Oh, my goodness, that's SO cute! I love it! <3 What makes it really stand out as being so good is the detail you included with the bow tie and the ruffled shirts he wore so often. Even the properly protruding ruffles at the wrists are there!
I think you've made the absolute best Pertwee jacket EVER. Seriously. Thank you so much! I'm scanning this right now.
ETA - and you did the hair for your model! That's absolutely perfect!![]()
Such amazing. Much beautiful.
Any chance you might do a Stitches cosplay design?
(dress w/ his colors)
10th doctor trenchcoat, please?
EDIT: Also saw a female Stitches cosplay, so could you make a male one too?
Hehe, no problem. there is 8 display slots in Able Sisters, I'm looking for them to be filled with these 'Sailor Scout Uniforms' to finish my town to look like the anime. Aka, having my villagers wearing themthing is I have no patience and art-skills to make them. xD
I'll list the scouts, for waht the outfits to be named.. and put the pictures down for you. I've found many samples of QR codes, but of course you cannot display them. .-. So for each one I'll include a QR code too.
Sailor Mercury
Front: http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/022/5/1/sailor_mercury_6_by_brokensilhouette77-d37scjn.jpg
Back: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/336/f/3/s_h_figuarts_sailor_mercury__back_view__by_chibivampyre18-d6wijpw.jpg
QR Code:http://31.media.tumblr.com/38cbffde1fd62636c41b8b9507fde883/tumblr_mre0i0W29B1r3ew3ko3_1280.jpg
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus
QR Code:http://31.media.tumblr.com/b7cdb998b23d112e0d9a40609dba50a3/tumblr_mnkxyvsO7Z1stvan7o1_500.jpg
Sailor Pluto
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Saturn
And feel free to completely take your time. >//< But I would be willing to pay for this.. as it is a huge task.