Share a Fact about yourself!

I am blue-yellow color blind (Tritanopia), and I struggle really badly with blues, teals and reds
I was in Special Ed, 'Normal' class, and Gifted Class all in the span of a few months.

I was not motivated as a teenager and generally performed poorly at Math. But I typically have very good comprehension skills.

The 'grand' school system decided to place me in special education for literature because I was doing poorly in other subjects.

It was very silly. I could pretty much out read the teacher in most of the assigned books. So they skipped me to a class for gifted students.

Where I got demotivated because I didn't like any of the assigned literature.

And so I got moved again to a middle of the road class. Which was better. We read books like 'The Outsiders'.
I have very bad auditory processing issues and often wildly mishear what people around me are saying. If someone says a long series of instructions at me I only remember the first few seconds at most. Pretty much every time I hang out with someone for any reasonable period of time I have to ask them to repeat themselves since I either misheard what they said or accidentally disassociated and didn’t hear them.
I have a double-jointed pinky finger that bends in a different direction than my other fingers do.
My ethnicity is mostly Polish and French, w/ traces of Irish, Scottish, Swedish, and Native American.
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I've mentioned before on this forum about a school shooting. I haven't mentioned before that I was also in a school bus accident.

Our driver was speeding. Knocked the bus into a ditch. The entire bus went sideways.

Unlike the shooting, miraculously nobody was hurt or killed. My head almost swung into the window though.

I kinda liked school and enjoy learning. My luck with going through incidents seems to not be so great.

College has at least been smooth.
I was named after a famous viking.