Splatoon Splatoon General Discussion (HYPE THREAD)

Europe has had 2 delays by now as well it seems. There should be one this weekend but it doesn't seem to happen?

Actually, I'm happy when there's no Splatfest because when there's a Splatfest, I won't be able to play with all my cool American buddies for a whole day! ;_; *first world problems*
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Thinking about the Burger vs. Pizza Splatfest makes me hungry lol. I love both but Pizza gets the edge. Go team Pizza! ^_^

For the people that only look at this thread and not the subforum in general. This is for the next NA Splatfest on 12/4.
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Well, since you didn't make a pun on how terrible it is like you did with the Areospray, I'm assuming you don't hate the Gals as much.

Why do you hate them anyway?
Why does everyone call the OP weapons trash? :lemon:

Clearly the only thing that isn't trash is the Rapid Blaster Deco.