Splatoon Splatoon General Discussion (HYPE THREAD)

Highest I've gotten with the win bonus is 1.4K+. Would be interesting to see how I'd do with a full set of gear, but I can't even reroll yet ;o;
Was it me? :p

You can abuse Sprinklers so well here.
You're a legend.
Was it me? :p
You can abuse Sprinklers so well here.

Wow, over 1800 points! I love using Sprinklers as well but the highest I get is about 1300 lol Also, it's always a mystery to me how people can ink so much with a brush. I've tried using brushes a few times but what I find a little annoying about them is how you have to hit ZR the whole time. Why can't you keep holding the button like with shooters? Also, they are kinda short-ranged what I don't like either haha :D
Yay a new Skalop hat! ...with Special Duration Up.

I need a bathtub for my tears.

I feel this on a spiritual level.

On the subject of high scores.
My friend nearly made it to 1.9K in Arowana mall back when the game first came out, but I splatted him three times. We both think he could have made it 2K and that I ruined it, but that's what he gets for being a traitor. 8(
I think the museum is my new favourite spot for splat zones. I somehow walked away from one match with 22 kills and 2 deaths. I haven't gotten a score that good since I first used a charger on wall eye warehouse. XD

I also finally got back up to B+! Now I resume my goal of getting to A- because I'm never getting to S ranks. XDDD
The servers were struggling when the map first came out, so I couldn't play ranked all that much and ended up going to singleplayer to complete some amiibo challenges, but ranked on that map seems fun! I need to see what Rainmaker and Tower control look like there. Seems like a pretty chaotic place.
Squidboards I can't even.
"Nintendo should change the sub and special of the Inkbrush to the Disruptor and Killer Wail."

"Squid Beacons can only act as a shield since Super Jumping is terrible. Sprinklers are the same but at least they spread ink."

"Inkbrush should refill ink slower because I tried it when it first came out and I never ran out of ink with it. But I never used it since."

"Nobody cares about Turf Wars."

"Killer Wail on a brush would be OP."

"I've gotten 23,000 points with the Luna Blaster in Turf Wars. Also got 23 kills that match."
I really want someone to play with omg.

I get so bored. lies lies lies

Anyone want to play later this afternoon?
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I really want someone to play with omg.

I get so bored. lies lies lies

Anyone want to play later this afternoon?

I'm not sure what timezone you're in but sure lmao, I'm free for around the next 3 hours
I haven't really been online with tbters in awhile (apart from a few that I regularly talk to but they don't count haha)
Squidboards I can't even.
"Nintendo should change the sub and special of the Inkbrush to the Disruptor and Killer Wail."

"Squid Beacons can only act as a shield since Super Jumping is terrible. Sprinklers are the same but at least they spread ink."

"Inkbrush should refill ink slower because I tried it when it first came out and I never ran out of ink with it. But I never used it since."

"Nobody cares about Turf Wars."

"Killer Wail on a brush would be OP."

"I've gotten 23,000 points with the Luna Blaster in Turf Wars. Also got 23 kills that match."




Having just got into the game myself recently, I thought it might be a great idea to put together a little beginner's guide for the game here on the forum to help[ new players out. When I first started, this was the first place I looked for new player info, and there was little to none to be found! I already have a nice chunk of it typed up, just need to actually make the thread and paste it over.

Anyone else on board with this idea?
Squidboards I can't even.
"Nintendo should change the sub and special of the Inkbrush to the Disruptor and Killer Wail."

"Squid Beacons can only act as a shield since Super Jumping is terrible. Sprinklers are the same but at least they spread ink."

"Inkbrush should refill ink slower because I tried it when it first came out and I never ran out of ink with it. But I never used it since."

"Nobody cares about Turf Wars."

"Killer Wail on a brush would be OP."

"I've gotten 23,000 points with the Luna Blaster in Turf Wars. Also got 23 kills that match."

I was planning to be a member of squidboards...nevermind
I was planning to be a member of squidboards...nevermind

They're not all like that, haha.

Besides, anyone who's anyone knows that well-placed Beacons are utter hell to deal with, especially if you're on the team that thinks they're useless, they ignore them, and then get their butts handed to them.

On another note: Finally hit level 20 on the new file! I can reroll things and suffer now. Oh yes...

I'm not sure what timezone you're in but sure lmao, I'm free for around the next 3 hours
I haven't really been online with tbters in awhile (apart from a few that I regularly talk to but they don't count haha)

I'd play with you, then I realized you were Antlers, and I already have been playing with you, so now I can't play with you because of existing playing. :mad:
I'm trying to get 2,000 points with the Inkbrush on the new map because I've gotten SO CLOSE (1,958 was my highest) but people keep ruining it. Why is everyone so aggro? I'm just an innocent teenage squid girl with a paintbrush and these squitches just keep murdering me like what am I even going to do to you, get your not at all Gucci clothes dirty even though ink is washable? I should ink those clothes because camo is never in style, learn to be fashionaaaabluh like me. Also people who disconnect or just do nothing on either team. If someone on my team sees me and goes "ew an Inkbrush I don't want to be on a team with one" and disconnects, there goes my 300 point win bonus. If someone who knows what an Inkbrush can do on the enemy team sees me and is frozen in terror, (someone actually did that no lie. They were level 50 and just stood there staring at me and occasionally inked around him) then there isn't enough turf to ink.
Play normally. Don't be a cray squitch. Please.