Exciting news! I've just received word from Celeste that the Lost Fragment 002.AN collectible has now been unlocked, thanks to the hard and dedicated work of Carnival participants inside the Magic Sideshow Tent over the past week and a half!
You can now purchase it in the Shop for 13 Carnival Coins. Following the previous team star fragments, Lost Fragment 002.AN will be unique and un-giftable until after this event has ended.
Congrats everybody! Great job being an active bunch and taking advantage of the dust boost! I'm glad you were able to save the AN fragment from being thrown into the incinerator!
Don't worry, we'll make sure the next dust gathering event is much, much more difficult to hit all the milestones for.
I'm wondering if the secondary color is always purple, or if they're choosing it based off of the highest or second highest voted team color. (like AN's wanted to be purple, but weren't able to)
If the former, oooo, I'm all the more committed to snagging a Moonbunny fragment.
It's beautiful but I only intend on keeping the Galaxolotl fragment to commemorate my team during Space Camp. Purple and mint look so good together though???