Sold my Nintendo and ACNH game!?


Junior Member
Jan 19, 2021
Okay so months ago I sold my Nintendo switch lite and animal crossing game, basically I want it back and I ordered a new Nintendo Switch is it possible to get my island back that I had on my prior Nintendo?
When did you sell your Switch? The saving feature wasn't in the game when it was released, so it would depend on when you last had it. Hope you can get it back!
When did you sell your Switch? The saving feature wasn't in the game when it was released, so it would depend on when you last had it. Hope you can get it back!

It's tough times. I think cloud saves came out back in July. The Data Transfer app which is something else is what came out in November.
It's tough times. I think cloud saves came out back in July. The Data Transfer app which is something else is what came out in November.

You're right, I just looked it up and it was around July. However, I think there was also something about Nintendo restoring your island e.g. in case your Switch broke. So maybe that might work as well. Though I'm not sure if they still do this or in which cases they actually restore it.

Edit: I think you had to be a member of the online service so that they actually stored your saved data.
From the way it sounds, not likely. Game saves on Switch aren't like those on Xbox or PS. The data isn't automatically saved to your account via the cloud. You can back it up manually. But, like others have said...that isn't sounding likely.
You're right, I just looked it up and it was around July. However, I think there was also something about Nintendo restoring your island e.g. in case your Switch broke. So maybe that might work as well. Though I'm not sure if they still do this or in which cases they actually restore it.

You just have to explain to Nintendo that you lost your old Switch and have bought a new one. They will give you your save back
You just have to explain to Nintendo that you lost your old Switch and have bought a new one. They will give you your save back
I think telling the truth would be best in this case, it still means you have no access to the old Switch. If I'm not mistaken, they might brick the old Switch otherwise.
I think telling the truth would be best in this case, it still means you have no access to the old Switch. If I'm not mistaken, they might brick the old Switch otherwise.

Agreed. However, they can only give you the save state back if you had the online membership at the time. Otherwise, Nintendo never store the island.
I wouldn't count on it. My friend bought a second switch and had saved her game but when she tried to transfer it lost all her game data. She was online and on the phone with nintendo for hours and she had to start from scratch. So even if you do it right it is no guarantee you can get it back. It would be great if you did get it back, but maybe just start planning to start over so you aren't as disappointed if you can't get it back.
Personally, I would use this opportunity to start fresh. You could try what other people said above, but I would just have a brand new fresh start. New switch, new island, new opportunities, right? :)
There was an island back up in cloud data or whatever late last year. From the sound of it, you sold your system before that time came. I've also heard of people being able to get their game data back by contacting Nintendo about a lost, stolen, or broken Switch, but all I ever heard of it is rumors. I've never heard or seen actual proof that this works by anyone. It's always been a 'he/she said I've heard about it, ect'

You can try, but no one can really point you in the right direction how to proceed because no one knows if it works or how to go about it. You're probably better off starting off fresh. There are enough people on this site that could help you get set up if you are dreading the first stages of the game.