Well this thread got weird... necessities don't mean you are spoiled though... things above them do though, generally things above them quite a bit. Having just the necessities provided just means well you aren't worse off or anything, you're just not spoiled either. After all if you aren't getting the necessities I consider that kinda neglected.
Also air, shelter, water, and food are indeed necessities to continue living... in that order really. If you know of the rule of threes, 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. Shelter is a surprising one but think about it, you could freeze without it, you could sunburn and overheat without it, you could be eaten without it.
Now certainly someone who has these things is not considered spoiled, even if they were free/given, after all what about those kids in third world countries? Many are still afforded the luxury of being provided with this by their parents. Are they expected to help out eventually? Yes, but I am sure most people here have had to do chores at one time or another.
Spoiled is above and beyond the necessities, I normally consider it to include people who have confused a nonessential as essential. For me internet, I can't live without it
Actually you could be rich and still not considered spoiled, I'd say it depends on how selfless you are at important times.