They lifted the cap for vitamins so you can ev train with proteins and such.Was wrapping up the EV training of my team in Sword earlier in preparation for the final gym and the rest of the story thereafter, annihilating wild Linoone for Speed EVs. I know of the grinding method of shiny hunting this generation and was sorta kinda hoping to maybe come across a shiny one because the Galarian Zigzagoon line's shiny coloration is pretty nice, though I wasn't really serious about it because I didn't bother to grab a Synchronizer out of my PC for the Nature. Anyway, while trying to encounter another Linoone, I accidentally ran into a Minccino. The Minccino turned out to be shiny. I had my Pok?dex-filling aide Quagsire use Yawn and put it to sleep, caught it, and nicknamed it Pank.
Been fairly distracted by other stuff, both other video games and stuff in real life, for the past number of months so I don't remember if I have/had any shiny hunts going on. Thinking I possibly had a Masuda Method hunt going for Honedge. Probably ought to get back to that.
I shall her squishy, and she shall be mine, and she shall be my squishy.