While the dlc is far from perfect I’ve been having fun with it. Currently have cleared the tower with all weapons aside from the final one. After that I plan on collecting all the chips and getting enough points for all the rewards you can purchase.
CAN I JUST SAY THAT SIDE ORDER ATE?? Like I loved it so much, I have been so out of the public video-game news loop and it surpassed my expectations. I lowkey love it more than Octo Expansion because of the re-playability. I 1000% Side Order the second day it was out haha. I love the Octoshot and I was so happy to finally have it back.
I just got the okay from my mom and I can get Splatoon 3!Is there anything I should know since I never played Splatoon before except for a little bit of one at a friend’s house?
Also, how has your experiences with other players been? I’ve been hesitant to trying this or other multiplayer games because of toxicity (like Overwatch or pvp in WoW).
What in particular do you all like about the game?
Sorry for the silly questions. I’ve seen plenty of art about the game but don’t know much about it or the characters.
I did hear that Salmon Run is fun though.
Honestly don’t worry too much and just have fun. While jumping in to the online modes is exciting, playing the single player campaign can help teach you how to play so I’d try to play it along side playing online. The single player does have some lore and stuff too.
Also be sure to experiment with the different modes to find out what you like. I personally love Salmon Run and Turf War but Anarchy battles are a bit too competitive for my tastes. It’s worth giving all modes a shot though.
I personally haven’t really noticed many toxic players, but like with any game I’m sure there are some but for the most part it’s just a fun time.
Finally one last tip I’d say is don’t be afraid to take breaks from the game from time to time if you just aren’t feeling it. I play pretty regularly but even I’ve taken a week or so break when needed. You feel so much better when you return trust me.![]()
Something I warn new players to 3 is that the skill level is higher, so be prepared to lose a lot of matches in the beginning. But this is just a natural result of being a later installment of a franchise, so the veteran players have already familiarized themselves with the game mechanics, even at the casual level. Also certain weapons are locked until you level up.I just got the okay from my mom and I can get Splatoon 3!Is there anything I should know since I never played Splatoon before except for a little bit of one at a friend’s house?
Also, how has your experiences with other players been? I’ve been hesitant to trying this or other multiplayer games because of toxicity (like Overwatch or pvp in WoW).
What in particular do you all like about the game?
Sorry for the silly questions. I’ve seen plenty of art about the game but don’t know much about it or the characters.
I did hear that Salmon Run is fun though.
Something I warn new players to 3 is that the skill level is higher, so be prepared to lose a lot of matches in the beginning. But this is just a natural result of being a later installment of a franchise, so the veteran players have already familiarized themselves with the game mechanics, even at the casual level. Also certain weapons are locked until you level up.
Toxicity is not really much of an issue. Yeah, there's always negative people on the internet, but there's no in-game way to hurl insults at specific players. It's one of the many reasons Splatoon's player base is quite diverse.
What do I like? Dang near everything! The world building is incredibly unique, the characters are super cute and well designed, the clothes options are so cool, the music is full of bangers, the weapons are so fun to play and the plaza posts are either hilarious or amazing art pieces.
Splatoon has a great emphasis on customization and I think 3 makes it even easier. There are so many combinations of gear abilities that you can try with your weapons to see what works best for your play style. And since abilities are tied to your clothes, you can make it so that you look fabulous while splatting.
I second what Holla said: try all modes to see what you like, single player is good for familiarizing yourself with the different weapons, Salmon Run is super fun since it's the PvE mode and above all, have fun!
welcome to the splatoon community! <3I just got the okay from my mom and I can get Splatoon 3!Is there anything I should know since I never played Splatoon before except for a little bit of one at a friend’s house?
Also, how has your experiences with other players been? I’ve been hesitant to trying this or other multiplayer games because of toxicity (like Overwatch or pvp in WoW).
What in particular do you all like about the game?
Sorry for the silly questions. I’ve seen plenty of art about the game but don’t know much about it or the characters.
I did hear that Salmon Run is fun though.
Hi all! I was wondering for equipment traits, what are usually the best to have? is it better to have different ones on each piece of clothing or have the cloth have all the same like 4x swim speed boost? I haven’t gotten an outfit yet that I like, so I’m saving my sea snails until then, but I’m still interested to know what is the best trait to have to help in matches and if i should have different ones or try to have as much of a certain trait as possible.
Thanks so much!Some of them depend on which weapon you're using! Which weap have you been using the most?
For generally useful abilities, there are some that the splatoon community calls "utility subs". Generally you can't go wrong with a piece of gear that has 1 sub-ability of each of the following:
Quick Super Jump: (i usually use more just because I like the speed) when jumping to home base from the middle of the map, you'll be on the ground preparing for a second (still vulnerable to attacks) before you actually lift off. Quick Super Jump abilities not only make the jump itself faster, but you'll be vulnerable on the ground for a shorter time! Even just one sub-ability of Quick Super Jump cuts down this time time noticeably! If things get scary and you need to jump home, this ability can help you survive
Ink Resistance Up: Normally you start slowly taking damage as soon as you even stub your toe on the enemy ink. Even that small bit of damage can be bad if you're already being shot at! If you stack Ink Resistance Up abilities, you can move slightly faster when stuck in enemy ink. BUT, I actually didn't know this until recently, Ink Resistance Up ALSO gives you some time before you start taking damage in enemy ink! With one sub ability, you can hit minor bumps in the road with little specks of enemy ink, without taking damage!
Sub resistance up: This ability lowers the amount of non-lethal damage taken from bombs and other subweapons. (So being right next to a bomb will still kill you of course, but if you're in its outer radius it won't deal as much splash damage) ...I'm going to keep it 100, I usually don't use this one so I can't speak to its effectiveness but I assume 1 sub reduces splash damage pretty well since everyone recommends it hahaha
Hmm I'm not familiar with bloblobber enough to recommend anything, but on all of the others it might be good to have Swim Speed Up, to help move around and spread more ink. Quick Respawn might also be good, it speeds up your respawn time if you die without killing anyone. Which, with a short-range weapon like Aerospray/Brush or an aggressive weapon like Splatana Wiper, will usually happen at least once in a match.Thanks so much!That is super helpful!
I’ve been using inkbrush nouveau, aerospray mc the most. Almost am starting to use splatana wiper, aerospray RC, and bloblobbet deco too.
I use my snails for gear that I can’t upgrade in the shops, such as amiibo gear, Wandercrust gear or special event gear. The amount of snails you need rises the more you upgrade, so I want to use them sparingly.I was wondering: when do you all use your sea snails? do you wait until you have a full set of clothes you like or do you use them right away regardless?