Sonic the Hedgehog live-action movie

every new thing I see about this makes me want to see it even more

it looks like a riot

and I mean it's not like sonic even has a stellar reputation to begin with. in games or otherwise
huh, the actual head isn't actually that terrible. the legs are seriously bothering me though. i can probably only stand it because i can't see his nasty gremlin hands.
also, is that a policeman? "fast friends"? isn't he supposed to be a "rebel" in the movie? is he gonna stop his ways and join the police? if that's the case nobody will ever commit crimes ever again. imagine murdering someone and sonic the hedgehog and a white dad burst into your room with guns. imagine being arrested and handcuffed by sonic the hedgehog. humiliating, right? boom, crime rates drop to 0%
Just gonna....leave these here

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Is there any official trailer out for this movie yet? In curious to hear his voice. Hopefully they didn't butcher it too badly.
Tag urself I’m chill and likable

Oof, irrelevant and sarcastic sounds 'bout right.

On tumblr today I saw for the first time what Sonic looks like and ew. He really does look like a person in a Sonic suit. I thought the one game with Sonic turning into a beast was weird looking, this is just bad.

Also is it just me or do alot of the live-action Pok?mon look creppy? I thought Jigglypuff was a legit monster when I first saw it, the eyes are so dark. Not to mention the mime Pok?mon either.
He really does look like a person in a Sonic suit.

real nice of them to make a fursuit design for the next furry convention

Also is it just me or do alot of the live-action Pok?mon look creppy? I thought Jigglypuff was a legit monster when I first saw it, the eyes are so dark. Not to mention the mime Pok?mon either.

I mean, they *are* pocket monsters, and it *is* dangerous to go out into tall grass without a pokemon of your own

now we know why
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real nice of them to make a fursuit design for the next furry convention

I mean, they *are* pocket monsters, and it *is* dangerous to go out into tall grass without a pokemon of your own

now we know why

I don't even know what to say to that. Maybe,

Tbh, they could have ****ed it up much worse. What did you expect, an exact remake for a Hollywood remake? When has Hollywood ever followed the source material? Plz.
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Tbh, they could have ****ed it up much worse. What did you expect, an exact remake for a Hollywood remake? When has Hollywood ever followed the source material? Plz.

I mean, in their defense, Sonic's source material is a completely inconsistent hot ****ing mess to begin with, so...