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I have abnormal flexibility and can fold my legs fully behind my head. (Even as a 5'10 adult).
I have somewhat unusual flexibility. I used to be able to put my leg behind my head. I have always been able to hold my feet together and fold myself down and press my face into the floor.
I'm autistic, so I ask many questions to people to make sure I'm reading it correctly online. And I can be miss judged many times because I don't know something that is obvious or I read something wrong. It's worst online because its not in person so no one can read my tone or expression. So I say sorry a lot at end on sentence when asking a question.
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My very first online handle was cutebross260. I made an account on a website called Scratch with that username when I was in second grade.
I can play the entire drumset part of When I Come Around and Brain Stew.

I can also play a ton of random songs on piano. I’m pretty good at transcribing songs by ear.
I had ginger hair for a very short time. Like, actual orange. It's not my color, but the place I was working at the time wanted everyone to have a natural color hair, and me being stubborn, I wanted the color to be somewhat unnatural. That resulted in myself going ginger for the entirety of the job. I kept it for a bit afterwards, but added a red ombre to it after quitting the job so it would appear as a "fireball."

I don't think I'd ever go back to it, but I'm a ginger on my ID card, lmao.
I had ginger hair for a very short time. Like, actual orange. It's not my color, but the place I was working at the time wanted everyone to have a natural color hair, and me being stubborn, I wanted the color to be somewhat unnatural. That resulted in myself going ginger for the entirety of the job. I kept it for a bit afterwards, but added a red ombre to it after quitting the job so it would appear as a "fireball."

I don't think I'd ever go back to it, but I'm a ginger on my ID card, lmao.
Nice. I want to try colored hair but afraid it would ruin my curls
Nice. I want to try colored hair but afraid it would ruin my curls
My hair is actually naturally curly, but nobody ever guesses that because I keep it short enough to where they aren't so prominent. That, and I wear a hat almost 24/7. When it's short like this, at most, it's just wavy. I prefer that greatly to having prominent curls.
My hair is actually naturally curly, but nobody ever guesses that because I keep it short enough to where they aren't so prominent. That, and I wear a hat almost 24/7. When it's short like this, at most, it's just wavy. I prefer that greatly to having prominent curls.
Wow my hair is medium to long in length but also very thin
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Wow my hair is medium to long in length but also very thin

My hair is actually naturally curly, but nobody ever guesses that because I keep it short enough to where they aren't so prominent. That, and I wear a hat almost 24/7. When it's short like this, at most, it's just wavy. I prefer that greatly to having prominent curls.

My hair is actually naturally curly, but nobody ever guesses that because I keep it short enough to where they aren't so prominent. That, and I wear a hat almost 24/7. When it's short like this, at most, it's just wavy. I prefer that greatly to having prominent curls.
I would like to message you but can't. Why?
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I would like to message you but can't. Why?
I'm confused on the question. Why can't you message me or why do I dislike having curly hair?

For the curly hair, it's just not my style. I'd rather not go further into it. For the messages, I have my private messages blocked for the most part. I did that for a personal reason, and never got around to changing it back. Which reminds me, I might change it back now.