Stuff you've never accomplished in a game?


Jan 14, 2015
I'll start. I've actually never caught a coelacanth or completed a fish/bug dictionary

I’ve also never gotten the legendary weapons or every aeon in FFX
I've yet to complete a furniture catalog in any AC game, although it is difficult because every time I start to get close I either lose interest in the game or a new one is released. Maybe someday I'll get around to finishing the catalog in AC:GCN.
I've never completed the encyclopedia!! In my current game I still need the Saddled Bichir to complete the fish section, and a few insects for the bug section.
I've also never really completed the catalog... Never found the time or motivation to do it.
And I won't even talk about the badges. I haven't even considered getting more than half of them.
I never completed the furniture catalog or the encyclopedia at all. Those were these things I only completed for like 50-80% overall in every Animal Crossing game I've ever played so far. While I wanted to complete things, I lost most of the time my motivation to do so.
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I've never completed the bug/fish encyclopedias. I've gotten most of the rare ones, but some of the uncommons are just slipping through my grasp.
I never completed the bug/fish encyclopedia or the catalog. Those things were very hard to do, especially the catalog, as finding new furniture and clothing was starting to become impossible at the time. Things just kept repeating over and over again. I also never got to grow a blue rose, but I did grow the rest of the hybrids. The blue rose kept evading me. :/
I’ve never finished the fish encyclopedia, and likely never will since I don’t like fishing that much.
I've never fully completed the catalog, but then again I've never put any effort towards it. I got to 80% for the gold badge and decided that was good enough.
I have not completed my Encyclopedia in Animal Crossing New Leaf, as well as filled my museum (which is a given).
I've never finished my bug or furniture catalog. I've never completed my badges. I've also never had Katrina in mainstreet XD
i've played new leaf since 5 years and i have never actually reached a lot (mainly because my old game data got corrupted) so now i'm starting new after almost being finished. well here's a long list

- i never had all badges (not even in bronze, but i'm trying)
- i never completed any collection in the museum
- i never got all the gold/silver tools
- i never completed my town so i could be 100% happy
- i never got gracie's shop in my town
- i never completed the catalog
- i never got all shops in the main street (damn it katrina)
- i never actually finished my house
- i never finished land-scaping

anna oop sksksk that's a lot
I don't think I've ever completed the furniture collection in any Animal Crossing game (I might try with New Leaf). I usually lose interest and move on to something else when I'm halfway there. I have completed the bug collection and fish collection through time traveling and using guides in previous Animal Crossing games. I'm just not really up for it in New Leaf. I'm already kind of tired of playing it, so I might give it a rest for a bit and only do minor things in it like shopping or orders.

I've never beaten a Fire Emblem game on the hardest setting. I'm just not up for all the grinding, I think it kills the joy of playing the game if you have to spend most of your time on building up your character to make it easier, defeating the purpose of setting it the diffculty to its max. I don't like games that are too easy either, so my preferred difficulty is usually normal.

I've never gotten an S rank in every level in Megaman ZX series.

I've never beaten more than a few levels in Kid Icarus uprising on its max difficulty, only because I got bored of the repetition and moved on to another game, thus I never unlocked all the weapons or built the ultimate weapon to take with me online and 1hko players with, either.