Splatoon Splatoon General Discussion (HYPE THREAD)

I just got nearly 1800 points on the museum map with the N-Zap '89. :D Never got so many points before!
I'm close to lose a-...
Trying to use rollers more. I used them a lot when I first started the game and I want to try using them again.
I just had a pretty good match with the Carbon Deco.
But I think I'll switch to .52 Gal Deco because the museum is up. I'm really good with it on the museum.

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It has the range of an E-Liter, fires as rapid as an Areospray, and kills as fast as a Gal.
It's a freaking killing machine monster of a weapon that makes even the masters of sniping cower in fear. I hate it. I hate it down to the bottom of its humongous ink tank that likely breaks the backs of the Inklings who use it.
But they don't care. They will break their back to see their foes dead. They will cause themselves pain to see others cower before that monster. I now understand why hackers used the Hydra Splatling over the other unreleased weapons.
If there's one weapon that deserves to be banned, it's that demon of a thing you call a Splatling.

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Haven't seen levels this low in a long time! But yeah, I definetly dominated. :p
why do rollers look so threatening in Splatoon
I could go out in public and madly shake a paint roller while jumping but nobody would take me seriously
Guess who made a new NNID!


I just really wanted to unlock everything again but I didn't want to start all over.
He lost his first battle, but he didn't do bad at all, did he?
I think I'm going to have him use chargers, and stick to shooters on my main. Or maybe the other way around. I dunno.
His name isn't gonna be Marshal forever. It was just the first thing I thought of.
Making new files and then suddenly forgetting one can't add slots/reroll yet is a big ouchie! Also affording things.

Also all the messages from the weapon shop that are like >You're fresh enough to use the [insert list of 10 weapons like every time here].

I miss my sea snails, but I'm determined to have the same username/ID in as many places as possible.
Making new files and then suddenly forgetting one can't add slots/reroll yet is a big ouchie! Also affording things.

Also all the messages from the weapon shop that are like >You're fresh enough to use the [insert list of 10 weapons like every time here].

I miss my sea snails, but I'm determined to have the same username/ID in as many places as possible.

Yep. Also unlocking weapons and leveling up, why can't I just use an E-Liter alreadyyyyyyyyy???
I hope they announce the next Splatfest soon so I can get some snails.
When I first got to level 4 I had around 4k and I spent it all on clothes and completely forgot about weapons. D:
I'm level 5 now. I'm usually the lowest level in my group but I'm getting pretty impressive scores for a low level, which might surprise other people. They don't know I have another file where I'm almost level 40.
Marshal's currently using the splat charger, and although I've never been a fan of them, the splat bombs are a huge help in splatting people and covering turf! But I often forget to use my special and then I get splatted in situations where if I had just used my special I would've been able to avoid dying.
The Splat Charger has a lot more range than I thought it would! It's pretty fun and easy to use. I still like my 3k better though.
At level 5 you apparently unlock the slosher, yay! One of my favorite weapons. But it's not an E-Liter.
Yep. Also unlocking weapons and leveling up, why can't I just use an E-Liter alreadyyyyyyyyy???
I hope they announce the next Splatfest soon so I can get some snails.
When I first got to level 4 I had around 4k and I spent it all on clothes and completely forgot about weapons. D:
I'm level 5 now. I'm usually the lowest level in my group but I'm getting pretty impressive scores for a low level, which might surprise other people. They don't know I have another file where I'm almost level 40.
Marshal's currently using the splat charger, and although I've never been a fan of them, the splat bombs are a huge help in splatting people and covering turf! But I often forget to use my special and then I get splatted in situations where if I had just used my special I would've been able to avoid dying.
The Splat Charger has a lot more range than I thought it would! It's pretty fun and easy to use. I still like my 3k better though.
At level 5 you apparently unlock the slosher, yay! One of my favorite weapons. But it's not an E-Liter.

That feel when you can't even use a bamboozler rip </3
I need a splatfest to come,i already wasted spend my snails D:
I'm Level 40 now nwn! Thanks god
imo people who use hydra splatling are really easy to splat (i use e-liter no scope and octobrush)

like easier than other weapon users

might b because its new or its slow idrk
Heavy Splatling > Hydra Splatling

The Hydra Splatling's range is only a bit longer, it still takes four hits to splat, and it has a super long charge time.
I just looked up it's stats and you're losing 41 over all stat points in exchange for 9 extra distance points. Why are we supposed to like it again?
Yay I finally got to level 50! :D

(I'm on my iPad right now and it won't let me edit my card in signature xP)
So let's talk about the Hydra.

It has, at most, 1 more line of range than the Heavy. Splatterscope outranges it for an actual kill, idk for inking range. Longer duration for the fire is okay I guess but most players would gtfo if you miss that many shots.

So there's no, I mean absolutely no reason to use Hydra over heavy unless you're like me and have an Echo fetish, but Point Sensors on Heavy Deco are a good substitute.

Heavy Splatling is like Dynamo, a defensive weapon that can be extremely aggressive, and that's why it's cool. It's an extremely good gun with constant pressure and can seize opportunities. Close range.. you can win those fights if you do it correctly and time your charge/land the shots, because it has mobility (and more if you stack run speed, obviously).

Hydra is definitely a bottom tier weapon, because it just gets severely outclassed by the Heavy Splatling. And in general, it's an E Liter with less range and a worse time to kill, same bad ink usage and the kit is worse than vanilla E Liter (Custom Hydra's kit is a joke because you can't do anything with it when you Bubble...).

If it could actually kill at E Liter range and it was a 3 shot kill, it'd be decent.
The thing the Hydra has over the Heavy Splatlings is that its sub and special combo is much better imo.
Splash Walls & Inkstrikes are my favorite so I can't complain about the original Heavy Splatling.
Splash Walls & Inkstrikes are my favorite so I can't complain about the original Heavy Splatling.

Yes, this is why I like Heavy better. Unfortunately that's the only Splash Wall weapon I ever use so sometimes I throw it down in the dumbest situation thinking I'll get a Burst Bomb (E-Liter 3k) or Seeker (.52 Gal Deco).
Most frustrating battle on Rainmaker. It was just me and this other person on my team against 4 peeps. We still won but it was heart stopping. God some peeps dont get what Rainmaker is still.