing set up red flags for me. It looks like Dolby is trying to get lynched for some reason, i mean im not sure but thats what it looks like to me. I still want their reads though.

Can't get a good read on Pillow or Ashtot, but i kinda think ashtot is town-ish. Pillow seems like they're coasting, with them almost contributing nothing in this game. Dolby reminds me of Awesomeness in the last game, trying to get lynched only to be a good role. But I don't think dolby would do that.

So basically, I dont know why crys is fos'ing endless, think that pillow might be coasting, and dolby is trying to be lynched?

I'm pretty good with this post.

What are your reads pillow?

So people who have been pro town are: Dad, Endless, SarasaKat (atleast what im seeing it as) and EnderWiggin. Im putting soft town on Dad, and Ender. Sorry haven't posted much today, been busy since this morning. Rune is setting up red flags for me, reading their posts. I will be back later.

I approve of any townreads of me.;)

Joking, joking. I agreed with the Rune summery when I was looking at it back then.

So i guess we are going on the dolby lynch, his case is pretty strong so i guess its good. He is really scummy this game. But if this lynch is a ML, i think we should lynch Rune tomorrow because he is right below dolby in scummyness. His posts seem awfully fake and he keeps jumping around. Placing my vote for dolby.

The bolded line sets off bells for me.

Hahhhahah no.

I agreed. :D

Yeah, you can basically post any time. Unless thread is locked.

Answering my question.

Not sure he's actually "contributing" though. All of his posts are wise remarks or jokes. He's only made like 3 substantial posts. Tomorrow I'm think we should should do a Rune/Ashtot lynch and see how Crys/Endless thing works out? Since theres 15 players 3 inactives probably gonna be replaced, guess 2 will die tonight if vigs NK? Unless doc protects one whos gonna be killed, that is.

"Crys/Endless thing". Curious wording again.

Yeah, i already brought out that PB wasn't contributing. But i still want to lynch you regardless unless something better comes up.


The bold part is so wrong it's hilarious.

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Oh and another thing, i said that ashtot seemed townish to me when i read the thread. And i read over the thread many more times, and i changed my mind.

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Oh and another thing, i said that ashtot seemed townish to me when i read the thread. And i read over the thread many more times, and i changed my mind.


So looking from last nights kills - pb is ded and sarasa got shot. I'm still not sure why rune thinks he's confirmed town? He's still on my watch list rn. So one thing to look at is the people saying i look scummy because pb died. Sure, that makes me look scummy, but what kind of person kills somebody suspecting them thats just plain stupid. Thinking that mafia is trying to frame those that pb fos'ed.


dangit now i have to google contrived lol

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oh i see

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nah, that was mostly a response to people saying that i look scummy because pb died. lol

Nothing post.

Ohhhh i see. So if was a frame, rune is town? Of maf wanted that to happen so rune would be under radar from people? Not sure.

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A bot confused rn lol

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This actually feels genuine, which offsets the original posts I found suspicious.

You mean this? " 4) Wanted to make it look like 2/3. In all actuality, they want to confuse town. " From Sarasa? Or did you mean something else?


Quick question: what does ISO mean?

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So the first bold part is really wrong. You realize that multiple mafia members can send in KP, right? So if 2 mafia members are inactive, the active one can send in kills even with the other two being inactive. And yes, BP is basically Vet.

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And lol at the last part


I'm sort of back and forth on Forek so far. I could see Forek in a scumteam with Endless, but at the same time I could see him as town. Straight up unsure.

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Dolby you're really going for blood already, and while it's understandable you want to get the ball rolling, how is option 3 in any way a good idea? Strong or weak, you don't try and lynch somebody until there's a lot of evidence behind it. If you don't recommend this, then why did you even bring it up?

Odd question at first but explained later. Nothing much.

@Ender: I more or less wanted to bring up #3 because it was both a bad idea and the one idea on Dolby's list that was that it's the one he wouldn't recommend, but he seemed fine with the other two options. I agree that no lynching is a bad idea too, but random lynching is pretty bad as well. Then again, no lynch is truly random on forum games really.

What interests me right now is that Dolby is putting forth a lot of effort to appear town: very first post of the game (after starting) was him making a list of options that he later claimed was a post to bait new people. Do you guys think Dolby was actually baiting there or just posting for the sake of posting? If he wasn't serious in that post, then why does he still seem serious about lynching Ashtot?

Anyways, some random thoughts before I go to bed: Ashtot wants to immediately lynch Dolby for saying he or Crys should be voted for, which coming from being fellow scum with him, has me thinking he might be acting in this reaction.

The most interesting point I've seen so far in answers to Endless' questions was LaBelle's answer to the gun to the head question: Endless did this his first game here and he turned out to be scum, but hasn't done it in the other game(s?) I've played with him. Part of me thinks that the lack of enthusiasm LaBelle has in choosing Endless over anyone else is that she wants to begin a dialogue with him, or something.

Also @ Endless I should answer your questions: gun to my head, I'd lynch Dolby at this moment in the game, with the info I have. Also given the nature of my schedule I can't promise how regularly or irregularly I'll be posting. My avatar is from Ernest and Celestine and I've played around 20 or so games here, only other maf experience was on epicmafia. Green button because I hate traffic. Btw, do you know EnderWiggin? A person with a lot of experience coming out of nowhere to this forum, like you.

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That all you got to say? Runeraider I remember usually has more to say and do on day 1 than talking to mafia lightheartedly.

Solid post. Gives information and outs their opinion.

Just want to note that this is very similar to the only thing LaBelle has posted, and it's also a weak reason to try and get Endless out of the way - I feel like you're ignoring a lot of the stuff people have had to say about other players or just not reading well, but this comes off as funky to me. I think Endless is too experienced of a player to not know his own meta, so you need more than just that to go off if you want to sus him imo.

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Ninja'd by pb - but I'm glad they noticed it too.

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Want to point out that their answer here seems very lukewarm in hindsight now that they're suddenly going after a stronger player on weak reasons.

Nothing much to say about this.

I'm not sure what to make of Dolby's response, because a lot of it was him defending himself against his play so far, but at the end of the post all he has to contribute is a small quip about pillow bunny with little behind it - pillow bunny isn't the only one making small posts or barely posting at all, why not go after Tom for the same reason, Dolby? He's being ****posty and lolvoting me because of what I did to him in a previous game.

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Something still feels off about Runeraider though, but a lot of that feeling about him is a meta thing.

Meta post and anti-Dolby. Nothing much.

tbh I'd really like to hear more from LaBelle regarding her matching Crystal's reads and alignment against Endless.

Good question.

So I'm gonna finally jump on the wagon and vote Dolby - I'm still very uncertain about him because he's a hard player to read, and from my past experience he's very lowkey in a lot of his playstyle, but there's just too many inconsistencies going on with him right now a lot of alignments that can be told from his flip. The things everyone has said today are the first impressions, and past games have proven I need to pay attention to day one behavior and focus on it heavily no matter what day it is.

There's a lot of stuff I'd like to comment on right now, but at the moment most of the content is people declaring their tells rather than strong (in many meanings of the word) posting going on. And I'm tired. Will be busy tomorrow catching up on work.

Ender, town is green and prs are blue on this forum. I can't tell you how many times I accidentally call a pr a blue in epicmafia on accident.

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Also, Tom, I've never seen someone degrade as a player as fast and hard as you have. Buck up, buttercup.

Eh. I don't have much to say about this post either.

tbh I actually should have relied on my meta feelings about Dolby: he's not played since the time when the random lynching, lynching distractions, and no lynching was easy to make happen on here, whereas we've come to really embrace scumhunting right off the bat Day 1 - but there are a lot of inconsistencies with what he responded to me with.

Speaking of inconsistencies, I'd like others to read LaBelle's big post a few pages ago: it reeks of someone being wishy-washy. She claims that it was indeed sarcasm, but it in fact wasn't - she's right about Endless, we shouldn't write him off, but you were acting leery of him from the getgo and continue to do so. So why are you turning on Crystal and saying she'd be a good lynch candidate because they agreed with being leery of Endless? You went on to say this about Crystal:

Uh, you just admitted to answering the RQS sarcastically and thus you were basically providing useless information as well, but because Crystal did the same thing you're trying to use it as evidence to make a case against them. It's clear that you weren't the same as Crystal in that you weren't suspecting Endless for the use of RQS, but you were being a devil's advocate about his use of it in a sense, however It's really clear that your case agaisnt Crystal was based on that difference alone - it's an easy way to make you seem like you weren't bandwagoning on the Dolby lynch when in the end you did, and seem like an active player offering something unique in your reads, which comes off as fillery.

You seemed very objective in the rest of your post against Dolby, and talked to him in a very matter of fact way that didn't read as 'I'm actually convinced you're maf' and in a sense you didn't need to appear that way - it was giving us info after all, and his defense was easy to write off. Personally, what bothered me about his defense was that it was overly defensive and then he suddenly turned to the random namedropping. I digress - there's something about the writing of that part of your post that seems off as well. I've got way too many things due at midnight to dissect that though, so I'll leave you alone from there.

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Also I don't remember your gender Crys I'm sorry.

THIS is what I am seeing with Labelle. I agree with most of the points here.

Then why did you wait until now to provide your thoughts? I mean, you don't have to explain waiting for the bait to work (it didn't) but I guess it's not a huge loss since you're not committed to getting anyone lynched because of uncertainty. That says something about you, in the least, but if anything you could expand on what you're talking about with Ashtot because he's so unpredictable and thus far he's hard to read - and it's best to call him out on that unpredictability right away or he'll use it to get away with staying alive as mafia.

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Lookin out for you lurking a few minutes ago, two hours after you made this post.

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Yeah that's the first impression I'm getting from her this game, better worded, remind me to remember that.

Responses and comments.

Second time you've said something like this. Here's the first:

Commenting on Rune's N1 thing.

Then why are you unconsciously repeating yourself?

And again.

He done stopped lurking all a sudden.

Comments about people looking around.

I'm not sure that's what Tom means - it's not what I mean. Joking around is a better way to put it, rather than a joke. And I used to do that when I was mafia - somewhere along the lines of 'boo hoo I keep getting night1'd in past games please don't kill me I have good things to contribute to town', although I'd get more specific sometimes and make posts at the end of the night because 'I'm probably going to die tonight so I better post what I think now'.

So there's more to it than joking around.


Hey I learn from my mistakes.

Also, a couple of thoughts, but I'm wary of being persuaded by the situation at hand and being manipulated:

-I think that there's no doctor (I have a small reason as to why I don't think there's one in the game), so I think both the attempt on Sarasa and the PB kill were both mafia kills.

-I think there's a reason Sarasa was chosen among the experienced as the night 1 kill and that pillow bunny was potentially the second kill thrown in for the sake of confusion - why her and not another more experienced player? I think there is definitely somebody with experience on the mafia team, and my highest suspects due to my guess that they know Sarasa the most is that it could be Endless or Enderwiggin. I'm just assuming they're coming from the same place though and coming here for mafia (Endless, then Sarasa, then Enderwiggin).

Right now, I'm actually suspecting Endless a little more than Ender if I'm assuming this trio knows each other. Endless has made the excuse that they're busy irl and not posting much, but I'm not buying that they'll at least thoughtfully skim the game before they post and address multiple things at a time, but recently a lot is going on that I'd expect Endless to comment on, but he's not doing it. Furthermore, the idea that Endless is maf and is repeating their Bravely Default play is one that has already been shut down, I mean why would an experienced player repeat their most recent mafia play as mafia when they've had so few games on this site in particular? There's wine potential here. Lastly, I found it odd that he said we should focus on those who didn't follow the Dolby bandwagon, because like Tom said, that's just 2 people and one of them was himself voting for me under the reasons of baiting commentary surrounding that, leaving the very vulnerable Runeraider as the one Endless is telling us to focus on.

-With the guess that there's somebody experienced on the team, and after grilling him in the exchanges we had last night and taking a day to think about his reactions and what he posted after pillow's death, I actually don't think that Runeraider is mafia at the moment - they're very vulnerable to a lynch today because Sarasa the uncounterclaimed vig is picking up with grilling Rune, and the other reason I don't suspect he's maf is because if he was on mafia's team they wouldn't let him go around posting like he has recently, practically setting himself up for suspicion at points.

-Enderwiggin is another suspect, and I find some of his wording of his posts funky at times, but this is the first game I've played with him and that leaves me with no meta to go off other than my assumption he knows Endless and Sarasa - which in regards to further analyzing what he has to say from here is a good thing.

Oh, and I still have suspicions about LaBelleFleur for reasons stated earlier.

My current townreads are Sarasa, Runeraider, Crys, and Tom.

I'm unsure about Forek but I'm keeping an eye on him, Ashtot has a chaotic playstyle and I'm not sure what to think of him based on what he's given me so far, and the inactives are inactive so there's nothing I can do about them.

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I'm not buying that he'll not at least*

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Also inb4 my reads are disenfranchised because lolyou'reusingmetaomgus.

Good post. I still want more elaboration on "I think there might not be doc."

lol yep still neither townreading or mafreading Forek. Hmm.

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EBWOP: Something about your last post here seems a little more contrived from how you usually post.

Nothing much here.

Anyways, Forek, if you want to call Runeraider out for not being town (and thus potentially being maf) but also want to believe that the pb kill was a frame, then isn't Runeraider going to be lumped in with you along with Labelle?

Accurate assessment.

Have you played a lot of games with Endless?

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You're confused. My point with the pillow bunny kill choice theory.

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I saw LaBelleFleur briefly glancing at the thread for a moment - makes me have qt suspicions. :)

Nothing much here.

That sorta clears part of my suspicion away, thanks. But I still find it odd that Endless is letting certain posts people are making go unmentioned because he's the type who has consistently been the one to call people out on things in previous games, as well as the whole 'lets focus on the two who didn't vote for Dolby' thing.

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I can't confirm that there isn't a doctor though, but part of my role makes me think there might not actually be one. Plus, there's a veteran in a game as small as this, which means veteran(s) could substitute the presence of a doctor. The good thing about you getting shot if anything is that it's most definitely something mafia didn't expect, so everyone's reactions to this bit of info gives us something to read into.

I like the Veteran reasoning, but still not clarification on the reasoning behind his role hint.

I approve of the bolded. Though it really isn't a tell for him unless he's doing it but ignoring specific minor things.

One of the possibilities Sarasa brought up, yeah. But it's the one I think is probably the case.


KP is 1 kill for every two mafia, rounded up on tbt. So if there are four/three mafia they have 2 kills per night, and if it's one or two they have one. There's at least 3 based on the number of players, so I'm not about to assume that was a vig kill. I'm not discounting it, but where did their other kill go? They would have doubled up on you if you were the only one they actually went after.


There's no pressure to sacrifice your schedule like that, it's a 48 hour day after all.


Pretty solidly town, I think. I find it hard to scumread anyone he's able to be linked with, which combined with his solid play makes me think it's 90% town.

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I might get back to Runeraider later. But here's the post collection, and I'm too tired. Crashing shortly. Endless gets his chance to shoot at me before I get back so that'll be fun! :D Going to Vote Endless before crashing out.

Hi kids, I'm not dead, and hopefully I won't get n1ed again. It'd be great to survive to d2 at some point. Mafia, if we can make some sort of deal, that would be fantastic.
I don't like RQSes, but meh.

Answer each of the following questions in this format:
How often do you intend to post each day? Quite a few times, but not until the game starts going.
Gun to your head, you had to Lynch 1 player off the nonexistent content so far, who do you Lynch? Ashtot.
There is a red button, a green button and a yellow button, which to click? Blue.
What's your avatar? I don't know, it's from somewhere on deviant art.
How much previous forum mafia experience do you have? I've played a few games on here, and quite a lot on EM.
By EnderWiggin (sorry quotes didn't work)

"Explain pls. I have a theory for why you said this but I want to hear YOU say it."

It might surprise you, but in this world, there exists something we mortals like to name 'humor'. Don't worry, it won't hurt you, just do not anger this common beast.

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Also sorry for not being here, I was asleep.

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From Endless:

"@Runeraider: Why don't you like RQSes?"

I don't really like them since they're pretty much useless. I understand what they're for, but it would be better imo to just say 'here'.

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You obviously don't remember the start of last game. I think I caused an uproar by ****posting at the start of that game too. :p

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...Why are so many uses lurking with hidden on...

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Also I've read everything now.

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Just saying.

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All of the chains.

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I'll stop...

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I don't really think that Dolby is being suspicious. He's just trying to look like he's being helpful today. Of course, that is kind of suspicious, but I think we should focus on someone who's consistently being sus rather than one bad post.

Then again, that is (if I remember correctly) Dolby's only post.

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On second thought, I'll vote for Dolby as a placeholder vote. I will change if something else comes up though.
What time does day end? I'm wondering if I'll be awake at that time.
OK, I'm going to switch my vote to no lynch in order to distance myself from this Dolby lynch even though it's going to go through no matter what, because I don't really think that he's that scummy. He's simply defending himself without being too violent and explaining his actions. Or at least trying to.

Anyway, I think that a lynch can be much better used on a player such as pillow bunny, as all they do is confuse the game with their weird fosses. But since it will probably be interpreted as a bus or a random vote that people will kill me over, I'm going to vote nl. I don't care if it's not optimal, it's plurality so you'll get your precious Dolby lynch.

I'm gonna start trying day 2, look out for that. Good night everybody.
I just don't think that Dolby is the best vote possible. Looking like I'm bussing isn't my concern, I'm more worried that we're lynching an active player who's actually doing thing instead of a player who has done basically nothing. (or an inactive) I would personally rather have pillow bunny lynched (mostly on meta but it seems to be happening again) since they keep posting confusing posts with weird fosses.

And while I'm not saying that his defence is the best, it looks like more of a confused town than a mafia caught in a lie to me. Plus, I don't really think that a no lynch is a bad idea (if we have no idea and need to not hit a pr) so I'm not even sure he was wrong in the first place. Well, ok, there was that baiting thing, but that could have actually been his intention. While I wouldn't be surprised if he flipped mafia, if I had to choose I would guess that he's a bad town. I guess my opinion doesn't matter at this point, but still.
Nah, I want to lynch you because of meta.
Like I've said.
A lot.

When did you fos me again?

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Can I be town leader if Dolby is town? :p
I won't be able to post anything of substance until I get home, so look out for that.
Yeah, I'm trying to read, but I won't be able to post anything long until I get back on PC. I'll respond to anything if it's really important.
I think that we should be foccusing on the Dolby bw for now, so I'm going to do a stupid analysis thing on that when I get home. My school internet sucks so I wouldn't be abke to do it here.
I'm sacred that most of the strong member's are mafia. I won't out any fosses in case I affect the mafia kills, but I have my suspicions that I'll out at day start.

If you wouldn't kill me mafia, that would be fantastic.

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I know, I'm full of witty remarks like that.

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You did manage to completely miss the point of that post though.
Good for you.
Why are you over analysing my bad jokes so hard?
It's just a joke, there's no ultimate purpose.

Even Ashtot knows this.
My self esteem thanks you.
Thanks for pushing on me.
Because I'm the only one not posting anything substantial.

*cough* PB *cough*

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Anyway, I'm gonna do that vote analysis to prove to all you non believers that I am the Messiah I claim to be.
Sorry, my internet cut out when I was almost finished. I'm too annoyed to finish it today, so I'm going to post it tomorrow morning, before mafia kill me.
I'm trying ti be funny. It's obviously not working.

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I'm just gonna stop making jokes, since people since to read too far into them. Here's a game, try and spot where I'm not being serious! If you win, you get a cookie!

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I wasn't sure Dolby was mafia, remember? Oh wait, you blacked out that part of my post.

I said that I wouldn't be suprised if Dolby was mafia, but I wanted to distance myself from the bw since I actually didn't believe it.
Or at least I think I said that. Maybe it was in another post.

Point is, that part is completely false.

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I wasn't sure Dolby was TOWN. TOWN. TOOOOOOWN.
In case I die, I'm gonna say that I think that if Endless doesn't die, he's either been protected or is probably mafia. If I could've said it in the first game I was in with them, it probably would've been really helpful.

Just a quick thought.

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Anyway, I should be online for this! Woo!

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This means that pillow was on to something. As I know I'm innocent, my logical conclusion is that Forek is looking very scummy at this point.
Pretty much just because of meta, although I do believe Endless might be scum. Can't talk now.
I didn't shoot PB. Since I would have no reason to lie about that, you can trust me on that one.

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Anyway, I do think that Endless is maf since they seem to be very quiet this game compared to their other games. I think that they're trying to stay undetected and instead focus on reading for blues. That's another possible reason you should add to the list - blue hunting.

Also, there's that whole not getting killed thing. While it's not amazingly important, it should stil be considered. If anyone wants to come up and say if they saved anyone, that'd be great.
I never said that it was Endless doing the Blue hunting, I just said that blue hunting was a possibility for killig PB.

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When did Endless say they were going to be inactive? Was it before or after the game started?

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Oh hey, Endless is here.
But then that means that mafia only has one kp. Given the mafia games around here, mafia usually have at least 2 kp with a full team. It wouldn't make sense.

Seeing as you've already outed your role, could you please out your role name? I just want to see if it matches up.
That seems to check out, thanks.
They wouldn't have known that Kat was a BP, so they wouldn't have known that they needed to place two hits on a player. Since there probably is a two KP and noone has cced Kat on this, I'm inclined to think that Kat is proven. I'm also thinking that that means that the more active players are maf.

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I'm pretty sure it's exactly the same as BP. Unless it's a different intrpretation of tge role.

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Could we please not use incog mode?

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I'm pretty sure that's you Forek
pls stahp
That's not why I think that active players are maf. I'm thinking it because PB was hit along with Sarasa, and mafia usually try and take out more active players rather than less active. Since PB was hit, it either means that they had a true FOS or that mafia didn't really know what to do with their second KP. Given that there are a few active players missed, I'm guessing that the mafia team consists of the more active players.
OKAY, First of all, I have skimmed the game a couple of times. I haven't had the time to post though. Additionally, using wifom as a logic for a read is kind of humourous considering the terminology's origins. (It's literally the inability to figure something out based on the situation.) Finally, - and this ones a doozer - I said that out of the votes, the ones that we should focus on were those off wagon since the wagon was air tight. However, I never said anything about lynching Rune. In fact, had if I had inferred that, that would have been reason to red read me.

This is more or less the same logic I townread him for earlier.

I interpret wine more as the use of circular reasoning than the inability to figure something out based on the situation, although circular reasoning being used can actually apply to that. But the point you didn't respond to regarding the read here is that I've accused you of a capability - right here is where you're giving less attention to what I was actually accusing you of and instead vaguely arguing that I'm misusing the term wifom. So right now I'm reading your response as potentially being purposefully inattentive to the thing that you're responding to.

Furthermore, if it's not Runeraider, it was Tom you were focusing on. Which makes sense, since you also asked me why I'm townreading Tom. To be honest? I'm backing away from townreading Tom and Crys again, simply because of how much more certain I feel about Sarasa and Runeraider. But now you're suddenly turning on Enderwiggin but you've yet to make a case on him with a number of points to it. It could be the result of your irl circumstances, so I'd like to give you some time to respond, but Enderwiggin has just come in with some very interesting information that we didn't know about: he was roleblocked, and he's a PR. And he's announcing he's a PR, which is interesting - I've already stated that I think there's a reason there's no doctor in the game so it's brave of him to come out as a PR. I was refraining from roleclaiming due to how it narrows down bluesniping for mafia, but they've probably already figured I'm not trying to trick them so I'll just be out with it: I'm a vanilla townie, but my character (Xabier) is described (paraphrasing, not outright posting my role PM here) as the only person who is capable of providing the service he does for the town (he's a surgeon). This is the reason I feel that there isn't a doctor in the game. It's possible that there might be a jack of all trades with one doctor use, or that justice just handed a doctor power over to another character, but I don't think this is likely the case.

One last point about Endless though, I agree with Ender's read on Endless' response to what pillow bunny's death might mean: I also felt like he was using all those possibilities to obfuscate the situation.

I'm truly and honestly leaning towards Endless being scum at the moment, which I'm surprised I don't feel more uncertain about, because he's the type of person who I think wouldn't post like he's posting right now as scum (but it's also not very productive town posting either). However, I feel that there's a divide growing among active players: Tom seems to side with me because I think he's read me as townreading and trusting him, I'm sharing some reads with Ender now that I'm reading some of his ISOs, and I've obviously sided with Runeraider - one of the things I'm sharing in common with Endless at the moment. Endless is townreading the people that you kinda got to townread based on what they've presented so far in the game: Sarasa, Rune, and I. Endless is in turn scumreading Ender apparently, which seems like a very sudden turn. I'm very interested in his case, because Enderwiggin just confirmed my suspicion that the two know each other. It is for this reason why I can understand why Endless would make the choices he made as mafia if he is mafia: he's keen enough to know Sarasa is a decent player in terms of experience and is capable of making a case against him, he might have roleblocked Ender because the two knew each other and if Enderwiggin was a cop that'd be bad for Endless, and the pillow bunny kill honestly does look like a confusion causer kill.

If I'm wrong to take Enderwiggin's side at the moment and join a lynch on Endless, then there's a lot of reason for me to feel wrong and gullible but I'm not going to claim I'm not gullible, sometimes I honestly am too easily persuaded. I'll worry about this later though, because the divide between Endless vs Enderwiggin seems too apparent and not a bus attempt/quicktopic schemed. That doesn't seem like Endless anyways.

Also, yeah there'd be 3 mafia and not 4 if you're going off one mafia per 5 town, based on Karla's suggested setup ratio most people follow on tbt. 15/3 is 5, which fits the tbt trend. Justice also knows we tbters suck at no-PM games and that they're often mafsided.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Went ahead and voted for Endless; I wanted certain responses from him and I definitely got them, there's a mix of meta and game specific behavior in my reads I feel solid about.

I'm feeling very conflicted about the use of meta in mafia right now, I mean a lot of experienced players advise against it in choice making but most of where I see that advice is on epicmafia, which is a faster paced style than forum mafia. Using meta makes sense to me when I think about it to myself - this is a very psychological game, and behavior has a lot to do with it. Just some random mafia rambling here though.

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I'd also like to call out Ashtot for some reads/responses/thoughts on things today, because part of me wonders if he's anxious mafia this game, coming out of kissing to be clever. I'm getting PTSD about being maf in that game because the days were even longer than the days in this game (48 hours is a decent length). So the people I'm really curious about hearing from are Ashtot, LaBelleFleur, Endless, Feloreena, and Blu Rose.

I really wanna know what Endless is right now lol, there's a lot of info on certain players I can develop reads for if he flips what I suspect he might flip.

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Also Endless while you're making a case on Enderwiggin I'd like to hear what you think about Tom. You saying we should focus off the bandwagon and on the two who didn't vote Dolby, along with confirming you townread Rune and asking me why I townread Tom implies he's the one you should have had some things to say about. Then Enderwiggin swooped in of course.

God I'm too lazy to bold and color-code people even though I like how it looks.
My suspicion on Endless from Day 1 has even heightened. I feel like what he tried to do is appear pro-town on the first day, but lurk in the background for the remainder of the game. ( Not necessarily talking about his activity levels) To me him talking how these kills are un-necessary really put the strike in the wood. A blue was shot and pillow died. Him trying to dismiss this quickly makes me like more wary of him now. I could explain more with meta but I don't feel like it and I'm at school. Anyway, I am 99% certain that endless is scum.
Reading some of those isos for myself, I'm coming to the same conclusion Ender is about Forek - there's a possible team between Endless/Forek - I was just random guaging him in questioning at one point in the game and his responses are the ones that Ender is conflicted about, but I can definitely see him acting confused to take any possible heat off himself, and as a result I'll be really convinced that they're on the same team if Endless flips red.

And then there's the relationship between Ashtot and Endless - it doesn't seem as apparent right now. Irregardless of that relationship, I suspect Ashtot is feeling tense if he's mafia again because of our maf experiences in KtbC. However, further analyzing his posts so far, he seems hesitant to be active as time goes on in this game, although I can't tell if one day is enough to call him inactive about, but he's been a little quieter today nevertheless. And I'll probably be conflicted about his response to this because yesterday was a Monday and today is Tuesday, so it's the beginning of a week and idk about the rest of yall but that's when things pile up as a student if you're like me and procrastinated on the weekend.

And I guess I'll give reading Tom a shot now that someone has conveniently iso'd all the players who have posted: the general summary with him is that he voted me partly as a meta joke to fish for reactions and got very little, but kept his vote on me because he knew I wasn't going to get lynched even if in actuality he wasn't scumreading me at that moment. One thing I'd like to know is what he was referring to with Ashtot's response in that post with the dancing Moe gif, not sure what he meant there. After that, though, he joined me in poking Runeraider with a stick to see what he'd do (rxn testing about Rune asking maf not to kill him). All in all, he's done nothing but fish around this game and I think it's funny that Endless hinted he had a not so townread on Tom as opposed to me. Not seeing a reason to scumread Tom based on his posts in the game, so again I'm interested in what Endless has to say about him still. Wonder if there will be some backpaddling lol.

So I'll stop using this game to procrastinate and relax by admitting that, yeah, I am basing all my reads at this point around the assumption that Endless is maf, and want to just go with it because I have a lot of info if Endless does flip, but of course I'll have to start all my reads from scratch if Endless flips town but that's the price I pay for being too sure about something.

- - - Post Merge - - -

start all my reads over from scratch*
Labelle comments about possible Labelle/Crys team is really bad. Like that's not ever going to be true. I just re-read Labelle's post. And if anything, Labelle/Endless is what it indicates.

btw Ender what do you mean by this? I don't see the indication of that combo at the moment. The only thing she's given us is that she wasn't serious serious about Endless, but just on guard. Like maybe her going easy on Endless by clarifying it was just sarcasm can be read as backing heat off him, but I'm not convinced that she was intentionally backing off here. Still, one thing I'd like to know is why she felt more sure about Crystal than Dolby but suddenly turned away from Crystal and voting for Dolby instead - at this moment she wasn't sticking to her guns, which were aimed at Crystal for a moment simply on the notion that Crystal took it a step further and actually read Endless on the matching behavior to Bravely Default day one. It seemed like a really silly thing to suspect him over at the time, but I'm not sure that indicates a LaBelle/Endless team simply because of the Crystal suspicion.

So what, specifically, I'd like to know from LaBelle is why she was actually somewhat committed to lynching Crystal when he took the stance he did on Endless - like was it just the fact that LaBelle mentioned Endless's Default play before Crystal did? Wanna know how this has changed if it has too.
Just read through everything, will posts reads once I get my head wrapped around things.

So what, specifically, I'd like to know from LaBelle is why she was actually somewhat committed to lynching Crystal when he took the stance he did on Endless - like was it just the fact that LaBelle mentioned Endless's Default play before Crystal did? Wanna know how this has changed if it has too.
First of all, to clarify my post - my intention was mostly sarcasm (Endless did an RQS when he was mafia in Bravely Default, clearly he must be mafia now) - but I also didn?t want people to sheep him as has been the case in the past. In retrospect, the point was unnecessary - Correct me if I?m wrong, but I think everyone here has played at least one game of mafia with Endless, and at least one game of mafia, period. They?ve experienced his play style and also how not to be a complete idiot. So my point became confusing & pointless. Apologies for that.

I was committed to lynching Crystal because they looked scummy, and because I found their reasoning for lynching Endless extremely weak. For you, and also for EnderWiggin, who mentioned it in an earlier post - my intention was not to defend Endless. It was to FOS Crystal, since they were throwing out weak, meta-based suspicions on Endless. They said themselves that they threw out suspicion on Endless because they didn't want to ride the Dolby bandwagon and felt a meta twinge of suspicion for Endless. So really, Crystal could've made a weak case on anyone, and I'd still be suspicious of them.
Well it wasn't actually that. It was more that I personally was getting strong town reads from Dolby and refused to vote for him. I just wanted to voice my own opinion and not go on the bandwagon/use a scapegoat. I felt weird about endless so I tried to get it out, nothing more than that.
I definitely need to go do some reading on Endless based on the conversation that's come up, but I'm still suspicious of Crystal because since the Dolby vote they've become infinitely more wishy-washy.
It just felt like yeah Dolby was kind of wishy-washy. I think it was him that went from lynch to no lynch. But i think that at that moment he was just trying to get town off his back. I agree with his red flags list, but I'll talk about that more when I have actual evidence. Like him I was also getting a town read from SarsaKat. I'm unsure what I think about ender though.
OK, let me get this straight - you think Dolby was wishy-washy, but town-read him and refused to vote for him. And on top of that, you agree with his red-reads, which were entirely based on meta and also included you? Please clarify.

Ashtot, please post something meaningful. Every since post you've made has been complete garbage with little to no evidence behind it, thanks.
*insert stupid phrase used for "wait a minute or 20 for me to read the last 8 pages"*
actually, here, i'll use this
"hold your horses"
@LaBelle: thanks for the clarification but I'm going to just leave it as having different reads on Crystal at this point - I'll leave Crystal to clarify why he townread Dolby despite some red-reads being on himself, but Crystal's recent post is showing someone who is keeping up to date with information and voting accordingly this time.

That being said, I think there's a lot of important posts to read regarding Endless (Endless's posts, and EnderWiggin and mine's), but Blu is right I should hold my horses, it's a lot of info. Ender Isoing everyone is really convenient though.
Yay, posts on Notepad!

I changed the format to Page Wrap this time, so now TBT decides where to end lines instead of me~

I would like to mention really quickly that there is no way that ever will exist until next summer that I will be available on a Monday. I'm being forced to attend this program called BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) because my parents think it will be good for me in the "long run". All that matters is that the program is like a literal hell for me as it is all about Bibly Study, no "Fellowship" and half of what they teach doesn't seem to be biblically based, so as to make it that even if I was Christian it would still be stupid. They make these awful assumptions about things the Bible says and then they even discard things that happen in the Old Testament in order to justify their almighty God. Enough said, I actually really needed to get that out...

Now, if I mention something in the serious part that has already been mentioned don't grill the **** out of me for it.
I haven't even read the game, let alone the newer posts before I typed this specific paragraph up. Thus, I'll continue from here.

I will probably type things that seem like they are obvious scumtells in here. This is what I like to call "character" but it actually means sarcasm. I am an extremely sarcastic person and I try to make this up by putting anything sarcastic I type either with a strikethrough or with no capitalization and occasional "l33tsp34k" (m80 included). There are occasional times when I am not kidding in what I type through the above methods, but it will most likely be something like a one-line post or something...

Even though you're dead, Dolby, things have changed, unfortunately. It now seems like a legitimate strategy to yolo lynch and then excavate their posts for any clues. Also Endless came and kind of made everything a tad more like Epic Mafia.

Endless, would you like me to answer your Day 1 RQS?

who tf is enderwiggin have i played with you before

remember the days when there were players legitimately interested in playing that didn't have "end" in their name

just saying because a lot of people brought it up a while ago (like post #90 up)
For me, Random Lynches make a lot more sense than No Lynches. For one, you have the off chance to hit Mafia, and, for two, it can eliminate a future distraction if done within a set of parameters (these being the players that have a great meta of being good contributors). However, just truly randomly lynching is dumb, I'll grant anyone that. Sure, you lose another Town, but the small off chance that you hit Mafia is better than losing an inactive important town member, with the same off chance.

@Ashtot (Post #105)-
agreed m80 (For EnderWiggin: Dolby is infamous for rc'ing as a Bus Driver in one game and completely making it seem legit while, the whole time, he was Mafia. He also is infamous for basically playing the whole Town as Mafia once (Kingmaker comes to mind).)

@EnderWiggin (Post #111)
instant lynch after all you're the best player as mafia ever

@Runeraider (Post #165)
gj distancing yourself from the dolby lynch

lol why pillow bunny, mafia?
you should've gotten ashtot while you still could've

@SarasaKat (Post #240)
Has evidence like that ever been used after, like, the third game? By "like that" I mean evidence which links a Mafia's killing style to how they play. I'm not saying it's impossible, but good luck.
Oh, and, also, I don't believe it would make sense for Town to have KP.
I'm almost willing to bet it was a Vig Ashtot, though...

@SarasaKat (Post #253)
Your first paragraph is so agreeable it's amazing. I love it so much.

I'll have to do that.

Okay, now that we're done with that...

I just started school today. The only good thing that this brings is an iPad, which means that I may be able to get on TBT in the later hours of the night and read/post on Mafia. The things that school brings that aren't as good? Homework and 7-hour days.
Which means I likely won't be here from 12:00 A.M. to around 3:10 P.M. and then around 9:30 to midnight (all times are UTC -0400). Of course, I also get homework, which shouldn't take long in the opening weeks of school.

Very small thing about Dad that he posted in Post #144:
I think it a tad weird that he called out Dolby for lolvoting when he said that he'd kind of like to do the same for Tom because of a previous game, the exact situation Dolby was in. But, whatever, that really isn't anything important because Dad didn't act out because of it unlike Dolby.

@Endless (Post #152)
Wait, seriously?
Nothing about any of those posts that Dolby made really rubs me the wrong way, it seems like Dolby to me...
He didn't mention Ashtot?!?!?!?!??!?! So what? It's not like he explicitly stated that his read on him went from red to green; he never even stated in the first place that he was suspicious of Ashtot but you decided to bring it up as if he did. You quoted Post #125 in that and then brought it up as if he was red-reading Ashtot for spamming? Excuse me?
The above can be used as evidence anyways.

I guess I'm not seeing the case that apparently had formed on Crys in Post #172? Or am I the only one?
Like, really, to me it just seems like matched LaBelle's sarcastic reads (which makes sense, I get that), a weak reasoning (from a player whom isn't really considered the best? I'm not saying that he is extremely bad at Mafia, I just don't remember him really contributing to a lynch that much?), and ignorance of information that it doesn't seem like anyone can find.

@EnderWiggin Post #190:
I'm sorry, just reading through the thread and Dolby's posts really makes me think of plain old Dolby. There wasn't really anything wrong with him necessarily, and Endless blew it up out of proportion. The posts that Endless quoted said nothing about Ashtot originally because, well, there was no part when Dolby said he suspected Ashtot, or, rather, if there was, Dolby threw it away at the end of that section of his post by saying "I'm glad he's taking this game somewhat seriously now." I'm sorry, but, to be quite frank, I think that the lynch on Dolby was actually really stupid. Granted, I might be one of the only people who even really remembers how Dolby played.
And, only saying this because I know it's going to happen: "But, Bwoo Wofe (Blu Rose), why didn' you fay fomefing (something) when da wynch (lynch) was happenin'?"
One word: Replacement.
And, yes, I know that, technically, my meta dictates me as not being aggressive as above. but because the fact has already happened I can state what I'm thinking anyways yaaay But, whatever, it's how I feel today, yadda yadda yadda. *insert excuse here*

Speaking of Post #196:
I don't believe I've seen Dad do this* paragraph ever before, and it kinda stinks to me as if he's trying to take part of the blame of the lynch off of him? I don't know, it really rubs me the wrong way because it just doesn't seem Dad...

Oh, yeah, his paragraph:
tbh I actually should have relied on my meta feelings about Dolby: he's not played since the time when the random lynching, lynching distractions, and no lynching was easy to make happen on here, whereas we've come to really embrace scumhunting right off the bat Day 1 - but there are a lot of inconsistencies with what he responded to me with.
And before anyone says "But EnderWiggin made the same type of post!" I'll say this: I've never played with EnderWiggin (I don't believe) and thus I have no idea what their tendencies to post about are.

@Endless (Post #219)
Can someone please explain to me what part of the Dolby lynch made sense?

@EnderWiggin (Post #272+280) and @everyone wondering why the heck I don't think Dolby's case made sense
See "@Endless (Post #219)" but also:
Here's what I believe Endless' case to be:
First point actually makes a little sense but doesn't really stand that well overall.
Or maybe I'm not understanding the first point.
Second point dismissed by Dolby's last little area that Endless quoted which proves that Dolby WASN'T SUSPICIOUS OF ASHTOT:
"...I'm glad that he's taking this game somewhat seriously now."
Third and fourth points are dismissed because of the same reason second point was.
I'm sorry if this is so painfully obvious as to how it makes sense. For me, it just really doesn't.

not even caring about proofreading this right now

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oh jesus christ that took a lot more than 20 minutes lol

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Oh, and I forgot to mention that I'm also voting for Endless~
i dont understand why maf killed people they could have easily used as leverage or for us to waste a lynch etc. seems really counter productive to me but whatever

im really busy cuz i just flew to vancouver yesterday for college

Anyways I'm Absinthe a Townie

i recommend u just take my word for it since i wont be on much but if u really want to lynch be just get to it so you dont waste time killing maf
I'm torn between Ender and Endless at this point, but I'm uktimately going to go with my first fos. Sorry!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hold on, I think I've got something on Ender. His story doesn't match up.
I can't talk now, but he should be dead by his logic.
Just read through everything, will posts reads once I get my head wrapped around things.

First of all, to clarify my post - my intention was mostly sarcasm (Endless did an RQS when he was mafia in Bravely Default, clearly he must be mafia now) - but I also didn?t want people to sheep him as has been the case in the past. In retrospect, the point was unnecessary - Correct me if I?m wrong, but I think everyone here has played at least one game of mafia with Endless, and at least one game of mafia, period. They?ve experienced his play style and also how not to be a complete idiot. So my point became confusing & pointless. Apologies for that.

I was committed to lynching Crystal because they looked scummy, and because I found their reasoning for lynching Endless extremely weak. For you, and also for EnderWiggin, who mentioned it in an earlier post - my intention was not to defend Endless. It was to FOS Crystal, since they were throwing out weak, meta-based suspicions on Endless. They said themselves that they threw out suspicion on Endless because they didn't want to ride the Dolby bandwagon and felt a meta twinge of suspicion for Endless. So really, Crystal could've made a weak case on anyone, and I'd still be suspicious of them.I definitely need to go do some reading on Endless based on the conversation that's come up, but I'm still suspicious of Crystal because since the Dolby vote they've become infinitely more wishy-washy.OK, let me get this straight - you think Dolby was wishy-washy, but town-read him and refused to vote for him. And on top of that, you agree with his red-reads, which were entirely based on meta and also included you? Please clarify.

Ashtot, please post something meaningful. Every since post you've made has been complete garbage with little to no evidence behind it, thanks.
May I ask how I've been wishy-washy? I said that about Dolby because he literally went from the idea of lynch to no lynch. My reasons for his fluctuating behavior was him trying to get us off of his back, I mean, that only makes sense. Also if you read Dolby's post (125) he said he wasnt actually serious and wanted to start the game up. And lets be honest, almost every thing that day was meta so what can you do. And I only agreed with his red read b they were based on day 1, they have obviously changed by now (except for endless)
OK, so, Ender said that they're a blue (he all but confirmed he's cop) and that they were roleblocked last night because Endless thought that they were a cop and were checking them. Except that would make no sense.

If Endless really thought that Ender was a cop, why would they roleblock Ender instead of killing them? Did they really think that killing PB was more important than killing a potential blue? If Ender is telling the truth here (but I don't think he is) then PB must have done something very important. So, Ender, rather than focusing on Endless, maybe you should see why PB was killed in the first place, if you really are blue?
My head hurts and I forgot to check in today.

Furthermore, if it's not Runeraider, it was Tom you were focusing on. Which makes sense, since you also asked me why I'm townreading Tom. To be honest? I'm backing away from townreading Tom and Crys again, simply because of how much more certain I feel about Sarasa and Runeraider. -snip-

I'm truly and honestly leaning towards Endless being scum at the moment, which I'm surprised I don't feel more uncertain about, because he's the type of person who I think wouldn't post like he's posting right now as scum (but it's also not very productive town posting either). However, I feel that there's a divide growing among active players: Tom seems to side with me because I think he's read me as townreading and trusting him, I'm sharing some reads with Ender now that I'm reading some of his ISOs, and I've obviously sided with Runeraider - one of the things I'm sharing in common with Endless at the moment. Endless is townreading the people that you kinda got to townread based on what they've presented so far in the game: Sarasa, Rune, and I. Endless is in turn scumreading Ender apparently, which seems like a very sudden turn. I'm very interested in his case, because Enderwiggin just confirmed my suspicion that the two know each other. It is for this reason why I can understand why Endless would make the choices he made as mafia if he is mafia: he's keen enough to know Sarasa is a decent player in terms of experience and is capable of making a case against him, he might have roleblocked Ender because the two knew each other and if Enderwiggin was a cop that'd be bad for Endless, and the pillow bunny kill honestly does look like a confusion causer kill.

If I'm wrong to take Enderwiggin's side at the moment and join a lynch on Endless, then there's a lot of reason for me to feel wrong and gullible but I'm not going to claim I'm not gullible, sometimes I honestly am too easily persuaded. I'll worry about this later though, because the divide between Endless vs Enderwiggin seems too apparent and not a bus attempt/quicktopic schemed. That doesn't seem like Endless anyways.
I rather enjoyed us growing close and agreeing on players and issues though Dad, don't let scummy Endless tear us apart. :( However don't expect me to just sit here and kiss ass by agreeing with you often, it's just we're seemingly coming to the same conclusions this game and why do all this typing when I can just say ditto and add a little bit of personal commentary to it.

The divide that is growing is painfully obvious and obviously we should be watchful of that, but I think it's pretty clear that this retaliation against Ender is a ploy from Endless to buy time. Endless' reasoning for everything thus far just screams inconsistent and weak, games where I was maf I dreaded having him turn his eye to me but watching his "townplay" right not just screams lazy. He's making a lot of mistakes, saying we should focus on people who didn't bandwagon and that Dolby was "air-tight". Air-tight? I've seen a leaky inflatable pool hold more air than the case against Dolby. Honestly lynching Endless today seems like the smartest bet overall, lynching anyone else unless we get a true slip up just seems wrong.

And I guess I'll give reading Tom a shot now that someone has conveniently iso'd all the players who have posted: the general summary with him is that he voted me partly as a meta joke to fish for reactions and got very little, but kept his vote on me because he knew I wasn't going to get lynched even if in actuality he wasn't scumreading me at that moment. One thing I'd like to know is what he was referring to with Ashtot's response in that post with the dancing Moe gif, not sure what he meant there. After that, though, he joined me in poking Runeraider with a stick to see what he'd do (rxn testing about Rune asking maf not to kill him). All in all, he's done nothing but fish around this game and I think it's funny that Endless hinted he had a not so townread on Tom as opposed to me. Not seeing a reason to scumread Tom based on his posts in the game, so again I'm interested in what Endless has to say about him still. Wonder if there will be some backpaddling lol.
I knew you wouldn't get lynched and changing my vote to a serious one wouldn't have mattered. No reason to join in on a bandwagon I didn't trust either. Didn't scumread, in fact all I'm getting is some pretty serious townplay. Usually you fluff up your maf posts to look like you're contributing, but right now you're just giving me a lot of reading and a headache. As for Ashtot and the Gif, there was a quote/response to I believe Sarsa there that got lost in the ISO. Those two are different things.

Right now honestly I'd peg mafia team as Endless, Ashtot and LaBelle, maybe one of the inactives to interchange with LaBelle there. So far with what we know, we have a seemingly active mafia team though, so I lean towards LaBelle more than any inactive.
what i think so far.

town: sarsa, ender
leaning toward town but could change: Tom, Dad
uncertain: forek, rune, blu
leaning toward maf but could change: labelle, ashtot
mafia: endless

idrk were to put all the inactives so :/
Very small thing about Dad that he posted in Post #144:
I think it a tad weird that he called out Dolby for lolvoting when he said that he'd kind of like to do the same for Tom because of a previous game, the exact situation Dolby was in. But, whatever, that really isn't anything important because Dad didn't act out because of it unlike Dolby.

I think you're confused/skimming too fast. I've yet to say anywhere in this game that I'd like to vote Tom, but I did accuse Tom of lolvoting me because I day1 bussed him as fellow mafia in a previous game, which is what I was mentioning to Dolby, regarding how Dolby went after pillow bunny for '****posting'. I don't know if you have played with Tom in recent games Blu, but he's been reeeally bad as a player on both sides because he thought everyone would thing he's being scummy no matter what he did in part due to being maf a number of times in a row. He's recovering a little this game, I think.

I'm not entirely sure why you're reacting to Dolby's lynch the way you are - Dolby was contradicting himself at points, seemed overly defensive, and despite trying to get the ball rolling with what he claimed to be baiting he did little to actually give reads on people. At the time, nobody's behavior was as scummy as his, and my uncertainty about it was meta but it was right, I think. Point is, it gave us info and now that Enderwiggin can confirm that Endless' maf playstyle tends to be picking one person and sticking to it it makes sense in retrospect when looking at the Dolby lynch. A part of why Endless was successful in getting a mislynch day one was that he was the most active person in the game at that time and was using Dolby's mistakes to make it happen.

The night one kills provided us a lot to chew on at first - Sarasa was shot and pillow bunny was also very likely a mafia kill, and then Endless came in and provided a large number of points about pillow bunny's kill theorizing a bunch of stuff but did at the end say it was pointless to look into, but it was the construction of all of those theories that I feel was used to promote uncertainty. After Endless posted that, along with defending himself against my accusations (most interesting was his response regarding what 'wine' is and that it was funny I used it for logic - it was dismissive), Enderwiggin came in and provided some information that has convinced me that Endless is likely behind the choosing of the night kills and actions: Ender was roleblocked and he confirmed that Endless and himself have played together and was a pr, Endless has shown to be a strong player in past games so he is indeed a cop check candidate for night 1s and he's aware of that, and out of all the experienced/'strong'/vocal players I'm going to assume Sarasa made the most sense to kill because it was likely Sarasa or Ender so he chose one and roleblocked the other, I have proven to be easily manipulated by Endless in past games, Tom has gotten lazy, Endless hasn't played with Feloreena yet, and other experienced players just aren't as vocal.

Furthermore, there have been a couple of other little things Endless has said that seems off - he mentioned that 'we should focus on people who weren't a part of the bandwagon because the bandwagon was 'airtight' (wtf does that mean)' and the only two that didn't take part in it were Rune and Tom. He townread Rune because of obvious reasons that a lot of people are capable of seeing and recognized that wouldn't work well as a mislynch, so that means he was talking about Tom when he said that. This means he intended to make a case against him or in the very least provide scumreads - however he seemed to have some time trouble and in the last minute turned against Enderwiggin later saying he'd make a case against him. However, as I'm summarizing here, the case against Endless is much more substantial and Endless will have to do a lot of work to present Ender as more scummy. It is for this reason, along with some alliances and non-alliances with/against Endless that will provide a ton of reads upon flip, that Endless needs to be lynched today. I know I'm repeating myself here, but I thought I'd summarize that this is why we should lynch him.

Also, the rolename matches up but I ain't ready to take Ashtot's word just yet.

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God dangit that turned out long anyways.

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Sorry guys, I know I should be more airtight.
hey L cocoabean has been posting all of today and yesterday. did the ask for a replacement or are they just avoiding the thread?
Yo Ender, there's some things I'd like clarified:

EnderWiggin said:
Obfuscating it with fair points. I actually almost missed the key point of this one but more on that later.
That was from your case against Endless. What was the key point that you mentioned? I never saw you bring it up later. Also, what're you referring to with "it"?

Conclusion paragraph from that same post said:
To elaborate. One meta about him is that he constantly, as scum, focuses on one target per day. He'll pick out someone and get them lynched. Now this isn't always a scum-tell. He's too good to have a 100% scumtell. However he does this SO often that I'm very wary of it.
So let me get this straight - the main reason you're suspicious of him is meta? The other reasons that I could gleam from it were that you asked about an inconsistency and that he didn't reply, the fact that you were blocked last night, and the night kills last night (this reason made the most sense to me tbh).
At the current moment, I see Endless as someone who's not really sticking to anything concrete.
I'm always super busy on Mondays and Tuesdays. I don't much time rn but SarasaKat is bleeding town and I'd guess pillow was shot because they asked to be. Either way, reading into it doesn't seem like it'll get us where we want to be.

Meh, you can't get em all.

I'm going to focus a lot of my attention on the people that avoided that wagon rather than the people that wagoned it since the logic behind it was substantial.
Both of these to me kind of symbolize how he wants to play as staying in a sort of generic playing field. He doesn't really explain much besides "yeah we should do this". This lack of explanation from the onset either makes me think he expects town to sheep, he's posting whatever's on his mind (he SERIOUSLY doesn't seem the type), or he just doesn't want to give explanation. In terms of day play, that's what's giving me more scum vibes than anything else he did. The logic for the lynch train made sense, and he hasn't really done much else besides that. His random, sudden turn on Ender is something that I found odd, though.

Part of what adds to my suspicion of Endless is the fact that Ender was RB'd. Considering how he was seen generally as town, I can't see much motivation any town blocker would have had to block them. You'd think we would have seen more public suspicion of Ender D1 if this was the case. No, I think this was a mafian block. Taking that into consideration, what motive would mafia have of blocking Ender? There's the meta

He's definitely done suspicious things, but you guys are making him out to be the ultimate scum machine, which is something I'm not really sensing. Perhaps that's due to my lack of knowledge of meta on this website. But I'm only soft-reading him as scum atm.

@Tom You said that Endless' posts were inconsistent/weak. Mind pointing those out/explaining how so?

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SarasaKat said:
Part of what adds to my suspicion of Endless is the fact that Ender was RB'd. Considering how he was seen generally as town, I can't see much motivation any town blocker would have had to block them. You'd think we would have seen more public suspicion of Ender D1 if this was the case. No, I think this was a mafian block. Taking that into consideration, what motive would mafia have of blocking Ender? There's the meta
Whup I guess I never finished my train of thought with this.

Basically, I don't see much reason scum would have for blocking Ender. He was extremely outspoken, and very much looked green. He didn't really FOS anybody too hard at that point in the game iirc, so I doubt it'd be some sort of reaction. The only reason I see is the meta. I'll go back to check to make sure though

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I suppose it could have been Ashtot who wanted to block Ender. Since Ender mentioned the meta from before (that Endless knows that Ender would be likely checking him N1 if he was Cop), I see this as potential evidence for an Ashtot/Endless team. But I'm pretty sure that his block is either due to Endless or Ashtot.
Hi yes I will explain later, since I'm sure you've noticed me lurking. Just reading up before I do some classwork.