Splatoon Splatoon General Discussion (HYPE THREAD)

I just had the best squid party ever! Some members of my team and some of the other suddenly started dancing and nobody would kill anybody.

*still has yet to be in a single squid party* Everyone I run into is so serious... Even if I have my inkling look like Tanrine...

Also, I've noticed this for a while (Like, since the game came out) and was wondering if anyone else had the same thing, but I never have miiverse posts show up at all in game. Like, when you select someone to view their gear and their post is below that or hovering over their heads as you walk by.

Even on splatfest, none of the miiverse posts are set as graffiti and stuff. Is there a setting I need to change or something?
Also, I've noticed this for a while (Like, since the game came out) and was wondering if anyone else had the same thing, but I never have miiverse posts show up at all in game. Like, when you select someone to view their gear and their post is below that or hovering over their heads as you walk by.

Even on splatfest, none of the miiverse posts are set as graffiti and stuff. Is there a setting I need to change or something?

Yeah, under options, there's a button on the bottom for "Miiverse Display." You probably have it set to hide.
praise be unto spyke

Took me more than half my snails to get ink saver mains on my retro specs lol

I was so thrilled because it was the first time I had ever gotten three perfect subs from a reroll
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*still has yet to be in a single squid party* Everyone I run into is so serious... Even if I have my inkling look like Tanrine...

I don't run into squid parties that often either. That's why I get super happy when I happen to run into one xD

If you see that I'm online in a regular battle, feel free to join me and well... We could start something haha xD
I can't stand squid parties with strangers. I always have to be the one to kill someone. I just don't find them very fun.
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how many rerolls did all those take?

Umm the Hat and clothes I got from spending about 1.5min coins (I would've occasionally rerolled them in the past but not in a big chunk like this) and the boots I got the other day from 11 super sea snails, but they have been occasionally rerolled in the past a lot too. So probably like 70-100 overall or like just over 60 if you only count the big reroll sessions i did this and last week.

Unconfirmed things you see floating around tumblr that you pray are real sometimes...

I'd like for this to be real, but I'm not sure. I've been hoping for a bow-like weapon, but the leggings are kinda making me wonder if this is fake. Has there been any other clothing that changes your legs from the default shorts?

Also, the prospect of a whole map being locked behind an amiibo... I don't see how that would work. Maybe it would only be accessible in private matches?

I dunno, I hope it's real just for that bow, but it seems kinda fishy to me
The leggings are part of the reason I'm skeptical. plus, it is the art and not an actual in-game model. However, considering the way the inkling's legs/feet are modeled, it wouldn't be too tough to change the coloration of the legs and still have the shorts over them or something, sort of like how the school uniform ends up covering the shorts when girls wear it.
So part of me still hopes.
I don't really see how a bow-type weapon would work in the game though. Maybe it would leave a trail of ink like a charger? Not exactly good for turf.
We won't know til it's revealed (if it's real), but they managed to make a bucket work, and not everyone picks turf-spreading weapons for turf wars.
I could see it working as a charger-subtype, leaving a trail of ink behind it's tail (or whatever the back end is called) and leaving a burst of ink ala blasters and burst bombs wherever the bulb at the front hits.
I always wanted to play splatoon
but how my system is set up I'm always a year back with playing a game everyone is so hype about