Pokémon Share Your Shiny Pokémon Stories and Screenshots


my first shiny hatch, wasn't trying for a shiny so the stats are awful lmao. going to hyper train and nature mint it because shiny excadrill is sick

This is the latest one I got yesterday from a shiny raid someone hosted. I want more shinies but I only have 3 free slots open so in the meantime I'm just waiting for pokemon home to drop next month.
Was wrapping up the EV training of my team in Sword earlier in preparation for the final gym and the rest of the story thereafter, annihilating wild Linoone for Speed EVs. I know of the grinding method of shiny hunting this generation and was sorta kinda hoping to maybe come across a shiny one because the Galarian Zigzagoon line's shiny coloration is pretty nice, though I wasn't really serious about it because I didn't bother to grab a Synchronizer out of my PC for the Nature. Anyway, while trying to encounter another Linoone, I accidentally ran into a Minccino. The Minccino turned out to be shiny. I had my Pok?dex-filling aide Quagsire use Yawn and put it to sleep, caught it, and nicknamed it Pank.

Been fairly distracted by other stuff, both other video games and stuff in real life, for the past number of months so I don't remember if I have/had any shiny hunts going on. Thinking I possibly had a Masuda Method hunt going for Honedge. Probably ought to get back to that.
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Just lost a shiny HA teapot ghost.

Was wrapping up the EV training of my team in Sword earlier in preparation for the final gym and the rest of the story thereafter, annihilating wild Linoone for Speed EVs. I know of the grinding method of shiny hunting this generation and was sorta kinda hoping to maybe come across a shiny one because the Galarian Zigzagoon line's shiny coloration is pretty nice, though I wasn't really serious about it because I didn't bother to grab a Synchronizer out of my PC for the Nature. Anyway, while trying to encounter another Linoone, I accidentally ran into a Minccino. The Minccino turned out to be shiny. I had my Pok?dex-filling aide Quagsire use Yawn and put it to sleep, caught it, and nicknamed it Pank.

Been fairly distracted by other stuff, both other video games and stuff in real life, for the past number of months so I don't remember if I have/had any shiny hunts going on. Thinking I possibly had a Masuda Method hunt going for Honedge. Probably ought to get back to that.
They lifted the cap for vitamins so you can ev train with proteins and such.

My two newest

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Idk why it posted like that lol.


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My new additions from today. Dhelmise is gotta be my favorite from the three. Always loved the shiny colors on Excadrill though.
So I've been shiny hunting rotom for quite a long time and have found no luck so far. Eventually I became too lazy to even clear out my boxes so I decided to do some max raids.
Meet floof boy, cheese dip and area 51.
They're all so pretty I-
I've caught a dozen shinies over the past few days. I won't be posting all of them, but here are some notable favourites of mine, plus a hatchling.

4IV regular shiny GMAX Grimmsnarl without HA.


4IV regular shiny GMAX Machamp without HA.


4IV regular shiny Mimikyu.


I shall call her squishy, and she shall be mine, and she shall be my squishy.


3IV regular shiny GMAX Milcery without HA.


5IV regular shiny Hawlucha without HA.

Later, I bred this Hawlucha with a foreign Ditto for a member and here's the result of the first egg.



Like mother, like son.
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I finally got a shiny Liloone. Been wanting a shiny from the Zigzagoon line for the longest time. Going to have to think if I'm going to evolve it into Obstagoon or not. Regardless I'm very happy with it.

Yessss so happy ;v; Got lucky and joined a random online raid for this. I like Slurpuff's shiny so I really didn't want it to get away but I also didn't wanna use the Master Ball I just won from the ID loto a couple days ago, ended up taking a chance on a Level ball and got itttt <3

Also got a shiny Tsareena in the wild a few days back, came within a hair's breadth of knocking it out because I didn't realize they had Hi Jump Kick. It must have been at like 1 HP when I caught it, lol. It was so close.
I can't believe how long this took. Longest hunt of this gen by far


welcome 2 the fam ur my least favorite pok?mon now
Transfered my Shiny alolan raichu to pokemon Sword!
She is cute i cant lie.
She surfs around when at pkmn camp. So cute!

Caught a gmax shiny toxtricty with a master ball. Im so happy it was low key form
Missed out on a gmax shiny hatterene but someone gifted me one before.
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Awesome! I have 2 shiny Gyardos', a shiny Magnemite and a shiny Koffing :blush:
unexpected random drakloak raid from someone online and would you look at that

using pokemon home, i saw it had 4 IV
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i dont even have the shiny charm... managed to catch it in a dream ball :b
i also managed to breed a shiny impidimp + cottonee but ive forgotten if ive already posted them
I use to never shiny hunt because I found it too long and/or confusing (@the dexnav lol) but I managed to complete my pokedex in pokemon lets go eevee and got the shiny charm and OMG its amazing. I used the chaining method where you have to chain at least 32 of the same pokemon in a row, and I now have a shiny Rapidash, Cloyster, and Charizard. Only took a couple hours each. It's insanely easy.

In pokemon shield, I joined a random online raid one day and caught a shiny lanturn, and also got a shiny torkoal randomly after breeding for IVs (I just started too and was only on my 5th egg or something crazy like that).