Sparkles in the Sky [Closed]

So I was a little stumped trying to figure out an idea for a firework and then I tried to just think of what's sleepover-y and dreamy, so I was like night sky, sheep jumping over fences, etc. Common stuff but I liked the idea of drawing a sheep jumping through the stars! (+a little sleepy nightcap!) From there I then decided I could make it more animal crossing themed so I made the stars look more like star frags and made the sheep resemble a character we all know and love,, miss Vesta! I started with a little pixel sketch in a drawing program then tried my best to translate it into ac, a lot of the details weren't able to stay lol but I think the overall design is relatively the same !



Alright here's mine, figured I'd show it here too because why not?


for my entry i thought why not trydrawing dizzy bone, and here’s the result!

this was the best picture i got out of it, i was hoping i could get one that shows it clearer, but this was the closest it was gonna get. i wanted to get one right at the start so it’s super clear but im too slow!!

it looked pretty up in the sky though!


well i made this and now it’s 6:40 am so i should go to sleep but... ill just roam the forums a little while longer.. bye!

I know it isn't as nice as some of the other designs, but this is my girlfriend's in game face. She's my star so it was nice to see her in the beautiful night sky where she belongs. *End cheesy submission here*


*megalovania starts playing*

man it really WAS a bad time trying to get a good picture of it lmao
And here’s an extra picture just for laughs of Lucky wearing Sans’ jacket 👁👁