Share good🍀luck stories from the🌴island &/or campsite🏕on your quest for dreamies🌠


Prankster Crossing
Mar 30, 2020
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Famous Mushroom
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
I've been planning to go to the island [over and over again] for a week and haven't had time so queenie and butch moved in.... not ecstatic about those two let me tell you but anywho today freya showed up at camp and I accepted her in because I definetely wanted a wolf and then I finally got to going to the island and on the first trip merengue was there...making her my 10th villager!. also found alice at the island earlier..... nethier freya and merengue or alice are my personal dreamies but I felt pretty lucky and would like to get to know them and alice is awesome! I've only been to the island about 5 times... Pashmina is moving out tomorrow... I'm gonna continue island hopping on my quest for julian 🍀🎋😍 🦄
Also... any tips or tricks?? Please share!!!
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the luckiest i’ve ever gotten when it comes to my dreamies is i found dobie on an island tour - i came close to not getting him as i contemplated inviting erik when i found him but i decided to not settle (even though erik is adorable) and i’m glad i did a few more tours!
After the 3-5th villagers moved in, I went on a villager hunt on islands and got my all time favorite, Rudy, on my 8th try. I didn't think I'd get him this soon quickly.
Based from my personal experience during my island hopping last weekend.

Take breaks in between island hopping. This helped me not get frustrated and discouraged. Divide your NMTs used on different time of day.

I also widen my villagers list to help me keep an open mind. I will be looking for Kid Cat tomorrow. I just hope I was just as lucky as my previous island hopping.
I seem to find everyone else's dreamies on islands, lol. I don't mind though. When they want to move, I'll let them, and I'm happy to be able to give someone's desired villager to them. I got lucky and had Wolfgang as a random cranky move-in, though, and I literally jumped with joy.
I found Raymond once.
Sold him for a boatload of NMT.
Thats probably the luckiest I will get in ACNH.
I've seen merengue on a random island. it was the hardest desicion whether to bring her or not. I had her in my main town for a long while but she wasn't for me so I gave her for away for free after much thought.

in my campsite aside from the force villager you need to move in I've had Lucky and Vivian. I was like oh man what's with this luck I'm having but they're not my dreamies.
I found Audie on my very first mystery island =w=
but on the otherhand, I went to almost 100 islands searching for Raymond or Judy and found neither lol
I've been pretty lucky ngl ;o;
I started with an entire amiibo card collection, so any villagers that had a card were already covered
Raymond was my forced smug camper
Got Dom for only 10 nmt (not sure if he goes for more?)
And got Audie from a friend who didn't want her!
This story is indirectly related to the Campsite.

I have the Ankha Amiibo. A few days ago, she asked to move out. I agreed in order to share the love and give her away to the community, because I could just get her back through the campsite.

I was going to just let a rando move into her plot and replace them with Ankha, and Fang, one of my Cranky Dreamies, decided to move into that spot.
I put down a plot. Went to start my island hopping. Got Audie (my dreamie) on the first ticket. And it was a hybrid island. Don't give up!
Was hoping to get Marina since I already have Zucker and Octavian on my island. Found her on my 2nd nmt and my octopus cove is complete!
Didn't have luck finding my dreamies but did have insane luck finding the most wanted villagers of others 😆
Raymond was my first campsite visitor and I stumble across Beau, Fauna, Judy and Audie by using 20 NMT since the beginning of the game. I only took Audie in and planning to sell Raymond in the future.
Well I've gotten lucky with the campsite, had Marshal show up as my 2nd camper and immediately had him boot Quillson, and than I had Mira show up today which I needed a sisterly villager so I'm alright with my luck!
Well I finally went on my quest for julian.. u see the thing is 6 of my villagers were unwanted already and I only had 2 I liked before merengue and freya so when I went to the island I had 4 tickets..first it was phoebe then it was hamlet then coach and on the fourth one... Goldie. So I went with her... cant wait till someone moves now.. still need julian!! Its hard for me to say no... lol still don't have any dreamies but I like atleast half
I TT’ed and got Raymond through the campsite! I personally think that anyone that is seeking after him, has no smug villagers, and is fine with TT should try the campsite method then use NMTs! However just be prepared to have one of your villagers move out because it’s a pain having to play the card game over and over again just to get him to pick someone different to move out.
I got pretty lucky on the NMT islands, even if I haven't found any of my original dreamies.

I haven't been to 100 islands yet and I got Apollo, Bob and Roald to join my island and I fell in love with them so they're now permanent residents, and I guess I was pretty lucky because the 3 of them seem to be growing in popularity these days!

I also got Diana from an island just the other day, and I intend on trading her for Julian or Coco when I get my online account.

So yeah, pretty lucky even if not in the ways I expected to be!
Here's my good luck story: I got TWO villager photos today! One was from Huck and one was from my bestie, Bruce. These are my second and third photos and since I've decided that I'm not going to let anyone leave until I have their photos, it's exciting because it increases the chance I could have new islanders soon!
I've easily spent 100s of NMTs island hopping (and got quite a few Dreamies!), but my main goal was Raymond since I knew I wouldn't be able to afford him ;;

Well I sold Marshal for a good amount of tickets! So I went island hopping...and more island hopping...and then some more. It was getting into the very very early hours of the morning and tbh I lost hope on just even finding a decent villager, let alone raymond, and...

With just 6 tickets left from 75, I found him!!! In my sleep deprived madness I took some pics on the island, moved him in, marvelled at this adorableness and promptly clocked out for 9 hours 😂

Also a smaller second part to that, I woke up, and started TTing so I could go dreamy hunting on the islands, and lo and behold no one other than JUDY appears in my campsite!!! Just seeing those two on my island so quickly one after another... mind boggling @.@